Is Lesbian such an unpopular category?


I dream, therefore I am
Jul 1, 2011
I have a shade over 20K words of a lesbian story sitting with me. I tried looking through the most recently signed VE's in the hopes of finding someone to give it a once over. I'm honestly amazed that none of them have listed "Lesbian" as a category they would be willing to edit. There are tons of people willing to edit Incest, Gay and whatnot but no love for Lesbians.

Makes me wonder if it's a category which gets a lot of eyeballs or not.
Well I haven't yet posted a story in there because the girl on girl action happens late in my series of stuff but I suspect that lesbian erotica is quite a particular category. Lesbian readers enjoy a very different type of story to other readers because of the particularities of the lesbian social world, in my experience.
I will have a look at your story for you if you like. I'm not a volunteer editor with Literotica although I'm thinking of signing up but you can have a look at my editing experience in my profile on my Feminist Erotica blog. (
Forgive me for checking your profile before I answered this. If I do check over your story I'll give you feedback from the perspective of a reader who enjoys women's lesbian stories. I have recently read a blokey lesbian scene which I quite enjoyed but if you've written a lesbian scene aimed at men and someone-else offers, do take it up. However I do promise not to be judgemental!
I have a shade over 20K words of a lesbian story sitting with me. I tried looking through the most recently signed VE's in the hopes of finding someone to give it a once over. I'm honestly amazed that none of them have listed "Lesbian" as a category they would be willing to edit. There are tons of people willing to edit Incest, Gay and whatnot but no love for Lesbians.

Makes me wonder if it's a category which gets a lot of eyeballs or not.

Naoko's got first dibs, but if that falls through, I can take a look at it.

I'm not signed up because I've been busy this year, and because I really don't want the hassle of telling people "I will not edit for somebody who types by throwing cats at the keyboard". But I'll have some time in the holidays and I've seen enough of your posts here to think you're literate :)
I have to admit the only book I never rread in eng lit was a lesbian novel.
I've written quite a number of Lesbian Sex stories and all have done well with the readers; in fact my highest scoring story is in the Lesbian Sex cat. :D
My only problem with lesbian stories is that, being a man, I tend to think I'm getting them all wrong. But I do enjoy reading them. ;)