Is Osama Alive?

Is Osama alive in the flesh?

  • He's dead; Dead as his humanity ever was.

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • He lives to kill again.

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Other-

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters
Middle America has forgotten about Osama...they've got a new flavor of the week.
I haven't forgotten, and I still want to see his head on the top of a very long stake.

Of course, I'm not "Middle America".
The fact that I have not seen him on video leads me to believe he is taking a dirt nap somewhere.
Osama Bin Dead.......

If he wasn't, he'd be waving his ass in front of a video to tease us, it was his nature. Anyone can fake anybody's voice/inflection/geographic "drawl".
It's interesting that his impersonator on the last released tape said he would die in the eagle's belly in a last battle. If he is an icon, and alive, why not continue inspiring the nutcases? If they announce he died in a spectacular terrorist explosion, it is because they know we'll pick the tapes apart eventually, and find the ruse.
A spook friend related that they unofficially confirmed his kill in Nov 2001, but no body could be retrieved for tactical, and explosive physics reasons.
It took until late 2002 to release the first tape....plenty of time to groom an impersonator, perhaps a son, or family member.
I am the other! Whether or not he is dead is immaterial. He created a fear for us that will live on long after he is gone.

Until someone actually sees the body, I don't think anyone can say for sure he is gone.
I believe he is alive. Two sightings a month or so ago in the Saudi Badlands sez Debka File.

Osama is worth more alive to the administration. If you kill all your enemies you have no reason to spend big tax bucks on the Military Industrial Complex.
Unfortunately, as soon as he is gone 100 more will be ready to take his place. We really need to look deeper than pure elimination.
nimbus9 said:
Osama is worth more alive to the administration. If you kill all your enemies you have no reason to spend big tax bucks on the Military Industrial Complex.

The perception that he is alive has the same affect and the world is minus one terrorist. The fact his DNA is scattered on a cave wall in Tora Bora will ensure no body is ever found, thus depriving his fanatical following of a grave sight or other place to worship him. The fact his where abouts remains as 'unknown' does give leverage to keep a military presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan and continue to apply the pressure. I think Zawahiri is out there somewhere on the run, and he is just as much of a target as Bin Laden.
You bet he is alive till we see iron clad proff he is dead!!!

He wasn't a dummy and didn't do all this without a plan............Yep, Bet your ass alive.............
Which one?

He's as dead as a door nail!

If he was alive, he would have been taped on video with at least a cheap video camera. The effect of video to prove he was alive would have a much bigger effect on his followers than a supposed audio tape.

The fact that we only have audio tapes that are supposedly him, just tells me that he died and is buried in under a pile of rubble somewhere. His followers are trying to lead people to believe he is alive.
Gunner Dailey said:
The perception that he is alive has the same affect and the world is minus one terrorist. The fact his DNA is scattered on a cave wall in Tora Bora will ensure no body is ever found, thus depriving his fanatical following of a grave sight or other place to worship him. The fact his where abouts remains as 'unknown' does give leverage to keep a military presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan and continue to apply the pressure. I think Zawahiri is out there somewhere on the run, and he is just as much of a target as Bin Laden.

Good post.
I thought his conspicuous absence would be convincing enough,
but it does kind of leave the followers in limbo, with no sure direction or inspiration.
Spinaroonie said:
Which one?


The left is a "publicity" stock photo. The one on the right is a still from the video in which he "confessed" to prior knowledge.
What if a person's nose grows longer with every lie they tell, and suppose that the opposite is true, that it shortens when you finally confess the truth.

How's that for a theory?
The best thing for all of us is if he is never found. Personally, I believe he was killed, and they quietly droped a mountain on his head.
badasschick said:
Middle America has forgotten about Osama...they've got a new flavor of the week.

Middle America == 99% pure moron.
patient1 said:
What if a person's nose grows longer with every lie they tell, and suppose that the opposite is true, that it shortens when you finally confess the truth.

How's that for a theory?

So what do you do to broaden your nose, change your skin tone and change the shape of your skull?
Guru said:
Middle America == 99% pure moron. [/QU

You are so right. If you are from middle America you must be a moron. :rolleyes: So if I move to either coast does that make me a prick...or am I still a moron? Maybe a prickon?:D
Spinaroonie said:
So what do you do to broaden your nose, change your skin tone and change the shape of your skull?

Nothing personally. I think that's a question for Michael Jackson.;)