Is Lit Chat down/offline now?

For those of you who are able to access the site, are there any of you tech savvy enough to be able to provide the IP address of the server? When I look this up I get however this only seems to resolve to the main Lit menu page. When I click on Erotic Chat link I get the site can't be found error.

the problem is not DNS, the problem is piss poor planning. They went live and clearly didn't test and note issues. there is another IP for them and same issues. the is a sub domain and you can not access them direct by IP. Looks like the same issue as the profiles which was somebody moved them to another folder and failed to update the links. Looks like same kind of issue here. we techs refer to this as P.I.C.N.I.C. Problem In Chair Not In Computer. or a failure of the interface between the chair and keyboard. I would never leave a site crippled this way. I would and do test first. The one time a problem came up after test I just restored the backup and postponed the roll out until it was fixed. Solution takes a couple minutes.
the problem is not DNS, the problem is piss poor planning. They went live and clearly didn't test and note issues. there is another IP for them and same issues. the is a sub domain and you can not access them direct by IP. Looks like the same issue as the profiles which was somebody moved them to another folder and failed to update the links. Looks like same kind of issue here. we techs refer to this as P.I.C.N.I.C. Problem In Chair Not In Computer. or a failure of the interface between the chair and keyboard. I would never leave a site crippled this way. I would and do test first. The one time a problem came up after test I just restored the backup and postponed the roll out until it was fixed. Solution takes a couple minutes.
Thanks for providing that explanation. Any ideas why chat now seems to be back up for some users and not others?