Internet to OFF while writing?


Draco interdum Vincit
Aug 18, 2007
There's a piece in this mornings Daily Telegraph about some authoress who has dedicated her latest missive to two "apps" (which I presume means 'Applications') which have the effect of turning off the Internet while she's writing.

My first reaction was 'ever considered not loading your browser when the word proc is running?'. Then I realised that my PC is quite old and the modern gadgets are slightly different, especially the modern tablet thing (although quite why anyone would want to use one to write is, at present, beyond me).

So tell us, All you authors, do you disconnect the modem or switch off the browser when you are creating your stories?
Or what do you do to avoid facebook, Twitter, blogs and other intrusive amusements ? :rolleyes:
Sometimes. Normally when I'm focused the net is running because I'm listening to one of my Pandora stations.

Also in between a few paragraphs, I'll jump over here and make a quick post or check scores, I'll also look at my amazon sales page then go back to writing.

Again that's when I'm doing well.

If I'm scuffling and seem to be net surfing far more than I'm writing, I close the browsers and listen to one of the music channels on cable(can't write in silience) and work like that until I feel I go the groove back.
So tell us, All you authors, do you disconnect the modem or switch off the browser when you are creating your stories?

If I'm "in the groove" I can ignore quite a lot -- possibly excepting the yapping dog next door -- but if not, well, answering a message can be a welcome relief.
Two, three, four screens open. What's the problem? No problem I can see.

If and or when I start typing the lines of my latest and greatest epic out here on a forum post, will there be a problem.

:D Multitasking with three fingers. How much trouble can you get into?
Most of the time I have several screens open at once (or even two computers going at the same time). I'll chat on IM, check the latest news, or even play a game of scrabble while I'm writing. I just flip from one screen to another while I'm gathering my thoughts on the story.

But I find certain things distracting. A football or basketball game will draw me away from writing. Adding to my blog (not about writing) can pull me away too.

Distractions are okay in moderation. Too many and they break my concentration for the day.
I keep it open with certain links that are needed. is one that I never close, right now I'm writing about a specific type of company, and frequent a similar company's actual website for guidance if I'm doubting wordage or what is all involved. Once I get in the 'mode' it's hard to distract.
I usually leave the internet up just for research or brief little breaks. If I had it off, it'd probably be more distracting, because I would worry about minor, easily Google-able things...
This is such an individual thing. Personally I don't do anything but start up the word program and go to it. If I need to search up a word or whatever I go check then right back to the typing. Sometimes I actually take a break and go do something else. :eek:
I usually need my browser open so I can check attacks (for Pokemon) and other facts. I don't like screwing up details when I write.

Occasionally I have my music player going as well, or I'll have the radio turned on. When I'm in the zone, nothing can bug me. I just keep on typing until I'm tired or the chapter is completed.
I like to check on facts while I'm writing and that requires the Internet.
We had a pretty much all day Internet outage locally and I came to realize just how much fact checking I do.
I like to check on facts while I'm writing and that requires the Internet.
We had a pretty much all day Internet outage locally and I came to realize just how much fact checking I do.

What are these facts you speak of? This stuff is supposed to be factual? :eek:
So tell us, All you authors, do you disconnect the modem or switch off the browser when you are creating your stories?

1. switch off browser so I can write without distraction
2. switch browser back on to fact-check one little thing
3. while I'm there, check my email
4. hey, I've been writing for a while, I'm allowed a little break
5. two hours later, celebrate new high score on distracting Flash game du jour
6. goto 1.

What are these facts you speak of? This stuff is supposed to be factual? :eek:

Stuff I have fact-checked for my current story:

- Greek marriage laws (establishing family background for one of the characters - her grandmother got married at sixteen)
- Tourist walks in the Blue Mountains
- Dates for Greek Orthodox Christmas and Chinese New Year
- Cost of a cello
- Sydney train routes
- Details of a film that my characters go to see
- Several bits of music and a film sound-bite that get used in my story

Not all of that stuff ended up in the final cut, but I try to avoid writing stuff that's going to be jarringly wrong for readers, and being sure of my facts makes me more confident in writing around them.

Also, fact-checking is often a GREAT source of inspiration. Throws up all sorts of little details I can run with.
Oh my god, why on earth would anyone want to touch a cello? :eek:
Oh my god, why on earth would anyone want to touch a cello? :eek:

Young Lady, you have GOT to be joking. The sound it almost indescribable.
I urge you to listen to the opening of this absolute classic:

Jacqueline du Pre
with the Elgar cello concerto.
If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, you ain't got no soul!
I think I would have to agree with that. The cello would be the least annoying of the string instruments.
I usually need my browser open so I can check attacks (for Pokemon) and other facts. I don't like screwing up details when I write.

Occasionally I have my music player going as well, or I'll have the radio turned on. When I'm in the zone, nothing can bug me. I just keep on typing until I'm tired or the chapter is completed.

Every time I see the word Pokemon I shudder.

All I can think of is Saturdays when I had the comic shop. Dozens of kids running around playing that damn game and trading cards and arguing over them.

5-6 hour tournaments and seeing they weren't mine I couldn't smack any of the whiny little cretins.

The worst days were the ones my daughter who ran the tournaments had something else to do and I had to run them.

Which meant I had to learn the game.

So that's right I know how to play pokemon and yu-gi-oh and Magic the gathering and Naruto.....

The only card games I play these days are cribbage, solitare, and hearts.
I'll disconnect when I'm getting too little written, like now. It's no wonder I've got no bloody stories posted yet

Thanks for the kick up the arse, seriously.
Oh my god, why on earth would anyone want to touch a cello? :eek:

You kidding emap? You ever seen one? Now, those are curves!

Young Lady, you have GOT to be joking. The sound it almost indescribable.
I urge you to listen to the opening of this absolute classic:

Heres some fine cello for you.

I think this is what emap needs to see---^ :D
What are these facts you speak of? This stuff is supposed to be factual? :eek:

No, not the story. However, the background does need to be factual. If you set a story in Manhattan and use a subway, which subway and where does the hero or villain board/get off? I live in NYC and I used the subways. However, I don't remember all of the details. (Some of it may be protective amnesia. I can never eat sardines again.)