Is feminism an INSULT to real women?

Because women swear? How does that work?

Notably, I didn't actually refer to either Bot's or Que's gender anywhere in this debate. Bot clearly can't actually comprehend a clearly articulated explanation for something, so his fallback is that I'm now 'hysterical' or whatever he's trying to say. Basically, it's another version of LJ's charges of 'rage quitting' when you finally decide you can't be arsed with his stupidity and utter inability to engage with the bulk of what you're actually saying.
Words mean what people use them to mean, not what the dictionary says they mean. And it is not that hegemony is identical with harassment, but that it produces it.

That's a very common excuse people who don't know what words mean use in a pathetic attempt to cover for their obvious ignorance.

No, it doesn' CAN, but it's not necessary.

I'm pretty confident that he doesn't understand the actual concept of hegemonic power.

Says the "true" feminist who thinks it's equatable to harassment.

Fucking brilliant :D

Wait wait wait.....let me guess.....another TOP SECRET definition that's contradictory to every dictionary and encyclopedia in publication, because so TOP SECRET, only you know the "TRUE" definition right?

Am I right? Oh please tell me you're doing that act was so much fun the first time. :D

Is there a restroom for that?

For sure, we even have the ultimate porta potty.


Because women swear? How does that work?

No, because they avoid confrontation and have a strong preference for agreeableness....unless they are all jacked up on testosterone, which has distinct and well documented effects on human behavior, self image, cognitive functions, musculoskeltal structure and even the brain structure and function.

It makes people confrontational, competitive, domineering and aggressive....the more testosterone the more masculine traits you get both physical and behavioral.

Don't try and tell that biology bullshit to any "true" feminist or SJW's though, they KNOW biology is racist, transphobic bullshit.
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Notably, I didn't actually refer to either Bot's or Que's gender anywhere in this debate. Bot clearly can't actually comprehend a clearly articulated explanation for something, so his fallback is that I'm now 'hysterical' or whatever he's trying to say. Basically, it's another version of LJ's charges of 'rage quitting' when you finally decide you can't be arsed with his stupidity and utter inability to engage with the bulk of what you're actually saying.

Not hysterical.....just incompetent. ;)
That's a very common excuse people who don't know what words mean use in a pathetic attempt to cover for their obvious ignorance.

No, it doesn' CAN, but it's not necessary.

Says the "true" feminist who thinks it's equatable to harassment.

Fucking brilliant :D

For sure, we even have the ultimate porta potty.


No, because they avoid confrontation and have a strong preference for agreeableness....unless they are all jacked up on testosterone, which has distinct and well documented effects on human behavior, self image, cognitive functions, musculoskeltal structure and even the brain structure and function.

It makes people confrontational, competitive, domineering and aggressive....the more testosterone the more masculine traits you get both physical and behavioral.

Don't try and tell that biology bullshit to any "true" feminist or SJW's though, they KNOW biology is racist, transphobic bullshit.

I can't imagine in what context I would have said 'hegemonic masculinity' = 'harrassment'. I totally would say the harrassment of women is a result of hegemonic masculinity, but that doesn't meant they're the same thing. Would you like me to Venn diagramme that for you, seeing as you obviously struggle with words?

In spite of your constant assertions that I have, I've never said 'biology' (or 'science') is either racist or transphobic - that's another ascription on your part.

I have absolutely no problem with confrontation. I have a problem with people who say they want to 'know' something when clearly they have zero interest in actually knowing that thing at all. More ascription on your part, largely resulting from your issues with reading comprehension.

You literally cannot understand what people actually say. Literally.
Not perceptibly.

Irrelevant....perception is totally subjective bullshit.

The stats are not, Asians are more prosperous than whites.

That would make prosperity a yellow privilege....along with better education, housing, health care, diet, family cohesion and overall life satisfaction.

Unless you just insist on being a racist shit towards whites, which we all know you are so it's ok to let your bigot flag fly proud.

Rob hit me with a gook bomb the other day......TDS got ya'll lefties hurling racial slurs like I've never seen before, it's AWESOME :D
Irrelevant....perception is totally subjective bullshit.

The stats are not, Asians are more prosperous than whites.

That would make prosperity a yellow privilege....along with better education, housing, health care, diet, family cohesion and overall life satisfaction.

Unless you just insist on being a racist shit towards whites, which we all know you are so it's ok to let your bigot flag fly proud.

Rob hit me with a gook bomb the other day......TDS got ya'll lefties hurling racial slurs like I've never seen before, it's AWESOME :D

Good lord - you've also completely misunderstood what 'perceptibly' means in this context. Unbelievable.
Irrelevant....perception is totally subjective bullshit.

The stats are not, Asians are more prosperous than whites.

That would make prosperity a yellow privilege....along with better education, housing, health care, diet, family cohesion and overall life satisfaction.

Then it's a yellow privilege. There's no reason whites have to have all the privilege, but that others have it doesn't mean they don't.
lmao - coming from someone with your lack of reading comprehension, that's pretty ironic.

LOL my lack of reading comprehension.

I can't imagine in what context I would have said 'hegemonic masculinity' = 'harrassment'.

Thankfully you don't have to imagine....we have quotes, like this one where you tried ascribing me your definition of masculinity, exposing your inner man hater.

If you think not harrassing women in the street, and not bullying people is 'feminine', then sure, I guess ... it's a bit sad that this is how you think masculinity is defined, but whatever.
Yes, I do associate hegemonic masculinity with harrassing women - which is precisely what the Gillette ad also did, which was what you were originally talking about, and what I was responding too (i.e. you suggesting that what the ad was proposing was that men be 'feminine'). [Interesting that you assume that not wanting men to harrass women means one must hate men ... but whatever.]

You literally cannot understand what people actually say. Literally.

Well maybe you should try using common definitions instead of your TOP SECRET word definitions for "true" feminist.

Good lord - you've also completely misunderstood what 'perceptibly' means in this context. Unbelievable.

I'm using this definition....the common one in all the reference materials.
perceptible adjective
per·​cep·​ti·​ble | \ pər-ˈsep-tə-bəl \
Definition of perceptible
: capable of being perceived especially by the senses

I'm guessing another TOP SECRET definition......:rolleyes:
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It usually will.


A woman who says "Fuck you" is not expressing a preference for agreeableness.

No but one who cowers when challenged to back up her bullshit is being a submissive non-participant like a cowering bitch in a corner.

Not the trait of a dominant personality....which would have quickly cited some privileges and definitions effectively shoving them up my ass and schoolin' me in front of everyone.

But no....she just tucked tail and ran.

Ha! So true. Again, the lack of reading comprehension is evident.

Your cowardice and or incompetence isn't a lack of reading skills on my part.

Then it's a yellow privilege. There's no reason whites have to have all the privilege, but that others have it doesn't mean they don't.

No, it's's a behavioral privilege.

There are no white/yellow/black/brown privileges.

That's why none of the ding bats who claim there is, can actually name one.

It's just an inequity boogeyman that's totally undefinable and as absolutely unspecific as possible at all times, but is FOR SURE everywhere.

No, it's's a behavioral privilege.

That's as much as to say blacks are solely responsible for their low status. They're not. Those who behave well still face obstacles from which whites are exempt, and affirmative action doesn't do nearly enough to balance things out.
That's as much as to say blacks are solely responsible for their low status. They're not.

They are. Everyone is.

That's why so many of them who have figured out they are, are experiencing so much prosperity, just like the Asian, Latino and white folks who figured out THEY were solely responsible for their status are.

Why do you think most if not all the self made big timer minorities out there all sound like white guys???:D

It's amazing the most advanced and prosperous Asian cultures/nations happened because they adopted a certain number of western ideals and white boy concepts. Namely Japan and S.Korea. You're seeing the same kinda thing happen in some African nations that are starting to pull themselves out of the dark ages.

They aren't self hating racists......they realized there was a method to the Asian/white/Jew and rapidly growing number of very prosperous Latinos madness.

And crying "fuck white people wahhhhh!!! They got so much privilege we need free shit!!! " ain't it.;)
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Why do you think most if not all the self made big timer minorities out there all sound like white guys???:D

Because Oreos face fewer obstacles to advancement than Ebonics-speakers.

It's amazing the most advanced and prosperous Asian cultures/nations happened because they adopted a certain number of western ideals and white boy concepts. Namely Japan and S.Korea.

Actually, I think that's because of their Confucianism.
Because Oreos face fewer obstacles to advancement than Ebonics-speakers.


And what does the left want to do? Lower standards....because standards are racist, so let's bring everyone DOWN or just outright engage in racial discrimination against Asian and white people.

VERY progressive.

Actually, I think that's because of their Confucianism.

Maybe....but democracy/industrialization/capitalism has done more in the last 60~ish years than Confucianism has in the last 500. ;)

Oh look a perfect analogy.....Kirkistan up north with the communist utopia and Botanyville in the southern half suffering with horrendous amounts of inequity caused by EVIL capitalism.

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LOL my lack of reading comprehension.

Thankfully you don't have to imagine....we have quotes, like this one where you tried ascribing me your definition of masculinity, exposing your inner man hater.

Well maybe you should try using common definitions instead of your TOP SECRET word definitions for "true" feminist.

I'm using this definition....the common one in all the reference materials.

I'm guessing another TOP SECRET definition......:rolleyes:

I'm looking for the quote where I said that hegemonic masculinity = harrassment of women. Still not finding it.
I was also engaging with exactly what you said, not ascribing anything to you at all.

Which bit of my explanation for why I'm choosing to not define 'feminism' for you are you struggling with? Maybe I could provide some dictionary definitions for the terms you're finding difficult to comprehend.

And apparently expecting men to be capable of not harrassing women in the street means I hate them ... weird. I don't even want an explanation for that - it's too bizarre to bother with.
They are. Everyone is.

And there we have it - the core reason why I won't engage with your dumb-arse insistence that I 'define' feminism. Because you're a socialisation denier, and unable to recognise base social inequalities, and assume that everyone exits the uterus with exactly the same life chances as everyone else (except, I guess, the life chances that are created by biology).

That is why I'm not defining feminism - because there is utterly no point engaging in the conversation with someone who believes that.

Happy now?
A Brit, of all things, thinks this is a weird place?!
i am lucky enough to live in a lovely place with people i love, and a whole lot of others i've met are really REALLY nice people, of all ages... the weirdness is in all the little everyday things that are different to how they're done/spoken/meant/planned/driven/explained/eaten... even down to funerals! and then there's the whole medical world here. and a much greater emphasis on bloody religion! religion (for the majority) in the uk is way less important in an individual's life than it was - say - 50 years ago in the uk. maybe because this is a more rural area, as well as being southern america, it just seems that way here. maybe in a big city it's more, well, has a more modern vibe going on? i was raised countryside, not a townie, then lived in more urban areas, so it's been great coming back to the country again. thank goodness H isn't religious. :rose::heart:
i am lucky enough to live in a lovely place with people i love, and a whole lot of others i've met are really REALLY nice people, of all ages... the weirdness is in all the little everyday things that are different to how they're done/spoken/meant/planned/driven/explained/eaten... even down to funerals! and then there's the whole medical world here. and a much greater emphasis on bloody religion! religion (for the majority) in the uk is way less important in an individual's life than it was - say - 50 years ago in the uk. maybe because this is a more rural area, as well as being southern america, it just seems that way here. maybe in a big city it's more, well, has a more modern vibe going on? i was raised countryside, not a townie, then lived in more urban areas, so it's been great coming back to the country again. thank God H isn't religious. :rose::heart:
