Is 'Pure' still Posting here?


Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2003
Been over at the GB for a while, areal place for discussions by authors and others...Liar and JBJ show up from time to time,but I have not noticed Pure,with whom many insults were exchanged over the years and I miss the only self admitted Socialist on the forum.

Pure, ya there? Come visit the GB, :)dip ur wick...

Real discussions? All I've seen over there lately (in addition to the usual racist crap) is that idiot Blobfish posting thread after thread.
Been over at the GB for a while, areal place for discussions by authors and others...Liar and JBJ show up from time to time,but I have not noticed Pure,with whom many insults were exchanged over the years and I miss the only self admitted Socialist on the forum.

Pure, ya there? Come visit the GB, :)dip ur wick...


Nope, Ami, since you left we don't see Pure to much and we like it that way.

So, If you wouldn't mind, why don't you wander back over to the GB. This has been more or less a political free zone for a while now.

Have a good day.
Nope, Ami, since you left we don't see Pure to much and we like it that way.

So, If you wouldn't mind, why don't you wander back over to the GB. This has been more or less a political free zone for a while now.

Have a good day.


I always have nice days as I be an optimist, an atheist and an all around good guy.

Taking your kind invitation, I shall make a point of appearing here daily again.

I also would, however, like to share a recent experience with you, in hopes the same malady arrives on your doorstep. It is called a detached retina and the treatment involves needles in the eyeballs. It leaves one mostly blind for several weeks, with very slow recovery over abouty six months.

I wish you t he joy of sharing my experience at your earliest convenience and I shall impart what knowledge life has offered on a daily basis henceforth.

One day remains in the summer Smashwords promotion; all 25 titles of mine are free downloads....I suggest,'Harvest Moon', it is available in eight languages.

Amicus the ineffable:rose::rose:
Oh, hi Ami.
I have to tell you, I've used your bizarre personality to good effect in several stories. I can always use more examples of your hypocrisy and fear. You're the kind of slimebag I could never invent.
Hey Amicus, I heard scouries is looking for people to post on his scholars thread! You're always flaunting your education, why not head over and post on up?

That would be a great meeting of the minds.
Ami, I know all about detached retinas believe me. Do you remember Rumply, Rumpleforeskin? He is finally blind after a life long fight with just that in his one good eye. He lost the other in Vietnam.

So take your wish and shove it where the sun don't shine there sweetheart. I'm sorry it happened to you but... I'll let you finish that one in your own mind.

You fit in here and always have, like the square peg in your round asshole.

For any newbies that may be reading this, Amicus fits on your ignore card right between Scouries and JBJ.
I'm really starting to wonder if I'm the only one that doesn't consider JBJ a pain in the ass?
I'm really starting to wonder if I'm the only one that doesn't consider JBJ a pain in the ass?

He's a shit stirrer of the medium class and likes to pick on people who can't defend themselves very well. Mostly he just likes to poke with a sharp stick to see the reaction.
He's a shit stirrer of the medium class and likes to pick on people who can't defend themselves very well. Mostly he just likes to poke with a sharp stick to see the reaction.

I think he doesn't bother me because he sounds like my father and my uncles. Rude, racist, kind of ignorant says fag and nigger with impunity, because freedom of speech goes both ways despite what the bleeding hearts think.

Guess I don;t mind people who don;t give a shit what people think.
1) It's real easy to enjoy non-PC speech when you are neither gay nor black nor female.

2) JBJ gives SO MANY shits about what people think about him. That's his only reason for posting here.
1) It's real easy to enjoy non-PC speech when you are neither gay nor black nor female.

2) JBJ gives SO MANY shits about what people think about him. That's his only reason for posting here.

Not completely true, I get referred to as a "breeder" all the time. But I suppose that's different.

Just like being white straight and male (supposedly the people who have it made) leaves me no crutch whatsoever and no way to cry discrimination.

In the PC world a gay can't be fired for incompetence because he'll cry it was because he was gay, what would I say?

It works both ways more than you think, you're just used to wanting it to be the other way, because as Gays are receiving more rights every day(as they should be) the right they're losing is the one to cry foul.
1) It's real easy to enjoy non-PC speech when you are neither gay nor black nor female.

Yeah, because there aren't any offensive terms that minorities and females use to refer to white straight (or bisexual for that matter) males. Being a bisexual white male apparently doesn't fit into one of Stella's precious precious oppressed classes.

I wonder why Stella doesn't address the casual use by black rappers of a certain offensive word that begins with n. Does non-PC speech suddenly become PC when used by someone not of the "privileged" (evil straight white dudes) class?

The fact is that lots of people who are not white and/or not male and/or not straight who enjoy non-PC speech.
Haha yeah.

It's JUST NOT FAAAAAIR. "Rappers get to call themselves niggers, why can't I call my neighbor a nigger?"

I know, I know.

Sucks to be white these days.
I'm really starting to wonder if I'm the only one that doesn't consider JBJ a pain in the ass?


I respect JBJ and enjoy his Posts now and then; he can be incisive and right on the money...even if he is a reformed Democrat, I give him a break now and then.

Amicus (what is a scabbies?) heh...
Ami, I know all about detached retinas believe me. Do you remember Rumply, Rumpleforeskin? He is finally blind after a life long fight with just that in his one good eye. He lost the other in Vietnam.

So take your wish and shove it where the sun don't shine there sweetheart. I'm sorry it happened to you but... I'll let you finish that one in your own mind.

You fit in here and always have, like the square peg in your round asshole.

For any newbies that may be reading this, Amicus fits on your ignore card right between Scouries and JBJ.


Yes, I remember, Rumple....very sad to hear that.

I wonder what you and the other self appointed censors really want in a forum? Are we all supposed to write only BDSM, gay or bi crap to be allowed to speak here? And since when does Literotica ignore free speech and allow those such as you to drive people away just because they do not share your views?

To the newbies here, who Post stories, disagree with this little clique of lefties and they will one bomb your stories enmasse; that is the way they work, along with personal attacks, character assassinatioin and even attacking a thread with pornographic art just to interrupt an idea.

Actually, TxRad, I fit in here quite nicely, thank you, with my own small niche that few contest.


Yes, I remember, Rumple....very sad to hear that.

I wonder what you and the other self appointed censors really want in a forum? Are we all supposed to write only BDSM, gay or bi crap to be allowed to speak here? And since when does Literotica ignore free speech and allow those such as you to drive people away just because they do not share your views?

To the newbies here, who Post stories, disagree with this little clique of lefties and they will one bomb your stories enmasse; that is the way they work, along with personal attacks, character assassinatioin and even attacking a thread with just to interrupt an idea.

Actually, TxRad, I fit in here quite nicely, thank you, with my own small niche that few contest.


Amicus, no one is driving anyone away. The newbies are being warned about your racist, anti female, and very bigoted views on life. Anyone and everyone is allowed to post anything they want to Lit in the way of stories. They even allowed you to post your underaged stories until someone turned you in for it.

No Ami, no one, one bombs your stories for anything around here. That is just want you think and want others to believe. As for personal attacks and character assassination, would you like for me to pull up some of your old threads as an example. It is very easy to do.

As for the pornographic art, this is a porn site and it is a good weapon to fight people who think it is a political site. You were one of the leading ones who kept posting political threads until you got tired of being ignored because your views as you call them were so far out in right field even the most rabid right wingers ignored you.

You don't have a niche, Ami, you are a dinosaur that thinks women should stay in the kitchen and keep their mouths shut just for starts. Your views on gays and black aren't worth repeating. Anything else you have to say is meaningless and self indulgent.
Ah, well, TxRad, you must feel superior in your absolute knowledge and conclusions concerning my opinions and such.

32 States in a row voted down gay marriage bills. Perhaps you are on the wrong side of that issue? Oh, but deep down in yoiur little left wing soul, you still believe you are right and the voting public is wrong, 32 times.

Everyone who writes a story, does so with a philosophical foundation that incluses conclusions on ethics, morals, and since all things are political, a writer includes his or her opinon or faith in every word.

You would limit that to just those who see things your way.

I most likely won't be here long...I overloaded myself with self imposed work, so I decided to go slumming for a while to remind me of why I am compelled to speak truth when all about me are fools and toadies.

Your very arrogant, high minded and absolute positiion on issues without ever once defining or explaining them is hilarious.

The unspoken mantra of the left, never explain or identify your basic premises, just claim, well, wvferybody knows you are wrong, amicus, and besides, it is the will of the people for the greater good and all that.

That is why I asked about Pure...the only socialist honest enough to identify himself as such.

Ami's here less than a day here, and look-- a gem of dumbassery! :rose:

It's going into my files.
Sorry Amicus but you are the one who is assuming things. First of all, I am not a leftist. Secondly, of those 32 states, three have changed the law that I know of and more are considering it.

Again you are wrong. I do not try and limit anyone in saying what they please but i do reserve the right to show where that person is lying or twisting the facts to their own way of thinking.

Your version of the truth went out of style back in the fifties.

What part of my views would you like for me to explain to you? The part about you only being over here to stir things up? You could have posted this thread on the forum where Pure is moderator but you didn't. Like you said, you went slumming and fishing for trouble.

So much for your long winded post of no substance.
The way the soft lefties on this board gang up in Amicus every time he sticks his head over the parapet only serves to show how much you all need him. Without the contrast of Ami the opinions of the left lack any contrast and thus impact . Face up to it suckers, you need the old coot, otherwise you are all just so boring.

Sure, Amicoot is as mad as a cut snake, but he writes entertainingly and is smarter than most of his wanna be opponents. Offensive yeah : of course he is and long may he remain so. Some of the best writing I have seen here has been from the likes of Dr M, Pure, Verdad Liar et al --- and where are they all now that they no longer have Ami to oppose -- they have all shot through, bored stiff perhaps

Sure Ami talks a load of bollocks, but it's entertaining well argued bollocks, and at least you all have the chance of sticking one on him in respose - if you can!:D
ColdDiesel....does that mean ya gotta ber primed in the morning? Heh, I still wake up with a morning board. Your left handed, tongue in cheek compliments are appreciated, but I would like to disuade you concerning universal,long lasting values.

I found a new outlet for my stuff, some here may be interested as well...I put this together in a few hours last night...

As far back as Historian can reach with any degree of accuracy in terms of human intellect, not bones, is about 5,000 years ago when China was a hodgepodge of separate tribal groups that slowly merged into one Nation and began to keep records of all sorts.

The Chinese and every civiliization that followed, except the one represented here, The X Generation, or, 'Missing Generation' as they leave not even progeny to carry on, but every society, civilization, has always sought those basic values by which men live with and by to maintain order in society.

Call me whatever names you wish, but those values have remained constant and universal for all men at all times.

When I read colonial history for my Masters Degree, I felt what an intellecutally exciting time it was. Those men, before 1776, that studied all the previous societies, civilzations and philosophies and slowly arrived at a tottaly new, never heard of, never tried political philosophy that recognized certain self evident, axiomatic truths, by which men could cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and still maintain their personal Liberty.

You folks all know the words but not the absolute meanings of honesty,integrity, loyalty, fidelity, consistency, dependability, virtues and values that have remained the same from the Chines onward.

Those values, those self evident truths are just as natural to man as raising a foot and putting it down again to take a step.

This area of intellectual consideration has also been with man since the beginning, the effort to comprehend the connection between real, concrete, physicl things and those abstract concepts, such as love, and the oher values I mentioned, that are in the realm of that beyond the physical, metaphysics.

Most just don't have the brtain power to fully comprehend that abstract concepts are every bit as real as physical concepts, and therein lies the continuing conflict between those who comprehend self evident truths, abstract concepts all, and those who believe only the physical world is real.

Antway, ColdDiesel, thank you for singling out some of the very best opposition I have encountered in the past and I do hope they will return.

Amicus Veritas
Ami, your link leads to the universal dashboard function, so anyone who clicks on it will see their tumblr, not yours.

It makes me laugh that Cold Diesel actually thinks Ami is smart. He's incoherent-- which sounds baffling-- which might seem, to a certain type of intellectually insecure person, to be "deep."
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Ami, your link leads to the universal dashboard function, so anyone who clicks on it will see their tumblr, not yours.

It makes me laugh that Cold Diesel actually thinks Ami is smart. He's incoherent-- which sounds baffling-- which might seem, to a certain type of intellectually insecure person, to be "deep."

Don't forget rambling as he talks about this and that and then tries to tie them all together with an out of date and way off center view of life.
Don't forget rambling as he talks about this and that and then tries to tie them all together with an out of date and way off center view of life.
I especially love things like this;
Call me whatever names you wish, but those values have remained constant and universal for all men at all times.
Because calling Ami a hypocrite and an asshole equals denying human values.

And this one;
You folks all know the words but not the absolute meanings of honesty,integrity, loyalty, fidelity, consistency, dependability, virtues and values that have remained the same from the Chines onward.
Hows that for a damning accusation! It's pretty much completely meaningless, but it might snow someone.

For Ami to talk about "integrity" is just too delicious.