irreversible deals (Kililia and guyloveshotstories ONLY)


Literotica Guru
May 29, 2011
Dominic Berlusconi had just broken up with his lover that he was with over a year after she gave birth to another man's baby, it was a client that he refused to help. He was livid since she finally had recently manage to take his cock in her pussy without to much pain..He had not just thrown her in the street but moved away to restart fresh and looking for something better than a whore g/f.

Even after decades of existing Dominic Berlusconi found it hard to have a regular partner due to his sexual issues. Unlike the rest of the men, it was said his bloodline was cursed and cursed he was indeed. When ever he was aroused, he grew a second massive 16 inch cock. Most women could barely handle his cock and he settle of mediocre sex or blow jobs. Being a very respected lawyer from a wealthy family which he inherited from as a teen, he was very successful. Unlike spoil brats, he took life seriously and worked hard at his career and was renown around the world.

He decided take a case of a man accused of murder of his business partner as it was interesting but mainly cause the daughter of the accused caught his attention. He knew they be unable to afford his service so he decided to approached them to offer his service. His main goal was to have the daughter for himself as she was quite a beauty and appeared untainted by the bad side of life.

He decided to make a surprised visit to prison when the daughter was visiting her father.She woke a wool grey winer dress with her long raven hair in a messy bun. She was in tears talking to her father, her marine blue eyes full of tears: " what is gonna happen, now , daddy? People are asking for the load payments...i dont thing i can make it this week...i can't even find a decent job, now..."
I just couldn't believe my damn luck. Here I was with this massive, porno sized cock and no one to stick it in. Can't tell you how many times I saw women taking these up their pipes with ease. With me I can't get the tip in. Even their mouths couldn't handle it. This led to months of just handjobs. The last one was some cop chick I met at a bar. She came to me looking for free legal advise. Eh. One thing led to another and next thing I knew she was being sprayed with three weeks worth of stopped up spunk. That took the edge off things.

When it came to handling my dead partner, there was little I could do at this point. My client and his family couldn't afford my retainer. I wasn't going to accept a job unless I get paid. Having a big dick isn't cheap to take care of.

The father was trying to keep up a brave face when I walked into the room. We were given a small room as I was to dispense 'legal advise'. More of a stall tactic to buy time to settle things. "I know things are hard, my dear. Be strong. Look, if you look under my bed there's a lockbox there. Inside is some money and some savings bonds that should still be good. Cash those. Maybe that will settle some of the loans."

It still wouldn't settle my fee. I made that known when I walked in and placed my suitcase onto the metal table.
Cathy Blackstone relaxed as he father seemed to have some cash and smiled:" thank you daddy...I will settle everything"
She jumped as she was startled by his suitcase,looking at the stranger confused. Her father looked confused:" who are you,suppose to be?"
"The name is Dominic Berlusconi. You can call me, Mr. Berlusconi" speaking in a slightly annoyed tone. No doubt this one was daddy's little girl. No matter to me. She wasn't the client. Or the potential client. Ot was this poor sap sitting in front of me who, by the poor look in his eyes, was in a desperate fix.

"I'll lay it simply for you. Sir. It doesn't look good. Witness statements and circumstantial evidence is all pointing at you. Now I could be trying to unravel their statements. There's just the small matter of my retainer." The moment of silence between us was broken by the gentle rap of my fingers against my briefcase.

This wasn't a civil case where he pay nothing if he loses. This was a serious criminal case. If he loses it was life in prison, minimum. All of that weight fell on my shoulders. If we won then that was a chance for a civil case to recoup the lost money. That would be years from now.

The father looked at me and then nervously at his daughter. "I'm sorry. I don't have that kind of money. Just the bonds. That's all I have in this world. Other than my daughter."
Cathy Blackstone was a bit startled by Dominic Berlusconi sudden presence at the jail. She had come right after work to see her dad before returning home: "Like father said, we do not have that kind of cash, i can barely pay the bills, sir. "

The father sighed: " If i put my house on sale , I could but where would y daughter live? Look...if there was anything else i could give ya in exchange, I would jump on it..." Cathy sighed: " Ddady, I gotta go before it gets to dark..." * kisses her dad and starts walking away from the men *
Watching her leave until the door closed, I looked back at my defeated client. In my mind I knew that this guy's goose was cooked. The evidence the DA had was virtually damning. As his defense attorney it was still my duty to defend him to the best of my ability. "Look, the DA offered a deal, thirty years in prison with a chance of parole in twenty-five years," I said flatly looking across the table at him.

The father clapped his hands together and sunk his face into his hands. "No. No! I don't want any deals. I want to fight it! I don't want my daughter going through life without me! I'm all she has left. Her mother is gone!" speaking as tears streamed down his cheeks. His hands slapped the surface of the table hard, "I don't have any money left."

"I know you don't," I replied. "That's going to be a problem. I don't need to remind you, I'm not a public defender" emphasizing that I'm a licensed attorney. I don't work for free.
The father hesitated:" all I can give as collateral is my daughter in marriage but I can't do that as I don't know you" * tries think* " if I find her a wealthy husband to pay you !"
A husband to pay me? A wealthy husband? That can take months or even years! I didn't have that kind of time on hand. Not with this client and trial at hand. Even then that was grasping at straws. No telling even IF someone would take her hand knowing that she was the daughter of a criminal.

"You're honestly telling me that you have NOTHING in the way of paying my retainer?" about to stand up and file away my papers. The retainer wasn't high. Tehn again I needed something solid because once he loses this case there's going to be a civil lawsuit. All of that property he may have would be liquidated to pay off any of his remaining debts. Those go first. Whatever is left go would pay me...probably.

"What-what if...just hear me out" the father patted the table nervously, "What if you just take my daughter out of the city. Just for a few days. It will keep her safe from any of the debt collectors and enemies that I have. While you're out there she can be your little servant, you know? Clean the place up. All that."
"Are you seriously trying to pawn off your own daughter on me?" I fumed in disgust.
"Not pawn! Just get her out of here for a while. That's all I ask!" the father cried.

"I'll think about it" I replied and left the room shaking my head.