Introduce the Litster Above You to a Newbie


Perfectly Imperfect
Jun 27, 2010
My friend and I were discussing this and we thought it would make a fun (interesting) thread.

"How would you introduce the person above you to a new person joining the Playground?"
My friend and I were discussing this and we thought it would make a fun (interesting) thread.

"How would you introduce the person above you to a new person joining the Playground?"

^^^^ This is Sunshinegirl05.... Let's see here she likes to laugh, loves Football as long as it's Michigan. She will talk sports with you and she loves to write check out her Siggy line and love her stuff ;)

She knows the value of a good suit and the man in it! She seems very sweet maybe even innocent but give her time her corrupted side will come out (I Had NOTHING to do with it) ... :devil:
^^^^ This is Sunshinegirl05.... Let's see here she likes to laugh, loves Football as long as it's Michigan. She will talk sports with you and she loves to write check out her Siggy line and love her stuff ;)

She knows the value of a good suit and the man in it! She seems very sweet maybe even innocent but give her time her corrupted side will come out (I Had NOTHING to do with it) ... :devil:

This is fungatorgurl.

She is an absolute joy to know, both friendly and warm. She is fun, giving and sweet but don't think for one minute she is a pushover. You don't want her to take off one of her flip-flops!
^^^^ This is Sunshinegirl05.... Let's see here she likes to laugh, loves Football as long as it's Michigan. She will talk sports with you and she loves to write check out her Siggy line and love her stuff ;)

She knows the value of a good suit and the man in it! She seems very sweet maybe even innocent but give her time her corrupted side will come out (I Had NOTHING to do with it) ... :devil:

The gal up above is Fungatorgurl and she is one of THE most genuine ladies on Lit...not only is she extremely photogeninc...I mean, just look at her I right? or am I right? She is a true sweetheart ....she can also be feisty and fiery, which is a good thing...because she is a passionate soul....which means...once she has wonderfully blessed you with her friendship, you know you are guaranteed lots of caring, genuine heartfelt wishes coming from her, laughter and entitled to a flip flopping fantastic friendship! nice to her...respect her..make her laugh...make her smile..:D:rose::heart:
The gal up above is Fungatorgurl and she is one of THE most genuine ladies on Lit...not only is she extremely photogeninc...I mean, just look at her I right? or am I right? She is a true sweetheart ....she can also be feisty and fiery, which is a good thing...because she is a passionate soul....which means...once she has wonderfully blessed you with her friendship, you know you are guaranteed lots of caring, genuine heartfelt wishes coming from her, laughter and entitled to a flip flopping fantastic friendship! nice to her...respect her..make her laugh...make her smile..:D:rose::heart:

This is BEG, he is a wonderful man. So giving and kind! A true man, he fights untiringly for the underdog always. He writes very well and loves with a big heart. Truly one of my favorite people on Lit. :heart:
This is BEG, he is a wonderful man. So giving and kind! A true man, he fights untiringly for the underdog always. He writes very well and loves with a big heart. Truly one of my favorite people on Lit. :heart:

Above you , you will see a beautiful Princess, Sereneone4U for she has her own Kingdom...and it is grand and magical...she has a heart of gold...she is a strong woman...but she is also a kitten at heart... a wonderful combination....she loves her family and devotes so much of her life to enriching one of her children especially...her beloved daughter..She sent me my very first PM....and perhaps if you are fortunate will receive a special PM from her yourself...for if you do, you will smile and feel very welcomed ....:rose:
This is BEG, he is a wonderful man. So giving and kind! A true man, he fights untiringly for the underdog always. He writes very well and loves with a big heart. Truly one of my favorite people on Lit. :heart:

This is Serene...She is such a dear and angel...Just seeing her here will make you feel comforted as you look at her sweet face ( the face of an angel )...and you read her posts so full of passion, compassion, kindness and warmth...

If you ever need someone to talk to, I know she will embrace each of you with open arms...she is a beautiful mom and friend...

She is gem central...always a ray of light...:rose::heart::rose:
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This is Serene...She is such a dear and angel...Just seeing her here will make you feel comforted as you look at her sweet face ( the face of an angel )...and you read her posts so full of passion, compassion, kindness and warmth...

If you ever need someone to talk to, I know she will embrace each of you with open arms...she is a beautiful mom and friend...

She is gem central...always a ray of light...:rose::heart::rose:

This is Black Cashmere - she has a heart as big as the world and a wonderful way with words - always kind and thoughtful words...treasure her!:heart::heart:
This is Black Cashmere - she has a heart as big as the world and a wonderful way with words - always kind and thoughtful words...treasure her!:heart::heart:

This is OxfordDon! He is an even bigger flirt than me. All in all, he is a super good guy. He is handsome, charming, and quite witty. Don has some impressive photography in one of his threads. Super guy, fun to post with and a true gentleman.............I think. ;):D
This is Black Cashmere - she has a heart as big as the world and a wonderful way with words - always kind and thoughtful words...treasure her!:heart::heart:

This great guy , is Oxford Don...he is a happy gent and has a great pair of blue eyes as you can see...( no pun intended) He is an absolute fantastic photographer and I have marveled at his pics many times.. truly magnificent...He has always been so nice to others...not just to the ladies but to us Gents as well...He is one of the nice guys on Lit and you will soon notice that by his posts!:)
This great guy , is Oxford Don...he is a happy gent and has a great pair of blue eyes as you can see...( no pun intended) He is an absolute fantastic photographer and I have marveled at his pics many times.. truly magnificent...He has always been so nice to others...not just to the ladies but to us Gents as well...He is one of the nice guys on Lit and you will soon notice that by his posts!:)

This wonderful man is BEG. A gentleman in every sense of the word.
A truly caring individual who will slay all the evil Lit dragons for you.
Accept his friendship! :rose:
This wonderful man is BEG. A gentleman in every sense of the word.
A truly caring individual who will slay all the evil Lit dragons for you.
Accept his friendship! :rose:

Don't let the drop dead gorgeous body fool you, she's got a great heart full of love and desire for fun. :rose:
This is RoyceConnors. He is a sweet, friendly guy who loves to chat with people. He would make you feel welcome. :)

This is sunshinegirl05, as you can see she has a fantastic arse! What you can't see from the avatar is her personality is even better!
This is sunshinegirl05, as you can see she has a fantastic arse! What you can't see from the avatar is her personality is even better!

This is tolyk. Sadly, I don't know much about him, but his av is smoking hot. That's a good indicator... of something. ;)
This is lexie..really nice and sweet...oh yea, ask if you can play with her "toys"....:D:D

This is the resident Mule. He is paired with his Ms. Mulette...and he follows her wherever she goes. I am not sure he always listens to her...but she keeps him in line well. Mule is funny and nice. He doesn't bite...hard. :p
This is the resident Mule. He is paired with his Ms. Mulette...and he follows her wherever she goes. I am not sure he always listens to her...but she keeps him in line well. Mule is funny and nice. He doesn't bite...hard. :p

This is sunshinegirl05....she's a sweetheart,she has a great personality.and fun to talk to(if she can understand what you say)....and she's a hottis
This is sunshinegirl05....she's a sweetheart,she has a great personality.and fun to talk to(if she can understand what you say)....and she's a hottis
I would like you to meet Slowridefoursixnine, he is really nice, but ya hafta look past the Roll Tide crap.....and PS he has a nice cock......
I would like you to meet Slowridefoursixnine, he is really nice, but ya hafta look past the Roll Tide crap.....and PS he has a nice cock......

Hook em baby.....this is PTK...I was trying to tell you something bad about her..but, I can't think of one bad thing..she's a doll...and ps she has a nice everything:devil:
Hook em baby.....this is PTK...I was trying to tell you something bad about her..but, I can't think of one bad thing..she's a doll...and ps she has a nice everything:devil:

This is SlowRide......he has a nice cock. :D That says it all....okay, not really!!!! He is a gentleman, he's got an have to listen very very carefully.....and he has a nice cock.

I believe that it has been mentioned......already. LOL
This is SlowRide......he has a nice cock. :D That says it all....okay, not really!!!! He is a gentleman, he's got an have to listen very very carefully.....and he has a nice cock.

I believe that it has been mentioned......already. LOL

Oh.....and she has lovely dark brown nip.....eyes.....I said eyes:devil:
This is SlowRide......he has a nice cock. :D That says it all....okay, not really!!!! He is a gentleman, he's got an have to listen very very carefully.....and he has a nice cock.

I believe that it has been mentioned......already. LOL

This is sunshinegirl and she lives up,to her namesake. She brings brightness and joy with her into the threads she visits. She is fiercely protective of those she cares for, while also welcoming to those she is just beginning to know. You would do well to get to know her.
This is sunshinegirl and she lives up,to her namesake. She brings brightness and joy with her into the threads she visits. She is fiercely protective of those she cares for, while also welcoming to those she is just beginning to know. You would do well to get to know her.

This is ManOSafety. I have not talked to him much, however he always comes off well when I come across him here and there at Lit. He is a dedicated teacher and father and he has a nice picture thread. Go check it out. :)
This is ManOSafety. I have not talked to him much, however he always comes off well when I come across him here and there at Lit. He is a dedicated teacher and father and he has a nice picture thread. Go check it out. :)

Even though I don't know Serene that well, it's easy to see she's a lady who has a wonderful, kind heart and enjoys making smiles happen. She can be a tigress one minute and a lamb the next, So much to enjoy in this lovely soul, definitely get to know her. :rose: