Is Bonher the weakest Speaker in history?


I hate liars
Apr 19, 2010
He is a pretty awful Speaker of the House. You look back to a guy like Tip O'Neill and you can see why things got done. As long as Bonher is around we are fucked.
It is all that is left when we are told we have to have "those" kinds of Republicans to win Democratic and "Independent" voters because Conservatives are wild-eyed anarchist radicals bent on polluting the earth, starving children, killing the elderly and oppressing minorities.
Boehner is one thing for sure: not longer backed by his blockhead jamming Republicans in the house...
He is losing control and taking our financial health with him. He is completely made to dance at the whim of the lobbyists.
Although Boehner appears weak in the role as Speaker, Theodore Pomeroy served as Speaker for only one day.

I nominate Pomeroy as weakest Speaker in history.
I wonder if Bonher cries in the Caucus when the mean old Tea Party won't go along with him?

Boener wouldn't have become Speaker for being an idiot..His problem is the jackass tea partiers and other assorted Norquist pledgers who were voted into office by a naive electorate.
He is a pretty awful Speaker of the House. You look back to a guy like Tip O'Neill and you can see why things got done. As long as Bonher is around we are fucked.

He is a moderate Republican Conservative caught between right leaning Conservative Republicans and mostly Liberal leftest Democrats.

And then there is Obama.

The poor bastard will be lucky if doesn't have a heart attack or a stroke.
Boener wouldn't have become Speaker for being an idiot..His problem is the jackass tea partiers and other assorted Norquist pledgers who were voted into office by a naive electorate.

He is not an idiot. Just weak. Unable to lead. Unable to gain consensus. Does not have enough of a forceful personality to get a deal done.

It makes Bonher sad ....

His problem is the jackass tea partiers and other assorted Norquist pledgers who were voted into office by a naive electorate.


It was the naive, uninformed voter who put The Fraud in office twice.
I actually feel a little sorry for Boehner. He's fairly moderate, and actually doesn't seem like that bad a guy. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time, though, and then we'll have Cantor and Ryan leaving slime trails through Congress.
He is not an idiot. Just weak. Unable to lead. Unable to gain consensus. Does not have enough of a forceful personality to get a deal done.

It makes Bonher sad ....


The GOP has become a party of extremists. It's their way or the highway which they have more or less have told Boehner repeatedly. I feel sorry (most of the time) for Boehner.


It was the naive, uninformed voter who put The Fraud in office twice. the wittle righty still whining about who won in November?
The GOP has become a party of extremists. It's their way or the highway which they have more or less have told Boehner repeatedly. I feel sorry (most of the time) for Boehner. the wittle righty still whining about who won in November?

Nope. Just stating the facts. Go drink some more green Kool Aid. :D