Irreversible (movie)


Hare puller
Apr 13, 2002
Just released - went in knowing nothing other than a friend really wanted to see it. At the theater, there's a sign at the ticket counter that had multiple warnings about gyroscopic camera effects, a couple of the rougher scenes, and a "no refunds" policy. So, I'm wondering if we should go see "City of God" instead...

But, we saw Irreversible...easily the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. The movie is told Memento-style, with 10 or 15 minute segments that are shown in reverse order. It opens with the credits. It starts with a totally disorienting, brutally violent scene, then works its way back to tell you why this just happened. When I say brutal, I mean that I had to look at the floor for about 30 seconds. As the movie progresses, the camera work gets more and more stable...thankfully.

There's one scene that had ended just before I was about to get up and walk out of the theater - which would've been a first for me. Not that the movie was bad at all, just that the scene was so difficult to watch that I was about to go. If you see it, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

The remarkable thing about the movie is that each of the segments are single takes. Some go as long as 20 minutes, with dialogue and action and extras doing their thing...really impressive work. All the while some cool visual things are done with the subtitles.

I can't say I recommend it - not from a lack of quality, though. The script is good, the acting is excellent, the cinematography is first-rate, and the long takes are something to behold. I know I'll never see it again...but I'm kind of glad I caught it.

Oh, and it's French...don't go if you're bitchy about subtitles.
I wish stuff like that would play up in the boonies of New Hampshire. Oh well.

If you wanna see the whole "one take" thing but not violence, check out Russian Arc. It's currently playing in limited release. It's this historical drama type deal that takes place in a Russian museam. The kicker is, the movie was filmed in ONE shot and ONE take. First and only time that's been done. Haven't seen it myself because it's not in New Hampshire for another month, but i'm definatly gonna have to see it.
