Is it possible for a woman to squirt without orgasming?

I've never seen a woman squirt, but several past lovers did an overflow thing, where when they came they just ...well overflowed with juices.

Ive seen the so called squirting videos and thats nothing but water and strong vaginal muscles.
lilminx said:
If so, what is it like?

Just wondering.


When you are totally not aroused, it can feel like you are pressing down and when doing so, urinating.
Wow. I've never heard of that before. So is it urine that's coming out or a woman's natural juices?

If it's urine, wouldn't that be a sign of a bladder problem?

I suspect that it goes back to the business of the Grafenberg spot being a man's prostate, or in the case of a woman, Skene's glands & the nerve network that would operate a prostate.

One prostate function is to add a secretion to the ejaculate.
Another is to serve as a valve that shuts off the bladder & opens the sperm ducts during arousal.

Squirting is a natural secretion by definition, rather than urine.
It may feel similar when somebody is playing with the switches if you don't have the experience to discriminate.

Furthermore....NEVER MIND> I think some of you should form a committee to conduct experimental research & report back to us.;)
"Squirting vs. gushing vs. orgasming: A report to the committee"

By Prof. Eddie Ray Hamletmaschine, Ph.D.


After an extensive series of tests, including first-hand observation of and depth interviews with numerous subjects, I have reached the following conclusions regarding the above-named phenomena:

  • A number of subjects have testified that they had never experienced an orgasm prior to their visit to my laboratory.
  • Following the application of certain Orgasm Inducing Technologies (OITs)--both natural and mechanical--to the subjects' various orifices--either internally or externally, or in combination--subjects were observed to undergo a number of physiological and behavioral changes.
  • These changes include, but are not limited to: alterations in breathing patterns, increased vocal (verbal and nonverbal) response, perspiration, dilation of blood vessels culminating in a "flushed" appearance, spasms of the diaphragm, pelvis, and vaginal and anal sphincters, etc.
  • Subjects also reported in post-test interviews that they experienced a pleasurable, though vertiginous or "oceanic," psychophysical response.
  • In the majority of such cases, the above-noted responses were also accompanied by a palpable increase in the quantity of secretions from the vaginal orifice.
  • In most subject, further experiments have been able to produce the above-listed responses reliably and efficiently, with a success rate approaching 100%.
  • With some subjects, further testing has resulted in a significant increase in the secretions emanating from the vaginal orifice, a phenomenon that some describe as "gushing."
  • Tests have not produced the "gushing" response in all subjects, and in those subjects who have exhibited it, the gushing response has been less frequent than the normal orgasmic responses and less predictably replicated in the lab.

Addendum - While the so-called squirting response has been reported by other observers and documented in a series of educational films, this researcher has no first-hand empirical evidence to support the existence of such phenomena. I would hypothesize that the "squirting" and "gushing" responses are similar, if not physiologically identical. However, I will withhold judgment until I complete my testing.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Eddie Ray Hamletmaschine
Morning, Minie.

I don't know about your question (how could I say--I don't have a PhD like some guys), but to twist it around to the other gender, I have ejaculated without having an orgasm. It sucks. The "mechanics" are there, but without the pleasure.

Oh, and that's a great AV. Nice work, it's really paying off. (For us.)