Is every busybody or TurnerLeaf thread an encouragement to vote for Obama?


Dying Truth seeker
Jul 3, 2002
If TurnerLeaf and busybody are representative of a Republican supporter, then the threads they start are an incentive to vote for anyone except a Republican.

Are they typical Republicans?

Or an embarrassment?
Reminds me every time that I'll be voting for Obama.
The jobs report on Friday beats anything the GOP can do or say. This election is report card time for Obama.
Reminds me every time that I'll be voting for Obama.

Anyone as obsessed with Obama as BusyBody and TurnerLeaf are is seriously disturbed.

It consumes them.

In their instances the opposition has already won, everything.
Obama blames Bush for his shortcomings...

...Obama voters blame busybody for theirs.

There are many Republicans I can agree with and converse with pleasantly.

He is not one of them.

He is a windfall for the Democrats.
A vanity thread from the venerable Og of Bashan? Why i never... ;)

Please don't give BB the attention he so desperately trolls for.
The all-time Obama obsessive award has to go to Miles.

He has, at last count, 212 threads started with "Obama" in teh title.
A vanity thread from the venerable Og of Bashan? Why i never... ;)

Please don't give BB the attention he so desperately trolls for.

After the Republican convention, it's a fair question.

The parties are like Coke and Pepsi arguing for market share. Seeing only the commercials or the rabid adherents can belie the fact that many of us on the ground are not really aligned with a brand.
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That behavior is embarrassing. But it's indicative of americans who are consumed with politics and trained by media regardless of their affiliation. The "democrats" are only lightly less odious because they are only slightly less loud.
That behavior is embarrassing. But it's indicative of americans who are consumed with politics and trained by media regardless of their affiliation. The "democrats" are only lightly less odious because they are only slightly less loud.

To use a sports metaphor, many people choose a team and stick with it, thick and thin, but are generally sportsmanlike (sportspersonlike?) in their behavior.

Some paint their faces and are loud and obnoxious, drunk and spilling beer on the folks around them who are otherwise trying to enjoy the game.

Some, like BB, are busy trying to assault people in the parking lot.

Some don't know what sports season it is, much less care.
After the Republican convention, it's a fair question.

The parties are like Coke and Pepsi arguing for market share. Seeing only the commercials or the rabid adherents can belie the fact that many of us on the ground are not really aligned with a brand.

You say it better than me, my analogy is Ford and Chevy.

If we got down to brass tacks I suspect most Americans oppose discrimination and want and abuse of people and the American commonwealth. Where we differ is how we fix our problems and prosper. For now our choice is tween trickle down government and the stewardship of Wall Street.

There are other ways.