Is it too early for Halloween?



I'm not sure how many of you authors (who frequent this board) write for the seasonal contests, but I was hoping we could get a 2013 Halloween Story Idea(s) thread going. I love Halloween, and fall in general. It's my favorite time of year! I've toyed with the idea of entering any of the seasonal contests in the past, but usually my lack of ideas and personal drive (to make the deadline) inhibits me.

I was hoping some of you have ideas that you're willing to share. :) I know this board is oftentimes a sounding-board for several as the creative juices flow! (And I know that if I do add something for Halloween I'll need all the "extra" time I can get!)
Never too early. Well there is too early but much like Christmas starts November 1, Halloween starts the second the Summer Contest is over. We've been oddly neglectful this year and last as far as having a thread up here for the contests.

It's not exactly Halloween material (as in I could use it anytime and might need to tweak it to make it more Halloween worthy) but I've been thinking about just doing a cosplay story.
Oh why not, my story ideas are ignored but I don't want to do this. So free to a good home, seriously write the damn thing if you want.

Have a gal, or guy, or both there are married couples who procrastinate, that sees the candy in the store and thinks maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes so no candy and now it is minutes before you get trick or treaters.

For the purposes of the story assume that the trick or treaters actually care if there is candy at every house. ;) So now you have the person or persons booking it for the store, to find there is no candy in the madhouse. Second store fast as possible, no candy.

So back home and no idea what to do, then remember, there is ingredients to make cookies so cookies are made and handed out to the little brats. All is fine for a while then it gets toward late and have more brats with a parent who wants to make sure the cookies are good. Take parent in to kitchen to show what was used and parent wants hot sex. So why not, it's Halloween and it's like going to Vegas, what happens there stays there, so hot sex.

Granted if you do a couple you may want two parents demanding to see the cookie ingredients. Could not as well, threesomes are fun and easier to type. ;)
Here's an idea I have but anyone's free to use (every time I think I'm going to get back to writing I lose my muses):

There's a costume shop in a small town where the owner (in my idea the owner's an older male but any mix could work) makes custom made costumes from scratch and even releases a small pamphlet before the season with all of his upcoming designs, as well as a website. Things were going well for a while but as time's gone on, people were fine putting their kids in cheap store-bought costumes and now the business is starting to not be enough to fund him for the rest of the year and he's thinking of closing the shop for good.

However, one of the owner's older clients was wondering if he could do something "a little sexy." The owner's shocked butttt...the money is really good and the customer is pretty influential: if he nails the design, she'll likely send in lots of friends. There's only one catch: she wants to see someone else model the design before she wears it, so the owner will have to get a model to wear the skimpy number he's creating for a photo shoot.

Now, while the owner has used models before, they're mostly children or young women who would flip out if he tried to get them to wear the outfit he's created. however, right as he's about to give up, his neighbor's daughter comes in. Seems she's desperate for work since the senior trip is too NYC and her parents aren't making enough money to pay for it.

While she's nervous about it, the owner assures the girl that the pictures will be kept private and only shown to interested customers. She gets the costume on and the shoot begins. Of course, being alone with a beautiful young woman gets the owner more than a little aroused and it doesn't help that he has to make slight adjustments to the costumes while she sits for him (smoothing out wrinkles, pulling her knee-highs tight, etc.) and it gets even worse when he has to adjust the outfit's corset and his hand brushes past a taught nipple.
Just throwing stuff out there it seems like there is a fairly big gap in classic horror stuff around here. So why not try bringing some of those classic horror/campfire stories to Lit for Halloween Just off the top of my head we've got:

  • Bloody Mary: Say her name in the mirror three times and splash it with water (or whatever the ritual was I was 12 the last time I heard this) of couse she's real. The stories say you don't survive, they never mention how you spend your last minutes. Maybe she's a bride who died on her honeymoon and didn't get to finish?
  • The Farm Girl: Classic story of the guy driving an old road who picks up a mysterious hitchhiker trying to get home. She's grateful and when the man tries to return something she left in the car the father explains that his daughter has been dead for a decade!
  • Hookman: Classic couple out at whatever the make out spot is. The girl starts freaking out, sex ensues, when they get back the guy finds out that scraping noise was real!
  • Costume Enchantment: (Admittedly stolen from Buffy) Some wizard casts a spell that turns people into whatever they dressed up as for Halloween.
Oh my god how could you forget about the blue light? :eek:
I didn't forget about the blue light. I just figured I would leave it to someone else to explain. I leave it to you emap, I wouldn't want to steal your shine. :cool:
Oh you little shit. :mad: You probably don't know the blue light story, rather sad. Course it is you so well yeah. :devil::caning:

I haven't heard the story in ages so I may not have it right. :eek: What I remember is a group of friends are out in the woods and it is getting dark. They find a house so go to the house, not all of them go inside just one. The rest are waiting outside and are wondering what is taking so long when there is a scream inside and a ball of blue light appears. They run away with the blue light following. All but one of them is never found again, the one that is found can talk of nothing but a blue light. The house and the rest of the friends are never found.

Few ways to make that into an erotic horror but I am not mentioning them. :p
Of course I knew the Blue Light story. Everybody knows that story. I just didn't want to take all the shine for myself. :cool:

I like that as a story though. Make it some kind of dare to go inside and eventually it's either found out that the blue light might have driven he/she crazy but crazy is better than being outside and being dead or vice versa.

I've seen a couple of stories most of them between Buffy and Supernatural (and one truly terrible story written by some dude on Lit he swore me to secrecy though but about a woman (or a guy if you prefer) who is setting up for a Halloween Party and decides they want authentic looking paintings so they copy them out of a magic book they have lying around the house and accidentally summon something. Think Evil Dead just sexy.

Or (Stolen from the Cleveland Show) a daughter comes home with a costume that she plans on wearing to the party but her parent (pick one) sees it or sees her in it and promptly forbids her to go out in it. Hissy fit ensues but the daughter ultimately puts on something more age appropriate (if you like you can split this into two ideas as the daughter changes into something worse once she's outside) but the mother either tries it on or the father see it and suggests she tries it on. (Can easily lead into an incest sequel since the Dad was clearly thinking of the daughter who's just a younger version of her mother when he dressed her up)
  • The Farm Girl: Classic story of the guy driving an old road who picks up a mysterious hitchhiker trying to get home. She's grateful and when the man tries to return something she left in the car the father explains that his daughter has been dead for a decade!
  • Costume Enchantment: (Admittedly stolen from Buffy) Some wizard casts a spell that turns people into whatever they dressed up as for Halloween.

Love these two! Had forgotten about the Buffy episode. When I first saw that episode years ago I thought "this would make a great Literotica story!" and promptly forgot about it.

Already have a submission done (took me YEARS to write as I kept shelving it)...but going to have to remember those two!
I was hoping some of you have ideas that you're willing to share. I know this board is oftentimes a sounding-board for several as the creative juices flow! (And I know that if I do add something for Halloween I'll need all the "extra" time I can get!)

What category are you looking to write in?
What category are you looking to write in?

Any and all. This is for the Halloween Contest which encase you don't know Lit does several holiday themed contests each year. I don't remember them all so I'm gonna miss one but the ones I remember are Valentines Day, Earth Day, National Nude Day, Summer, Halloween, and Winter Holidays.

Most years we just all get together and dump every idea we can think of for those contests into one suggestion pool that isn't really for anything or anybody it's just a great big grab bag so we people can participate. So if you have any idea whatsoever that is Halloween/Supernatural/Costume themed it goes here right now.

Favorites tend to be costume parties and the like but you can always get creative and generally if you want to win that's important because it helps you stand out a bit.
At risk of losing parts of my body that I've become attached too over the years has a pansexual pagan ever considered some sort of (I assume) bastardized pagan ritual for a Halloween story? I know I already kinda covered this earlier but that sounds like something in particular that might be interesting.

Pick some vaguely Halloween time of year ritual, ideally dealing with fertility and pumpkins!, sort of deal.

I'm actually thinking evil pumpkin tentacle rape but that's a side idea. While I'm on pumpkins.

Teenage punks go pumpkin smashing and stumble on the wrong house where a wicked witch lives and he/she is less than pleased. I bet Laurel would even by pass that pesky semi-rule about life n death if it was a witch baking up some naughty teens.

What, witches bake children and eat them in pies! I'm doing my Lit duty by waiting until they are 18 and don't qualify as veal any longer! :cool:
Rude and crude teenagers meets the pissed off Pagan witch and Charlie Brown's The Great Pumpkin? ;) lol

Seriously, though, I have toyed with ideas around Samhain and a modern Wiccan. (On a different note I had an idea for an aging coven of women for Earth Day worshiping Mother Gaia too.)
Well. . .yeah. You know what, yeah I know that came out of my brain all kinds sloppy and twisted.

I like it better after you processed it.
I also have a long standing (shelved) story about a girl who wants to be "cool" and thinks claiming to be a witch is the route to go...and she befriends a girl who is a natural witch, yada yada... It's about forty word processor pages now, but I haven't opened the file in about five years.
Not bad, I don't think I have anything porn related that long. Usually I try my best to keep my erotica shortish. I have other stories that are that long and longer but nothing like that.

I've lately been working on making all my stories kinda sorta fit together though.

On subject that does sound like an interesting story.
bobbing for apples instead of spin the bottle?

I've played with this idea for years never figured out how to make it work.
bobbing for apples instead of spin the bottle?

I've played with this idea for years never figured out how to make it work.

Only thing I could think of is if things start out with the girls getting their t-shirts wet. Or maybe one girl--notorious for giving head to other guys--is "bobbing" her head while a couple other guys reminisce about her head movements in their laps....
A couple of times I have posted the following big list of ideas regurgitated from previous posts (and therefore somewhat disorganized):

these titles might be useful for a Hallowe'en story:


"The Bitch's Familiar"

"The Hammer of the Bitches"

"Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Bitch to Live"

There are a bunch of other variations on that theme.

Another idea: I've heard the phrases "wereslut" and "werestud" tossed around a in a couple places, that might be good for a Halowe'en tale.

I don't know exactly why, but the image of a beautiful woman in a sexified version of the classic Dracula outfit going up to a guy and saying, in a thick romanian accent, "I've come to suck your cock" has been with me for a long, long time. This could work as your standard "Halowe'en roleplay" type story, or you could play with it a bit. I think the word "cumpire" has all sorts of fun associated with it.

As a related note, I'm reasonably certain that several cultures have creatures that make a practice of taking the shape of a beautiful woman, seducing men and then either fucking them to death, or eating them when they go to bed. Might be fun for erotic horror.

Finally, I've always been aroused by the idea of a beautiful woman who has been stripped of intellect, becoming a mindless, feral creature. I've often had fantasies about a pack of such living in a wood, capturing travelers and then fucking their brains out before eating them.

How about this: back in the heyday of Spiritualism, there were apparently some con-artists who got laid by pretending to be mediums and convincing gullible women that by taking in their "mystic fluids" would make them mediums too. Not exactly a Halloween story, but close. On a related note, one could write a story about a female medium who uses cum instead of ectoplasm to manifest ghosts. Of course, she has to get the cum first...

Another idea could be a variation on ye old Frankenstein theme.

Anyways, it's a bit less traditional, but Halloween's a good time for alien invasion tales.

Another idea would be to do something with Jack O'Lantern (the person, not the pumpkin):

Wikipedia said:
An Irish legend tells of Jack, a lazy but shrewd farmer who used a cross to trick the Devil, then refused to free him unless he agreed to never let Jack into Hell. The Devil agreed. When Jack died, he was too sinful to be allowed into Heaven, but the Devil wouldn't let him into Hell. So, Jack carved out one of his turnips, put a candle inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He was known as "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-o'-Lantern.

There are variations on the legend. Some of which include:

-The Devil mockingly tossing a coal from the fires of Hell at Jack, which Jack then places in the turnip.
-Jack tricking/trapping the Devil a variety of ways, including placing a key or other item in the Devil's pocket when the Devil is suspended in the air or plucking an apple from a tree. Some versions include a "wise and good man" or even God helping Jack to prevail over the Devil.
-Jack's bargain with the Devil being different. In some variations, the deal is only a temporary bargain, but the Devil, embarrassed and vengeful, refuses Jack entry after Jack dies.
-Jack is considered a greedy man and is not allowed into either Heaven or Hell, without anything having to do with the Devil.
If we make Satan female, we can make an interesting twist on him cheating the Devil, no?

Another thought: I recall one version of the story in which Jack's job is to gather up the souls of the dead that have been allowed to wander on Halloween. Perhaps some female ghosts don't want to go and offer him sex in exchange for his leaving them alone? Alternatively, a living woman (or perhaps more than one) offers him sex in exchange for not gathering up the soul of a recently deceased friend or relative?

A third: Jack, being a mischevious sort, can serve as a catalyst for all kinds of Halloween fun.

Perhaps a story that skips a day ahead to it's Mexican equivalent, Dia de los Muertos?

Also, I think "Somnabu-lust" may have potential as a title for a Halloween story.

A bunch of Satanists defile a Church by having an orgy there?

A defiled Church converted into a temple for sex-crazed Satanists, Witches, and/or Vampires?

People hiding from succubi or sex-zombies hiding in a Church?

I've earlier stated my distaste for vampire erotica, but I must admit the idea of the vampire having a harem of "Brides" appeals to me.

One idea I had was a vampire lord who's harem grows so large he can't satisfy them. So they go out and find themselves a human "pet" to pick up the slack.

I've previously stated my admiration for the cumpire idea, and there are numerous non vampire vampiric beings in various folklore that can be tons of fun. For example, the Lamia, a Greek critter with the head and breasts of a woman but the body of a snake. Her MO was to take the form of a beautiful woman, seduce a man, then feed on him on the wedding night.

-Say that, while gathering pumpkins for Jack O'Lanterns, someone comes across one with an abnormally long, thick, and phallus-shaped stem. As a lark the person picks it. Later, at a Halloween party, a drunken woman decides to put it to good use...

-A twist on the old "town burns witch who swears revenge" story. The witch was burned as much for her licentious behavior as for witchcraft, and so instead of killing or torturing her killers' descendandts, she corrupts and debauches them.

-A teenage couple gets drunk and/or stoned and decides to have sex in a cemetary and/or crypt. The place turns out to be haunted, but the couple is too drunk and/or stoned to be scared and offers to put on a show for the ghost, who agrees. Alternatively, they fuck with such passion that the dead are wakened, and the zombies are invited to join in.

-How do nudists dress up on Halloween?

-I visted a hypnofetish art site recently, and among other things, spotted a neat little story about a guy discovering that his new home was inhabited by a sexy "house ghost" bound to obey the house's owner in all things. I think this has potential.

necromancy istelf could be used. The old purpose of necromacy was to call up the dead for purposes of asking the ghosts questions. Perhaps someone summons the ghost of Casanova or Cleopatra for seduction tips?

Imagine the following scenario:

A man (or woman) meets someone who keeps their entire body covered (although not neccesarily concealed), claiming a skin condition or whatever. The two become romantically involved. Eventually, he (or she) takes this person to bed, only to discover that his (or her) lover has transparent flesh through which the skeleton can clearly be seen! (alternatively, they've had sex before, but only in the dark, and our hero(ine) only now manages to get the lover into the light).

The automatic reaction, of course, would be disgust, or horror. But what if, somehow, the skeletal lover convinces our hero(ine) to pay more attention to the flesh his (or her) hands can feel than to the bones that are all his (or her) lying eyes can see?
A Swinging Country Halloween Party

the under 18 teens are supervising all the kids in the party on the ground floor of the barn, while up in the hayloft, their older siblings and parents relax... but soon the combination of no kids, lots of booze and the mystery of costumes loosens inhibitions...