Iraq an imminent threat? Since when do terrorists anounce their intentions?


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Prior to attacks?

Should we wait till we have definitive evidence?

What if we miss the evidence?

As we missed the FIRST WTC and the SECOND WTC!

What if we dont have the troops in place to protect us when we know of a threat?

How many Americans must be threatened before we take action?

If the threat is going to cause the death of "only" 1,000 deaths, will that be enough to go to war? 2,000 deaths? 10,000 deaths?

How many?

How do you define IMMINENT?

WAR now, for PEACE tommorrow!

Then why wait America.

Get on with the job and stop stalling.

Don't you like going to wars on your own?

Maybe because when you do, you fuck up and end up killing thousands of your own, then usually withdraw and go home claiming victory but leaving the hallmarks of a total fuck up behind.

9/11 was a result of US foreign policy. Dictating to others how they should act and live in accordance with US interests and the US way of life.
Until Americans start to realize that their government isn't about peace, but greed, terrorism will breed more and more. The more the US intervenes in the middle east, the more it becomes a target in the future. They may invade and occupy Iraq, but within other Arabs nations, it will breed support for their Arab brothers creeting a vaccuum of terrorism. Then you are dealing with opposition all around.

Go for it.

No one is a threat to the US accept itself. Live and learn.

9/11 happens, and you lot still go around waving the stick of power
Which countries have the United States dominated?

Dictated to?

Forced our culture onto?

Occupied for self interest?

BTW....I agree.....WAR now, PEACE tommorrow!

Kill ALL those that oppose us, and if they dont wanna DIE.....Dont oppose us!

Which countries have the United States dominated?

Dictated to?

Forced our culture onto?

Occupied for self interest?

Are you really that fucking stupid? Or maybe you have never bothered to take an interest in history outside of America?

Do some research on Middle Eastern politics, South American politics and also World War 2 and the events afterwards that unfolded. Then you may actually see a pattern develop that shows the US as nothing more than a power hungry warmongering pack of cunts.
Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
Which countries have the United States dominated?

Dictated to?

Forced our culture onto?

Occupied for self interest?

Are you really that fucking stupid? Or maybe you have never bothered to take an interest in history outside of America?

Do some research on Middle Eastern politics, South American politics and also World War 2 and the events afterwards that unfolded. Then you may actually see a pattern develop that shows the US as nothing more than a power hungry warmongering pack of cunts.

Couldnt answer?
Re: Re: n/a

busybody said:
Couldnt answer?

Not any wonder :rolleyes:

Read your own sig for christ sake.

I believe that it is impossible to negotiate and accomodate fanatics. Those that believe otherwise, are foolish!

What do you think you are??????????
My SIG line is what I feel and believe.....

And in fact,

If you were to inject TRUTH SERUM into most anybody, they too would agree.....

The most moral, the most altruistic country, and people are the American people and our country.

Where ever America has been, it has left it better.

With the possible exception of Vietnam, and that was the fault of the libs that forced us to cut and run......

America is a force for PEACE and JUSTICE.....
Where ever America has been, it has left it better.

Bloody Hell, I can't even begin to comprehend were that came from.
And, it is certainly not worth arguing with you over it as, (and you seem to agree) one cannot negotiate with fanatics.

Peace Bro:)
As I read this thread why did the words "Glory Glory Hallaleughia" play in my head?

Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Glory of the Lord........His troops are marching on.....

shit there it goes again....
You wont argue with that statement? You cant!

Peace BRO? Only because America enforces THAT peace!
brokenbrainwave said:
As I read this thread why did the words "Glory Glory Hallaleughia" play in my head?

Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Glory of the Lord........His troops are marching on.....

Sing it Brother in Arms!

that was sarcasm.

Bush did not convince me last night of the need for our children and our tax dollars being on the front line. I'll give him credit for alledgedly laying out new information, for the tone, and for his deliverance. But I am still not convinced our troops should be doing this pretty much alone.

Now before the fireworks begin, something I am just not up to today, notice and read carefully. I never said there is no cause for war, ever. There is plainly a need to take SH out. Only the most diehard liberal, something I am not, would think otherwise. My beef is Bush insisting we take the lead role. I simply see it another way and stand by my thoughts of the last 6 months.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Notice how TwatMode was unable to name any country that the US "dominates"

No, they cant really answer....

Best they do is call me and idiot....

I have admitted I am an idiot......

But nevertheless, beyond that, they cant answer, can they?
brokenbrainwave said:

that was sarcasm.

Bush did not convince me last night of the need for our children and our tax dollars being on the front line. I'll give him credit for alledgedly laying out new information, for the tone, and for his deliverance. But I am still not convinced our troops should be doing this pretty much alone.

Now before the fireworks begin, something I am just not up to today, notice and read carefully. I never said there is no cause for war, ever. There is plainly a need to take SH out. Only the most diehard liberal, something I am not, would think otherwise. My beef is Bush insisting we take the lead role. I simply see it another way and stand by my thoughts of the last 6 months.

I recognize the sarcasm.....

We MUST take the lead because we are the strongest military.....who else should take the lead?

We are NOT alone!

We have England and we have Autralia....we have troops in Turkey, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Quatar......We have what we need....

Who else would you want? France? Why? Germany? Why?

Who else?
busybody said:
I recognize the sarcasm.....

We MUST take the lead because we are the strongest military.....who else should take the lead?

We are NOT alone!

We have England and we have Autralia....we have troops in Turkey, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Quatar......We have what we need....

Who else would you want? France? Why? Germany? Why?

Who else?
fair enough:

The Brits something like 26,000 troops.

The Aussies, really, what more are they going to give other than moral support? A couple thousand at best when all is said and done I'd say.

yes, it would seem we are, relatively speaking, alone. Futhermore I never said I wanted a "coalition". What I want is the other countries in the Middle East, plus the Europeans, to take responsibility. Extremely unlikely, yes I know. I still say we could force them to though.

It is possible I am being niave, I realize that. I simply cannot see SH as being such a threat to the US at this time. Key phrase is at this time. Force the others to stop him before he can.

busybody said:
I dont expect you to answer:

Who would you want to lead?

Who would you want to be "on our side that isnt".

I wont accept that the Arab countries should lead.....I wouldnt want THEM to be in charge of OUR security, would YOU?
look up..refraining for inserting what I am thinking...but look up please. As usual, and much to your chagrin, I answered.

Now, you make a valid point as to the Arabs. However if done right (see pressure with extreme prejudice) it would work.

Yes, you answered.....and thx for answering......most dont answer....

You and I are in agreement much more than in DISagreement.....

I do believe that we are pressuring the Arabs to stand with us.....witness the fact that even Saudia Arabia is now with us as is Turkey......

I appreciate your they often are tinged with....."I agree with you, but because you are BUSYBODY, it is unseemly to agree with you, so I will nuance my answers"......

busybody said:
I appreciate your they often are tinged with....."I agree with you, but because you are BUSYBODY, it is unseemly to agree with you, so I will nuance my answers"......
no this would not be the case. We agree that action needs to be taken, thats pretty much it.

Not trying to flame or name call but most everything you post I tend to disagree with on various levels. However you're entitled to your opinion, something I fear the current leaders would love to take away en mass.

something I fear the current leaders would love to take away en mass.

I disagree with the above comment.

There is no evidence whatsoever of that.

I for one, would have NO problems with the FBI, CIA taking actions that "snoop" on undesireables......

I KNOW there is fine line between law enforcement and lack of freedom......I am not concerened......
you've got the right to disagree. But the facts say otherwise. Look at the Patiot Act, or more importantly what it does not say. It leaves various sections open ended, up to interpretation. This is something that can be used against us to an extreme. Personally just because I am rather vocal in my disgust for the federal government in general I'd rather not have my credit card reciepts checked for ammo purchases.

Fair enough.....

However, if such searches turn up BAD GUYS......I am for it.....

I understand that some GOOD GUYS may be hurt.....and that would be very bad.....

Sometimes.......unconvestional methods are needed in turbulent times.....
In contemplating the divisions between America and the "old Europe" of France and Germany, some commentators, noting the Continent's abject dependence on America and the feebleness of its rage, have likened it to a rebellious teenager. But this analogy is highly misleading. After all, America is the world's young upstart, the nation conceived in rebellion against mother England and nurtured by millions of individual acts of revolt by immigrants fleeing the persecution and stultification of the Old World. Besides, in the normal course of things, a rebellious teen grows up within a few years and takes a position of responsibility in the world. What are the odds of France and Germany doing that?

In truth, old Europe is more like America's battle-axe mother-in-law--shrill, imperious, meddling, hypercritical. Once a vibrant and attractive young woman, today she is embittered by the ravages of old age. As unpleasant as she may be, the burden falls on America to maintain a degree of civility; after all, we married into this family. But as the head of our own household, we can't afford to take the old lady's dotty advice. Ideally we'd have the forbearance to pretend to listen respectfully to her every word, then go about our business ignoring what she says. But we're only human; if we occasionally lose patience, that's entirely understandable.

Henpecked Democrats insist that we can't attack outlaw regimes unless in-law nations approve. They fret over the dangers of "going it alone" and "alienating our allies." Yet in the case of Iraq, America is far from alone: Britain, Australia, Turkey and several Arab and numerous Continental European states are on board. And the thing about wars of liberation is that they create allies. Inasmuch as France and Germany are American allies today, it is because we freed them from the Nazis. The Eastern European countries that suffered under Soviet oppression for almost half a century are among America's most enthusiastic friends. And President Bush has already transformed one nation from America's enemy into its ally: Afghanistan.

In his State of the Union address last night, the president made clear his determination to turn the states belonging to the "axis of evil" (though he didn't repeat that phrase) into democratic allies:

*** QUOTE ***

In Iran, we continue to see a government that represses its people, pursues weapons of mass destruction, and supports terror. We also see Iranian citizens risking intimidation and death as they speak out for liberty and human rights and democracy. Iranians, like all people, have a right to choose their own government and determine their own destiny--and the United States supports their aspirations to live in freedom. . . .

And tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of Iraq: Your enemy is not surrounding your country--your enemy is ruling your country. And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be the day of your liberation.

*** END QUOTE ***

He didn't specifically talk of liberating North Korea--no sense provoking a nuclear-armed lunatic--but he did say that "an oppressive regime rules a people living in fear and starvation." Still, liberating Iraq and encouraging revolution in Iran are a pretty good start. It's not at all implausible that in his first term, President Bush will have succeeded in transforming both these countries--now bitter enemies