Is cym gone for good this time?

well then is this a case for..

Sherlock Holmes...Perry Mason??..C.S.I.?? Magnum ,P.I.?? Matlock?
Scooby Doo? just a thought..
RisiaSkye said:

- What are Moderators?
Moderators are volunteers who help make the Bulletin Board more enjoyable by removing spam and answering questions. The names of the Moderators are listed next to the Forum which they moderate. If you have a question about a certain forum that has a Moderator, feel free to email that Moderator and he or she will do their best to make your time on the site fun!
Re: well then is this a case for..

Artful's dream said:
Sherlock Holmes... Perry Mason??...C.S.I.??... Magnum ,P.I.??... Matlock?...Scooby Doo? just a thought..

Actually that was quite funny.
Last edited:
ty LTR..

thats exactly how i meant it to be .. lol somebody finally appreciates my sense of humor!!:D
I must be under a bad sign or something...every thread I open today is primarily Lance and Dream chatting with each other. So much for content. :kiss:

Yes, cym's gone. She quit. Others are leaving. So be it. I'm tired of caring about anything related to this place.
RisiaSkye said:
I'm tired of caring about anything related to this place.

Perhaps lack of caring will make you objective, if nothing else.

If so, I applaud your newfound apathy.

It is really sad when freedom of speech becomes a club to abuse people with...Risia, if you give up, they win.
caspai said:
It is really sad when freedom of speech becomes a club to abuse people with...Risia, if you give up, they win.

Now this is the first intelligent line I've read on any threads that Lancecastor has posted to in - well, I can't remember how long. Gods, I wish I would have thought of this myself!

So, all I can say is, AMEN!
Forget sharing information; It's all about "ME" for some here.

This is the first and last non BDSM post I will ever do. I apologise that you have to wade through useless ramblings but here is my one and only:

It is very plain to see that {insert name} has nothing to do all day; sits at the computer for hours on end, obviously has no time for RT BDSM. (Or if s/he does they must be very short sessions)

Any individual who has the volumn of useless (and IMHO) usually idiotic, but well phrased, ramblings has no life. Pity him/her, let him/her continue to amuse him/herself and put him/her on ignore.

It is very sad to see a productive and informative board fall to a "LOOK AT ME" attention grabber but just don't respond to him/her. S/He'll go looking for attention elsewhere when s/he can't push buttons here anymore.

Going on to other threads where I WILL ignore YOUR posts if you are a proven bore.
Same Shit, Different Day

1. Cym leaves in a dramatic fashion when she gets caught (again) talking out of both sides of her mouth.

2. Regular users posing as unregistered trolls and the other Mods do a character assassination on the Straight Guy Du Jour.

3. The "I Miss Cym" threads start.

4. Cym comes back.

5. Another straight guy points out what's going on here.

6. See #1; Repeat.

well .. put a cherry on top and..

call me a sundae!!..
I agree with you both Caspai& Chele as well(great to see you Both postin)
I also agree with Lance.. I guess that's called my "right" or somethin like that..however as for "All About Me" .. see ya in the dumpster where all lil trolls go!! later!! that was funny as hell tho!!:D
Re: Same Shit, Different Day

Lancecastor said:
1. Cym leaves in a dramatic fashion when she gets caught (again) talking out of both sides of her mouth.

2. Regular users posing as unregistered trolls and the other Mods do a character assassination on the Straight Guy Du Jour.

3. The "I Miss Cym" threads start.

4. Cym comes back.

5. Another straight guy points out what's going on here.

6. See #1; Repeat.


You truly are dense, aren't you? Not one place in this entire thread has anyone said they missed cym or wished she would come back.

Are your meds causing you to hallucinate and see things which aren't there?

And just who is this "straight guy" that going to show me what's going on? It has to be some one I can respect and admire. Since those are qualities I cannot attribute to you, you cannot be referring to yourself. So, I'm curious as to who this mysterious stranger might be?
Chele has a point

noone has said they miss Cym ,including the "starter of this thread!!' that's pretty darn sad .. so I know that nobody is expecting this from ME at all , but hell ,i'll be woman enough to say it, I miss Cym's gracefulness with which she carried herself,and her wealth of information that she had .. I do not miss our "bantor" , however as I said on a previous post ,it has caused me to take a long look inside myself as has a very smart woman's pm's to me lately has (she KNOWS who she is")
Re: Re: Same Shit, Different Day

SexyChele said:

Not one place in this entire thread has anyone said they missed cym or wished she would come back.

That's Step 3, Chele....which if the pattern rings true as before, is about 10-14 daze away.

For the answers to your insults, please read my sig (below).

I miss cym.

I hate this forum because of what it did to her and I really hate some of the people in it. I hate fluttery bitches who just want to play their bedroom games in a forum that's not designed for that and then get pissy when everyone wants them to take it to the appropriate forum. I hate dramadoms who want every sub to ask their permission to speak before they're allowed to post anything. I hate people who throw the blame at everyone but themselves. I really hate myself for the large part I played in the total travesty that happened here.

This forum is going to hell in a handbasket. Artful's dream is dragging it, kicking and screaming, into a whip me beat me listen to me whine version of the SRP. Lancecastor is congratulating himself for being the local Yayati--like it's a good thing.

Whoopee fucking do. Neither of you are special nor do you deserve congratulations for what you did. Neither of you have tried to come to terms or compromise. It's your way or the highway.

Both of you are completely fake and you're both as vile a human being as I am.

I take almost full responsibility for laying waste to cymbidia. I disagreed with her because I could see that what she was doing was hurting her. I never should have said so publicly. I lost one of my best friends because of this stupid, pathetic, vile little forum.

And what do I get? Prissy Bitch the two-faced idiot and Drama Dom the attention whore crowing about their victory. She conceded defeat, got rid of the moderatorship and both of you are still kicking her. What do you want? Do you want her to cut her throat and bleed all over the forum before you two are fucking happy?

And yes, Dream you're a moron. You're one of the stupidest people it's ever been my displeasure to have to see in the gene pool. You have nothing in your head but empty air and smilies. You do nothing but type and type and type and you never read because you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself and playing your relationship all over a public board. Anyone with half a brain would have already figured out that the people in this forum don't care if you post here and don't care if you send your look-how-stupid-I-can-be smilie trails all over the place. What they don't want to see is you playing your bedroom games here in the forum. And they don't want you encouraging others to bring their bedroom games into the forum. If you want to come at me, Artful, go right ahead, pick a fight with me. Or better yet, get control of your stupid bitch. She's your responsibility if you believe a single word she's been whining for the last three days.

And lance, you pathetic excuse for a dom. We have words for people like you, abuser. If you're a Dom I'm a painslut. You hurt people and you get joy out of it. Not the good kind of BDSM hurt either. You want them to suffer emotionally until they whither away and die. You pick and you pick and you gouge until they're all gone. There's nothing you won't do to pander for your little crowd except be honest with them and yourself. It has to be your way and when it's not, you destroy the competition by any means necessary. Doms don't do that. What's really fucking pathetic is that I know more about BDSM and I know more about being a human being than you do. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel when they made you, didn't they. You actively hate submissives and women, probably. When you can't bend a woman to your will, you try to dominate her sexually. Don't deny, twatface, I watched you try to do it to me. Men like you are the reason why a lot of BDSM play is illegal. You're a loser and you'll never be anything more than a loser because you don't want to change what's making you a loser. It's just easier to get rid of all the people who are better than you than to impove yourself. As if that could be possible.

The two of you and people just like you are going to turn this place into BDSM hell in ways that cymbidia never did. You're going to oppress and stifle. You're going to run people off with your idiocy and your undesrved arrogance. Well, you're going to try.

Risia, it won't do any good, but when you talk to cym sometime in the future, when she's over this place, tell her that I'm very sorry. I never meant to hurt, but the fact is that I did and nothing will ever change that.
Dear Painslut

You are not supposed to do the "I Miss Cym" part until you finish "Roasting The Scapegoats", Muffy! You will be punished.

Please read my sig for the rest of my response.


Lance Castor

KillerMuffin said:
I miss cym.

I hate this forum
I really hate some of the people in it.
I hate fluttery bitches
I hate dramadoms
I hate people
I really hate vile a human being as I am.

I take almost full responsibility for laying waste to cymbidia.

And lance, If you're a Dom I'm a painslut.

I have sig lines turned off dickcheese. Most of them are too long, too irritating, and just flat out fucking annoying.

If you have the joss to say something, make it permanent, Lance watch-me-edit-my-posts-because-I'm-a-two-faced-liar-and-I'd-sure-hate-to-be-caught-at-it Castor.

Tell me what you really think, ya useless little mongrel. You can't because you're a pussy and you know it. Nothing but your whiny little flips, happy little edits, and stupid pandering punchlines.

I've dissected worms with more spine than you, dramaboy.
If you think that all of this is just a word game, and that real human emotions aren't involved in what goes on on these boards, then you are a truly sad human being, Lancecastor. I have been in my share of board wars in the past year, but I have never seen one as bad as this one. I have enemies, we know who we are and I don't feel the need to go farther with that in this place. The way we deal with it is to just not have anything to do with each other, and most of the time, we don't post in the same things. My "home" on Lit is generally on SRP, but I just seem to be drawn here today, watching this train wreck. Maybe it is time to just turn the computer off for the day...
Thank you for your Flame....

Hello. Thank you for your Flame. All our Operators are presently busy on other Flames. Your Flame is important to us. Please stay in front of your terminal, re-reading your post and re-loading the thread until one of our Flame Response Operators can get back to you. To maintain priority insult returns, please....stay at your terminal. Thank you for choosing Lance Castor Flames. Your flame is important to us....

KillerMuffin said:
I have sig lines turned off dickcheese. Most of them are too long, too irritating, and just flat out fucking annoying.

If you have the joss to say something, make it permanent, Lance watch-me-edit-my-posts-because-I'm-a-two-faced-liar-and-I'd-sure-hate-to-be-caught-at-it Castor.

Tell me what you really think, ya useless little mongrel. You can't because you're a pussy and you know it. Nothing but your whiny little flips, happy little edits, and stupid pandering punchlines.

I've dissected worms with more spine than you, dramaboy.
Dance, dogboy, dance.

Jiggle it for the audience. Wiggle your butt and slide on the pole, maybe some idiot subbie will give you a tip in your g-string.
Keep pretending that you're a really cool guy and maybe someone will eventually believe it.
Train wreck.

Hi caspai;

Nothing to see here....move along....that's right miss, it's all over....just move along....a minor derailment....go look at the Micaelangelos across the street...enjoy your day....move along....


Originally posted by caspai , edited to reveal its inner truth by Lance as a pubic service to you, the reader.

This is just a word game

real human emotions aren't involved in what goes on on these boards

you are a truly human being, Lancecastor.

I have enemies

I just seem to be drawn here today