Is it me?

Jay Richards

Really Experienced
May 23, 2004
I get a lot of comments on my stories from people named "Anonymous." It is frustrating because it makes no sense to me. These are good reviews and comments, but how am I to know if it's different readers or all the same person? We are all anonymous here. How can I communicate with a fan or create a dialogue if someone who is already anonymous, as we all are, leaves no way to contact them?

Jay Richards
If the person has an account and chooses to comment anonymously its because they explicitly do not want to open a dialogue or be communicated with. That's the point. Some people just want to say something nice and never get another notification pertaining to that story.

Anonymous commenters are here to read and encourage not have a discussion.
I get a lot of comments on my stories from people named "Anonymous." It is frustrating because it makes no sense to me. These are good reviews and comments, but how am I to know if it's different readers or all the same person? We are all anonymous here. How can I communicate with a fan or create a dialogue if someone who is already anonymous, as we all are, leaves no way to contact them?

Jay Richards
You can't. That's in large part why folks post as 'Anonymous'. This is an erotic stories site. There are plenty of readers for whom even creating a named account might seem 'too much.'

You can disable anonymous comments and feedback for each story, if it's too frustrating to see them. They're here to read a story, and if they leave a complimentary comment, accept it and give yourself a pat on the back. That's what I do.

But in my experience, even many folks who leave comments on my stories under named accounts don't enable PM (private messages) to allow you to contact them.

You can post a comment under theirs on the story, but... They won't receive a notification you've done so (comments aren't threaded), so they'd have to return to the page to see it. Also, the way comments work here (unlike say, Twitter or Facebook) is that they go through a filter. The site claims this is to filter for spam links, but that introduces a time delay. So it's in my experience almost impossible to have a dialogue that way.

In essence, only if they send you feedback from their named account AND open their own account to responses, can you establish two-way dialogue. Otherwise and as a rule, this site focuses on one-way traffic. We post stories, they post comments or feedback.
You're right, it is possible you could get multiple comments from the same person.
I guess it depends on what kind of comments you get; if you can see a pattern among them.
Personally, I think the negative comments are more likely to be from the same person because most people like to hate and complain than those who like to be positive.
Those are the type of people who become trolls and just spend most of their day talking shit online.
But if you're seeing mostly good comments than I am sure they're not all from the same person.
Some people just wish to remain anonymous, even when they make positive comments.

Yeah, I'm sure I'm paranoid compared to a lot of people about separating my Literotica Author Online Presence from my Real Life Online Presence. Where some people take it a step further and never have an official presence here at all. Which is understandable. Spouses, family, and friends sometimes aren't understanding. (I do find it sad that some people are ashamed of themselves for coming here, which prevents them from making an account or commenting or even rating a story.) I don't think I've ever gone to Anon when leaving a comment. Sometimes if I leave a sort of open ended comment I'll leave the tab open and go back to see if the author updates, which they have before. I think even authors don't always want to have an Email Inbox to Email Inbox sort of connection. And sometimes even Anons come back and check for Comments by the Author. I had one awesome anon drop in on most of my stories and we even went back and forth with some Comments.

If you want to open a dialogue you could always try leaving a comment for X or Y Anonymous to reach out to you. Maybe even be the first to drop a comment on a new story. But otherwise... You just gotta deal, for good or bad, Anons are a vital part of this community.
I get a lot of comments on my stories from people named "Anonymous." It is frustrating because it makes no sense to me. These are good reviews and comments, but how am I to know if it's different readers or all the same person? We are all anonymous here. How can I communicate with a fan or create a dialogue if someone who is already anonymous, as we all are, leaves no way to contact them?

Jay Richards
You can usually tell if it's a different person due to what they've put.

If an anonymous person writes

Good story. Hot.

And another person writes.

Forsooth, thouest story has stirred longings within my soul I knew not were there. Howest dost thou create such a fantastical, orgasmistic narrative of such profound and yet delicate balance, fair author?

It's probably safe to say they're different people.
I don't mind the anonymous posts unless they decide to make a suggestion or wonder why something wasn't included. Then I'd want to be able to reply to them.
It's somebody who doesn't have an account. They can still comment but you can't reply. Sadly some hide behind anonymous, I had one guy who kept leaving some truly ignorant comments, so I kept deleting them and I mentioned that I'd like to chat with whoever left the comment, he eventually signed in with his account name and we had an actual conversation. Learning occurred on both sides of the conversation.
You’re right they aren’t. I was recently in communication (as an editor) with an author from the states whose online presence (and work) was seen by her partner. I hope she got it all resolved but the final message from her stills sends shivers down my spine as I imagine what would happen should mine be discovered
Ouch! That sounds awful. My tother half doesn’t know about my writing on here but that doesn’t mean I think she’d dislike it.

Frightening stuff.
You’re right they aren’t. I was recently in communication (as an editor) with an author from the states whose online presence (and work) was seen by her partner. I hope she got it all resolved but the final message from her stills sends shivers down my spine as I imagine what would happen should mine be discovered
I always remember a quote attributed to Mark Twain any time I question my sanity.

"Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead."
My husband Knows all about my writing. He provides some ideas. I have no idea how I’d keep it a secret.

I have tons of anonymous comments and feedback. I have lots of trolls who flame me all the time. I guess I’m just used to it. My gripe is missing the days you could respond to comments right away. By the time you respond now, the moments is far past.
Yeah, I'm sure I'm paranoid compared to a lot of people about separating my Literotica Author Online Presence from my Real Life Online Presence.
My partner would be happier, much happier, if I had no presence at Literotica other than our Stories page. On the other hand, I'm not the one who's dropped "Oh, we publish online porn" into the conversational stream at a family lunch. Go figure.
I have to ask, is your use of tether a reference to my accent, your accent, a typo, or a proper word?
Just slang. No mockery intended on this side on anyone here I can assure you that (I’m probably still in HOT AND FUZZY mode. That does involve farm accents. Apologies.)
I always remember a quote attributed to Mark Twain any time I question my sanity.

"Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead."
I like that. It's right up there with Winston Churchill's observation that 'a magnum [of wine] is the perfect size for two gentlemen to have over lunch, especially if one isn't drinking'.
oh my, we’re they drunk? Has anyone hunted you down and found you? Are there identifiable family members in your stories? It almost sounds like a set up for an entry into the IT category…
Nothing more dramatic than "Oh, look, Dad wants attention. Must be Wednesday. What shall we talk about now, instead?"

A smaller deal, it could not have been. The restaurant did sell me an extra drink, that day.
Oh... oh no.

Well, that's just it. His attitude afterward was totally Wayne Knight "See, no one cares!" Which was vexing because he turns around and frets that I'm going to get recognized somehow by posting on a website under the name "Tad," and like that's going to matter somehow. :rolleyes:

I'm such a celeb. Coty would drop my fragrance line in a heartbeat.