Is Pregnancy Sexy?


Cunningly Concealed
Oct 28, 2002
Indulge my curiousity...

Who thinks pregnancy is sexy?
Who thinks it is not?
(men and women)
...and why.

1) they glow

2) they get curvaceous

3) more boobage

4) more boobage

5) more boobage

6) and I hear their libido goes through the roof
islandman said:

1) they glow

2) they get curvaceous

3) more boobage

4) more boobage

5) more boobage

6) and I hear their libido goes through the roof

Does it? Does it really? Ladies???
*agog with curiosity*
As a man looking at other women that are pregnant, I say I look at them as being sexy, more like amazing, yes they are beautiful, but more for what they are doing, not how they look. As a husband, I found my wife very sexy while pregnant.
yes but never NEVER make a private movie when she is 8.75 months pregnant...I am still going to therapy after watching it...

i think pregnant women are beautiful, but i didn't feel that way when i was prego ;)

Ohh and Rubyfruit you are so right about the lactation
islandman said:

1) they glow

2) they get curvaceous

3) more boobage

4) more boobage

5) more boobage

6) and I hear their libido goes through the roof

I don't know about the glowing part... but my boobage went up over a cup size and stayed there.

And I could have had sex 20 times a day and wanted more.
Okay, but lets dig a bit deeper shall we?

Who was pregnant, and how did they like/not like it? From a feeling sexy point of view.

Anecdotes Anecdotes Anecdotes

please :D
Oscuridad said:
Okay, but lets dig a bit deeper shall we?

Who was pregnant, and how did they like/not like it? From a feeling sexy point of view.

Anecdotes Anecdotes Anecdotes

please :D

Don't look at me. Haven't gotten one past the goalie yet.
Thank you - Matl, brokenbrainwave, Pagancowgirl and lost

*Happy to have begun a lively thread*
I think pregnancy is really sexy. I agree, women glow, and they fill out beautifully, and their hair changes, and their skin changes... they just look.. somehow.. fulfilled? I think that's the word I'm looking for.
I haven't been pregnet either. So I can't answer the second part of the thread's questioning.

I personally don't find pregnet women all that sexy. I may feel differently if it was my child that was being carried, but to look at another pregnet women I don't find that aspect of them all that sexy. I may find them sexy for other reasons though.
Oscuridad said:
Indulge my curiousity...

Who thinks pregnancy is sexy?
Who thinks it is not?
(men and women)
...and why.


I never liked warm milk and I can just imagine denting some poor kids head.

And yes, I am aware of the clinical aspects of pregnancy, but I just can't help the visual.

(maybe I secretly hate "outies").
I felt far from sexy when I was pregnant - and I only gained 12 pounds. I still felt like a whale though. I think it was more due to my age, and not wanting to look fat.
so have other women experienced strong contractions after orgasm? My wife does and it ends the mood quickly.

Thank you all for speaking up.

...but as is always the case...

More! I want More! *shuts himself up before he gets too unruly*
CoolidgEffect said:
so have other women experienced strong contractions after orgasm? My wife does and it ends the mood quickly.

Very normal and healthy, Coolidge. I grew to like that feeling, actually.
Let me ask this then:

If you and a partner experienced it (and you have not already piped-up) did it improve or diminish your intimacy?

Thank you Ruby and CoolidgEffect :D

Are there lots of folks here into Lactation too?
... with the notable exception of Backyard sweaty.
CoolidgEffect said:
so have other women experienced strong contractions after orgasm? My wife does and it ends the mood quickly.

I did with the first one, not so much the second.

After I got used to the feeling, it actually tended to intensify the orgasm.