- Joined
- Nov 21, 2022
- Posts
- 4
Hello everybody! I've been coming to this site from time to time as a reader, but I never really cosidered approaching it as a creator considering my previous work did not seem site friendly (format wise, not content wise
). That all changed when I started working on my current WIP though, a multichapter story closer to a novel size wise than a oneshot, that I'm used to writing. Before going ahead and submitting my stuff and clogging the machine for other people, I want to present my format and ask if it would be acceptable in order to avoid goofing up and wasting everyone's time. So, the story that I'm working on is a fantastical roadtrip type adventure, where the group of main characters are set in an adventure through a fantasy sword and sorcery type world. The format that I work with is multiple chapters, 2-3k words a chapter, and updating as much as I can, with a hard minimum of one per month. It is story first, sex second. Not every chapter has sex, but the scenes that I have planned are plentiful, and the story gradually builds up to them, so they feel natural when they happen. Or at least thats what I'm going for, its not on me to say if it works out or not
According to my understand of the FAQ that I read, my story is not against the rules. But when I checked the posting process I noticed the UI said nothing about multiple chapters, and it got me thinking. I could, potentially, post every chapter as a seperate story, but again not every chapter has a sex scene and it makes me think that that wouldn't be correct. Alternatively, I could compile multiple chapters into one big story with a sex in it and the like, but if possible I would rather avoid doing that for the sake of the story. What's yall's thoughts on this? Would it be something that would be welcome by the site, or should I post someplace else?