Inversion boots for BDSM suspension?


May 29, 2012
Anyone every use inversion boots for suspension play?
I had been thinking of getting an inversion setup as below for us as intended for working out and back therapy anyway; just curious if anyone has used the boots for play?

I've never used inversion boots like this before but imagine they'd have to be used with shoes or boots.

Not quite as sexy as nice leather inversion cuffs. I'm I being TOO cheap??
Anyone every use inversion boots for suspension play?
I had been thinking of getting an inversion setup as below for us as intended for working out and back therapy anyway; just curious if anyone has used the boots for play?

I've never used inversion boots like this before but imagine they'd have to be used with shoes or boots.

Not quite as sexy as nice leather inversion cuffs. I'm I being TOO cheap??
I don't see a problem with it, as long as the hooks that connect you to the bar is enough that it can't come off too easily and the bar itself is strong and secure. And yes, I think most types either have a boot that you wear or something that resembles a boot, so the hook doesn't come loose causing you hit your head or neck on the floor.

I've had the desire for this type of thing for my back too, so the double duty of it could be beneficial. I'd just make sure the connection method is a good one, so you don't have to worry about any sudden movements causing a fall. Always think of safety first.
Having played with them and found the leather ones to be pretty scary unless you go over a pair of boots anyway, I think these look better, actually.

And yes, remember you want to play off something rated twice again the weight of the person you're working, at least, because people thrash around. Personally - I like to see 1200 tensile strength of rope and rating of point, before I go working a 200 lb person.

I'm not a fan of the system of attachment depicted there, but it may be really sound.
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I'm I being TOO cheap??

Yes, you are being TOO cheap.
Please remember that the only acceptable equipment is that which is specifically marketed for this type of play (and thus comes with a minimum 200% price mark up because it's special).