Is it better to post in parts or whole?


Casual Writer
Dec 31, 2021
Hi all! I’m curious on what your opinions are on whether it’s better to post a story in multiple parts or as a whole completed work. I know when I read and a series is unfinished it can be frustrating not knowing if it will ever be finished. There’s something satisfying about reading a story that’s already completed. I’ve also noticed that viewership goes down significantly for each subsequent part of a multipart series. Will most people look at a 30K word count and run away? Or, is it better to post in parts if it means more eyes over time? What do we think?
  1. Some readers really enjoy a long story. Some are put off by it.
  2. If it falls nicely into chapters, it's probably best that way. It will be seen in the New lists for longer.
  3. Votes & views drop with chapter, but as long as you understand that... Also, the views are mostly by readers who are more invested rather than by random readers dipping in out of curiosity.
  4. If you have it all written, say so at the start of each chapter, e.g., "Note: This is Chapter 3 of 5. Enjoy!"
My preference is break it into chapter that are three to five lit pages. One page chapter are usually just to short for anything, but when I scroll to the bottom of the page and see something 50 pages long I'll usually give that a pass because I'll probably loose my place half way through.
Go to the Authors Hangout and search through the last page or two of threads. This topic comes up repeatedly, and you'll see all the pros and cons laid out.

Short answer, both approaches work, they each have strengths and weaknesses, there is no single answer.