Is it racist for a black woman to NOT be attracted to white men?


Literotica Guru
Mar 8, 2011
The title explains itself. We all know how white men feel since all of them are evil,& racist
Of course it's racist. Most people have their quirks though and not being sexually attracted to people because of their skin color, weight, height, hair color, or eye shape is perfectly natural and I wouldn't worry about it much. Certainly not anymore than if I had absolutely nothing to go on but race and I chose the Asian to tutor me in math and the black guy for my basketball team. Sure I might get it wrong. I suck at basketball. My only saving grace is being tall with a pretty good vert. Turns out when you get 100% of the rebounds and get to take three times the amount of shots as your opponent you can win regardless of having any actual talent. Being like my older brother who can damn near dunk by getting up on his toes doesn't hurt either.
Of course it's racist. Most people have their quirks though and not being sexually attracted to people because of their skin color, weight, height, hair color, or eye shape is perfectly natural and I wouldn't worry about it much. Certainly not anymore than if I had absolutely nothing to go on but race and I chose the Asian to tutor me in math and the black guy for my basketball team. Sure I might get it wrong. I suck at basketball. My only saving grace is being tall with a pretty good vert. Turns out when you get 100% of the rebounds and get to take three times the amount of shots as your opponent you can win regardless of having any actual talent. Being like my older brother who can damn near dunk by getting up on his toes doesn't hurt either.

No, I don't think we know when or how we form our preferences. If your brain developed a specific set of attractive markers through your community, that's pretty much a done deal.

Other ethnic groups do not necessarily push the same buttons and may push opposite buttons, but as long as it isn't an intellectual overlay, but a genuine brain-born preference, I don't think you can say it's racist.

We don't even know how or when or why people decide they're straight or gay, it's a lot to jump to as a conclusion just to make someone wrong for it.
Of course it's racist. Most people have their quirks though and not being sexually attracted to people because of their skin color, weight, height, hair color, or eye shape is perfectly natural and I wouldn't worry about it much. Certainly not anymore than if I had absolutely nothing to go on but race and I chose the Asian to tutor me in math and the black guy for my basketball team. Sure I might get it wrong. I suck at basketball. My only saving grace is being tall with a pretty good vert. Turns out when you get 100% of the rebounds and get to take three times the amount of shots as your opponent you can win regardless of having any actual talent. Being like my older brother who can damn near dunk by getting up on his toes doesn't hurt either.

No, it's not racist at all, despite the asinine rant that Sean just went on.
Is it racist to find ranting black racist women unattractive?
No, I don't think we know when or how we form our preferences. If your brain developed a specific set of attractive markers through your community, that's pretty much a done deal.

Other ethnic groups do not necessarily push the same buttons and may push opposite buttons, but as long as it isn't an intellectual overlay, but a genuine brain-born preference, I don't think you can say it's racist.

We don't even know how or when or why people decide they're straight or gay, it's a lot to jump to as a conclusion just to make someone wrong for it.

I didn't say they were wrong in fact I said it was perfectly natural. While I think people are born gay or straight that doesn't change the fact that they are cutting off an entire gender from romantic relations.

I don't think the majority of people actually choose their various predjudices. Certainly not any more than they choose their religion and the vast majority of children are the same religion as their parents. It's largely being indoctrinated into a certain society. We could always talk about Mexico, India or Japan (or too a different degree America) where being light skinned is part of the standard of beauty. I don't think it's conscious hatred on anybody's part. It's just how we're trained.
I am a white woman and I am not attracted to Glaswegians. Does this make me a cunt?
I didn't say they were wrong in fact I said it was perfectly natural. While I think people are born gay or straight that doesn't change the fact that they are cutting off an entire gender from romantic relations.

I don't think the majority of people actually choose their various predjudices. Certainly not any more than they choose their religion and the vast majority of children are the same religion as their parents. It's largely being indoctrinated into a certain society. We could always talk about Mexico, India or Japan (or too a different degree America) where being light skinned is part of the standard of beauty. I don't think it's conscious hatred on anybody's part. It's just how we're trained.

You didn't say wrong but you did say racist. I just don't think it belongs in that context.

Yeah, some people have racist overlays in an intellectual sense to their inherent brain-borne preferences.

But "not being attracted" to a certain group doesn't rise to the level of racism. Otherwise I could say straight girl that I'm racist against white girls.
No, it's not racist at all, despite the asinine rant that Sean just went on.

How is making a conscious decision based upon someones race not racism???

Romantically/sexually speaking and from a drivers perspective I can't fucking stand asian women....not with your dick or mine would I ever touch one. They make my fucking skin crawl the same way a skeevy old trucker does and I'm 1/2 Korean.

You're saying that's not racist?:confused:

Is it racist to find ranting black racist women unattractive?

How is making a conscious decision based upon someones race not racism???

Romantically/sexually speaking and from a drivers perspective I can't fucking stand asian women....not with your dick or mine would I ever touch one. They make my fucking skin crawl the same way a skeevy old trucker does and I'm 1/2 Korean.

You're saying that's not racist?:confused:

Do you remember the moment when you first felt attraction or repulsion and do you remember it being your brain acting first...or other things acting first or failing to act and the brain following?
Okay, so Queen Vicki, if you've got an intellectual racist overlay, was there a time when you were attracted to white guys?

Because a case is being made here for racism being a faith-based thing that may be taught through culture or brain tendencies.

It may be that racism and sexuality are determined a long time before you can think about it in a critical way, and by the time critical thought comes along and there's all that make-work in your brain, why bother.

I really don't know. I think sexuality and racism and belonging to a religion are things that we have limited control over and it takes a huge act of will and willingness to buck societal or familial or cultural expectations to free yourself from it, so why do it?

I find women and men of all races beautiful in their own ways, but I don't even think about a body as something I want to touch until that person talks, then I can decide if I'm sexually attracted.

Pretty people are pretty people, but it's wit that turns me on.

I don't think I picked that either, it's just the way my brain is built according to what she values and I don't have much to say about it, because she's the one that knows where all the brain chemicals are stashed and how to mix them.
If you say, "I think that black guy is hawt but I won't date him because he is black" now that is racist.

Not being attracted to a particular physical characteristic is not racist.
The title explains itself. We all know how white men feel since all of them are evil,& racist

If you're reason for not being sexually attracted to white men is based completely or in part in your generalization that all white men are racist, you might be a racist.