Iraq & USA - Comparitive Politics 101


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
Has a President who was taught the rules of power by his stepdad.

Has a President who was taught the rules of power by his dad.
Elected its President in an election fixed by his appointees in parliament.

Elected its President in an election fixed by his appointees in the supreme court.
Depends on oil and the military to support its domestic economy.

Depends on oil and the military to support its domestic economy.
Likes trying to build the nastiest weapons to scare the world.

Likes building the nastiest weapons to bully the world.
Supports Islamic fundamentalists

Supports Christian fundamentalists


Empties its jails now and then.

Fills its jails then executes the overflow.


Only wars with its neighbors based on boundaries imposed by Britain & the USA in centuries of colonial imperialism.

Wars with anyone who disagrees with them.


20,000,000 people mostly living in poverty

275,000,000 people mostly living in luxury


Makes fine rugs

Makes designer drugs


Sticks to its principles

Sells you guns, then bombs you!

If this was Iraq...

You would have been pulled from your house by now for posting that. At least here, you have the right to an attorney, instead of a bullet!
yes in iraq the attourney would get your sentence comuted from death by stoning to a simple beheading
ChilledVodka said:
Good one.

Every time the USA refuses to pay its' United Nations dues, holds back information from weapons inspections reports, executes a criminal, builds a prisoner of war camp for people not charged with any US crime, rigs its own elections, assassinates a president, bombs a country halfway around the world, topples a government via the shows its dark, imperialist dictatorship side in full clor.

The amazing thing is all the Americans, allegedly intelligent ones, who will post limp justifications or simply call you names for pointing out the facts about their country's narrow-minded fundamentalist jingoism.

The USA should find a way to house its homeless, clean up its pollution, stop killing its own citizens, provide real equality for its women,dismantle its culture of violence and stop repressing sexuality before it sells another gun or bombs another country.

Just on first glance.

Lancecastor said:
Has a President who was taught the rules of power by his stepdad.

Has a President who was taught the rules of power by his dad.
Elected its President in an election fixed by his appointees in parliament.You can't seriously be about to compare Iraq's elections with the United States.

Elected its President in an election fixed by his appointees in the supreme court.Guess you were. George W didn't appoint anyone to the Supreme Court before his election.
Depends on oil and the military to support its domestic economy. No. Depends on oil for it's economy. Depends on the military to support it's totalitarian regime.

Depends on oil and the military to support its domestic economy.
Likes trying to build the nastiest weapons to scare the world.

Likes building the nastiest weapons to bully the world.
Supports Islamic fundamentalists

Supports Christian fundamentalists


Empties its jails now and then.

Fills its jails then executes the overflow.


Only wars with its neighbors based on boundaries imposed by Britain & the USA in centuries of colonial imperialism.

Wars with anyone who disagrees with them.


20,000,000 people mostly living in poverty And why is that?

275,000,000 people mostly living in luxury And why is that?


Makes fine rugs

Makes designer drugs


Sticks to its principles
Hmm. Principles? Well, that's what you get having a dictator in power for 20 years.
Sells you guns, then bombs you!
Maybe you're suggesting that the US should do away with changing administrations every 4 or 8 years and adopt a dictatorship?

Lancecastor said:
Every time the USA refuses to pay its' United Nations dues, holds back information from weapons inspections reports, executes a criminal, builds a prisoner of war camp for people not charged with any US crime, rigs its own elections, Just curious, are you a Democrat? Sore loser?assassinates a president, bombs a country halfway around the worldYou mean like Afghanistan. See your bottom paragraph about equality with women, killing its citizens, and culture of violence. Doesn't this make you a bit hippocritical?, topples a government via the shows its dark, imperialist dictatorship side in full clor.

The amazing thing is all the Americans, allegedly intelligent ones, who will post limp justifications or simply call you names for pointing out the facts about their country's narrow-minded fundamentalist jingoism.

The USA should find a way to house its homelessOh, you mean like socialism. Yeah, that works., clean up its pollution, stop killing its own citizens, provide real equality for its women,dismantle its culture of violence and stop repressing sexuality before it sells another gun or bombs another country.


There are many sides to the grand ole US of A. It can make you feel real secure and lucky compared to many places but looking at all sides objectively can help us improve still.

Why are we so scared to step away from our patriotism for a moment to see how we compare to others from a different pov?
Morwen said:
Your argument of moral equivalency is so sophomoric it's not even worth responding to. But for the sake of argument: are you saying there should be a day when ten or twelve American kids a day are walking into Canada with a shirt full of bombs just because they want to blow some Jews up? Would that make us equivalent? Or should we wait until American Churches start teaching our young men that the best way out of this life is to hijack a plane and fly into a skyscraper full of people? Is that more to your liking?

I'm not aware of any hard evidence of the Iraqi parliament passing a motion sending anyone to do those things, are you? I'd appreciate the links.

However, the US Congress has passed a motion to authorize the assassination of Saddam Hussein.

Iraq has virtually no military assets for anything other than defending its borders from its neighbors.

Given that, like the Balkans, the borders in the Middle East have been set by foreign colonial powers for their purposes as opposed to the cultures, languages, religions and histories of those regions, it should come as no surprise that they fight amongst themselves to regain self-determination.

Nor should it come as any surprise when the occasional message in a molotov cocktail is sent to those colonial imperialist powers for interfering in the sovereignty of those regions.

To respond with full scale trade & military wars on poverty-riddled countries half way around the world, killing entire generations of children in the process... is the crime of the century.

Israel has its own military might, the largest in the Middle East, so they are fully capable of defending themselves and the borders that were set by the UN and expanded illegally since then by Israel.

The USA has absolutely no business bombing, invading or occupying Afghanistan, Iraq or North Korea.
weed said:

There are many sides to the grand ole US of A. It can make you feel real secure and lucky compared to many places but looking at all sides objectively can help us improve still.

Why are we so scared to step away from our patriotism for a moment to see how we compare to others from a different pov?

Thank you for seeing the point, Weed.

As a Canadian, I can't think of many countries I'd prefer to be sharing a border with than the USA.

Well, maybe if I could move The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and France over, that'd be fun.....

But since the Bush family interests did a hostile takeover of the US Presidency via a family friendly judge after losing the popular vote and rigging the results in Florida, the US has quickly descended into paranoia, guns and imperialism.

Kyoto, Fatherland Security, OBL then Iraq as "Targets du Jour" huge mistake after another. All dangerous ones.

I watched a documentary about Air Force One last night and heard Bush II quip how he'd never been to Montana...that guy hadn't been much of anywhere outside Texas before he became President.

He's arguably the least educated, least independant thinking, least worldly President of the US since WWII.

Consequently, US Foreign policy in particular has become very dangerous, very quickly.

And he wasn't even properly elected.

The land of the free and the home of the brave. Wonder where that place went?
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Lancecastor said:
Thank you for seeing the point, Weed.

As a Canadian, I can't think of many countries I'd prefer to be sharing a border with than the USA.

Well, maybe if I could move The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and France over, that'd be fun.....

But since the Bush family interests did a hostile takeover of the US Presidency via a family friendly judge after losing the popular vote and rigging the results in Florida, the US has quickly descended into paranoia, guns and imperialism.

Kyoto, Fatherland Security, OBL then Iraq as "Targets du Jour" huge mistake after another. All dangerous ones.

I watched a documentary about Air Force One last night and heard Bush II quip how he'd never been to Montana...that guy hadn't been much of anywhere outside Texas before he became President.

He's arguably the least educated, least independant thinking, least worldly President of the US since WWII.

Consequently, US Foreign policy in particular has become very dangerous, very quickly.

And he wasn't even properly elected.

The land of the free and the home of the brave. Wonder where that place went?
The creatures living on my dog are smarter than you.

Kudos, Lance!

Don't let the screamers bother you, Lance. As usual, you hit it right on the nose, and in a clever, entertaining way. There are a lot of similarities there, too many for any intelligent person of good will to support the coming attack on Iraq.
Re: Kudos, Lance!

Don't let the screamers bother you, Lance. As usual, you hit it right on the nose, and in a clever, entertaining way. There are a lot of similarities there, too many for any intelligent person of good will to support the coming attack on Iraq.

They don't bother me a bit, Redwave; in fact, the more bile they spew without refuting the facts simply further solidifies what we all know is true....that in the past few decades the USA has ceased to lead the world through goodwill and setting an example to be proud of, replacing it with becoming the greediest, most brutal killing machine in the history of the world.

I view my words in this regard as a modest attempt to get Americans to snap out of it and start behaving like the land of the free and the home of the brave again....a place we can all take pride in.

Re: Re: Kudos, Lance!

Lancecastor said:
They don't bother me a bit, Redwave; in fact, the more bile they spew without refuting the facts simply further solidifies what we all know is true....that in the past few decades the USA has ceased to lead the world through goodwill and setting an example to be proud of, replacing it with becoming the greediest, most brutal killing machine in the history of the world.
You are so completely full of shit. When, in the past few decades, have we done anything that exceeds the Great Leap Forward/Cultural Revolution? Or The Great Purge? Or Hitler's extermination camps? Or the Khmer Rouge, or anything else? Your statement is nothing less than an absolute rejection of recorded history and an offering of bullshit to replace it.

Lancecastor said:
I view my words in this regard as a modest attempt to get Americans to snap out of it and start behaving like the land of the free and the home of the brave again....a place we can all take pride in.
Yeah. So modest.

Re: Re: Re: Kudos, Lance!

teddybear4play said:
You are so completely full of shit. ...bullshit to replace it.

So, you're suggesting that I am full of shit?

I guess I've been imagining the actions of the US in foreign affairs since WWII after all.


Re: Kudos, Lance!

Don't let the screamers bother you, Lance. As usual, you hit it right on the nose, and in a clever, entertaining way. There are a lot of similarities there, too many for any intelligent person of good will to support the coming attack on Iraq.