Intelligence agencies rewarded for incompetence


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Despite Congress' best efforts to whitewash the massive failure of the so-called "intelligence" agencies on Sept. 11, 2001, the long awaited public hearings today (what took them so long?) revealed the government received numerous warnings, far more than previously admitted, of an attack, including warnings about flying airplanes into buildings. Remember how their whole line after 9/11 was, this took us totally by surprise, we had no idea this would happen? That has now been thoroughly exposed as a lie. How much else are they lying about? The Bushies are still stonewalling about what Bush knew, because that would clearly uncover his complicity in the mass murder of innocent Americans. He had plans for the invasion of Afghanistan on his desk before Sept. 11. He knew exactly what was coming; he orchestrated it!

The congressional report issued today shows that, at the very least, the "intelligence" agencies (they should be called stupidity agencies!) are grossly, incredibly incompetent. Despite all the billions upon billions of dollars which have been lavished upon them, they failed to protect us despite numerous and specific warnings. Since Sept.11 of last year, they have been rewarded for their massive incompetence (or worse) by having their budgets vastly increased, and their powers greatly expanded! Instead, since they've proven how utterly worthless they are, they should be abolished. The problem is not, as the reactionaries try to claim, that they were hampered by restrictions. The problem is they didn't use the powers they had! The deaths of almost 3,000 Americans are on their heads.

And that's not even mentioning all their other misdeeds.
Despite Congress' best efforts to whitewash the massive failure of the so-called "intelligence" agencies on Sept. 11, 2001, the long awaited public hearings today (what took them so long?) revealed the government received numerous warnings, far more than previously admitted, of an attack, including warnings about flying airplanes into buildings.

You really do prefer your horsemeat well tenderized, don't you?

Thank you for another brilliant description of the view from the bughouse.
Never touch horsemeat

I haven't even mentioned COINTELPRO, in which the FBI spied on the student anti-war movement and the civil rights movement in the 1960's. Or the CIA's overthrow of elected governments in Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Chile, etc., and imposition of brutal right-wing dictatorships in those countries. Or the support for murderous dictators such as Marcos in the Phillipines, and Mobutu in the Congo.

Chickens really do come home to roost, though, and now we face the very real prospect of a brutal right-wing dictatorship being imposed on us. After all, a government which destroys democracy in other nations can hardly be expected to be committed to maintaining democracy at home.
spin..... spin..... spin.....


another thread brought to you by REDWAVE


jump on in and give it a spin:rolleyes:

You see how lame and inane both replies are. The sycophants of the powerful are incapable of intelligent debate; they merely harass anyone who dares to stand up and speak the truth.
Re: Lame

You see how lame and inane both replies are. The sycophants of the powerful are incapable of intelligent debate; they merely harass anyone who dares to stand up and speak the truth.


Here are some of the intellgience failures that were disclosed today in a PUBLIC hearing from Congress to America.

1. Air Security: In a report to Congress in December 2000, the FBI and Federal Aviation Administration assessed the prospects of a terrorist incident targeting domestic civil aviation in the United States as relatively low.

2. Planes as Weapons: Beginning in 1994 and continuing through August 2001, U.S. intelligence was aware that international terrorists “had seriously considered the use of airplanes as a means of carrying out terrorist attacks.” Intelligence agencies learned of at least a dozen separate plots to use aircraft as weapons prior to Sept. 11, including a purported bin Laden-led plot in the fall of 1998 to target the New York and Washington areas. Despite this, there was little, if any, analysis of terrorists using aircraft as weapons.

3. U.S. Terror Cells: Intelligence obtained in October 1998 indicated that al-Qaida was trying to establish an operative terror cell in the United States and might be attempting to recruit Islamic U.S. citizens and U.S.-based expatriates from the Middle East and North Africa.

4. Osama Bin Laden: In recognition of the growing threat posed by Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network, CIA Director George Tenet, in a December 1998 memorandum distributed to his deputies, in effect “declared war” on the Saudi exile. But despite Tenet’s declaration that “no resources or people (be) spared,” investigators said there was no significant shift of resources or personnel to counterterrorism, and members of both the CIA and FBI units charged with assessing and disrupting al-Qaida reported being “seriously overwhelmed by the volume of information and workload” prior to Sept. 11.

5. Sept. 11 Planner: Information obtained since Sept. 11 “suggests that a particular al-Qaida leader may have been instrumental in the attacks.” U.S. intelligence experts have known about the individual since 1995, but “did not recognize his growing importance to al-Qaida … and did not anticipate his involvement in a terrorist attack of Sept. 11’s magnitude.” The individual is not identified in the report because the CIA declined to declassify material referring to him.

6. Warning Signs: Analysts had “general indications” during the spring and summer of 2001 that a possible terrorist attack against the United States or U.S. interests overseas was being planned, and internal warnings were circulated in the government. In a July 2001 briefing for senior administration officials, intelligence officials said that bin Laden was planning to launch a “spectacular (attack) … designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests” in the coming weeks. But no information has been uncovered that specifically indicated that attacks were planned on Sept. 11 or identified the targets to be hit.

7. Fragmentation: There were large blocks of information suggesting that terrorist attacks were in the offing, but the pieces of information were not effectively shared by the 14 agencies and military branches that make up the U.S. intelligence community and therefore could not be assembled into a greater whole that could have led to prevention of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Overall in my opinion I believe the fault to be too much intelligence gathered by too many agencies with no central coordination or analyzation.

You posted few facts and LOTS of spin.

Despite all the billions upon billions of dollars which have been lavished upon them, they failed to protect us despite numerous and specific warnings. Since Sept.11 of last year, they have been rewarded for their massive incompetence (or worse) by having their budgets vastly increased, and their powers greatly expanded! Instead, since they've proven how utterly worthless they are, they should be abolished. The problem is not, as the reactionaries try to claim, that they were hampered by restrictions. The problem is they didn't use the powers they had! The deaths of almost 3,000 Americans are on their heads.

1. You are the biggest reactionary in here.

2. Abolish the intel agencies, and increase the risk of not preventing anything else. Ohhh I get it tongue in cheek.
Despite REDWAVE's best efforts to whitewash his massive failure to convince even one person on literotica of the advantages of his whacked out communist philosphy, as well as his laughable conspiracy theories, he nevertheless continues to argue for this long-discredited style of government, all the while trying to discredit democracy and the current U.S. administration. Remember how REDWAVE has been telling us that the bush administration knew about and actually orchestrated the attacks on 9/11? That has now been thoroughly exposed as a lie. How much else is he lying about? Redwave is still stonewalling about what he knew, because that would clearly uncover his complicity in the mass boredom of innocent Literotizens. He had plans to bore the hell out of all of us with his lunatic ravings well before Sept. 11. He knew exactly what was coming; he orchestrated it!

This latest thread shows that, at the very least, the "Chief Commie Cocksucker" (as he likes to be called) is grossly, incredibly incompetent. Despite all the thousands upon thousand of posts which he has tortured us with, he fails to sway any of us (except maybe spinaroonie) despite numerous and specific foamy-mouthed ravings. Since Sept.11 of last year, he has gone even deeper off the cliff of sanity, possibly because his pot-smoking has vastly increased, and yet since his hollow accusations and threats of having people arrested his audience has diminished more than we thought possible! Instead, he's proven how utterly worthless he is, and his bunghole should be corn-cob polished. The problem is not, as the loon red would try to claim, that he is being threatened. The problem is that he is a paranoid schizophrenic that can't hold a job and so feels that he is an utter and dismal failure in life! And so, the boredom of an entire bulletin board is on his head.

And that's not even mentioning his butt-ugly avatar.
hey! who let the mutant weasle-spawn out of its cage?!?
My dear Red

I'd like to insert a little story here that might help you understand a few of the larger issues at hand. Please don't take this as a personal affront, cause the herion in this story is some one I really know, though the specifics are not.

Our herion, lets call her Ayah, was a rebel rouser in her time. She was well admired and respected by all. Many lovers came and went over the years, and there were many arrests she endured. She knew, however, that only time would solve a very serious delimna for her. Respect was her's forever.

Or so she thought.

She found herself one day, devoid of health. A literal detioration of her physical body got the best of her. 'How could this be?' she thought in vain. 'After all I have done?' she questioned.

Though her theories were quite profound, she found in her decaying state, no one was there to listen in her time of need. Not only did they think she frivial, but they scoffed at her frail and needy body.

She no longer commanded an air of respect. All was lost of her valid and pointed facts.

Moral of this story?

One must take care of your own personal needs, and not lose sight of that greater vision beyond yourself.

Simpler terms: Your vision is not greater than yourself. When you make it so, it consumes you, and the vision is comsumed as well.

Take heed, friend.
what i wouldn't give to have just a few minutes with pinkripple and yoyotwat and all the rest to use the Chairleg of Truth to "show them the light."

the world would be a better place because of it.

If I understand you correctly, you're saying I need to take care of myself first, and put worrying about the problems of the world on the back burner. Well, you have a point. The first task of a revolutionary is simply to survive, which is not easy in a hostile, oppressive society which targets and persecutes dissenters. However, I do have a good enough support network, for now at least, where I don't have to worry about surviving.

Moreover, I find the direction in which U.S. society is currently heading is so deeply disturbing and sinister that I'm not particularly concerned about my personal survival. I'm concerned about the survival of the entire human race. If Bush gets his way and establishes his vicious police state of perpetual war and total repression, life will not be worth living-- for anyone-- anyway.
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Re: MoonWolf

Moreover, I find the direction in which U.S. society is currently heading is so deeply disturbing and sinister that I'm not particularly concerned about my personal survival. I'm concerned about the survival of the entire human race. If Bush gets his way and establishes his vicious police state of perpetual war and total repression, life will not be worth living-- for anyone-- anyway.
And you haven't a scintilla of evidence that that will be the case except for your own paranoia.

A meteor may very well someday fall on my house. But I'm not going to freak out about it.

You got my point to a certain extent. There will always be rebels, and rebels we need. But when things are tough, no one will be there for you if you don't keep up that network.

Expanding is important, but not expanding to close doors. The way you post here has gotten redundant and expectant. Anything said of you are doors closed before the reader's eye opens because you have offend so many here.

And don't depend on the networks you have in place.....they don't thrive if you don't feed them.
Reply to TB

It never ceases to amaze me how idiotic the comments made by some people here are. Not a scintilla of evidence? Top Bushies have declared publically that the "war on terror" will last for decades. Re police state, there's the "Patriot Act," the TIPS program, the roundup of over a thousand Arab-Americans without charges after Sept. 11, the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, Ari Fleischer's sinister comment that "people had better watch what they say," etc. There's an overwhelming mountain of evidence!
Re: Reply to TB

It never ceases to amaze me how idiotic the comments made by some people here are. Not a scintilla of evidence? Top Bushies have declared publically that the "war on terror" will last for decades. Re police state, there's the "Patriot Act," the TIPS program, the roundup of over a thousand Arab-Americans without charges after Sept. 11, the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, Ari Fleischer's sinister comment that "people had better watch what they say," etc. There's an overwhelming mountain of evidence!
That's still a long way from a "police state" personally established at the whim of George W. Bush. And you've stated before that you think he'll dissolve Congress and impose martial law. Again, paranoia speaking.

And yet something so plainly simple as a poll showing a large majority of Americans in support of the President and the war against Iraq you attempt to explain away with a million excuses.

i like the fact that he clammors for better intelligence agencies, then whoops a crappie (pulls a 180Âş turn) and starts ranting about police states and Big Brother and some such.

i laugh when i think about the irony in that. maybe it's just me.
Re: Reply to TB

It never ceases to amaze me how idiotic the comments made by some people here are. Not a scintilla of evidence? Top Bushies have declared publically that the "war on terror" will last for decades. Re police state, there's the "Patriot Act," the TIPS program, the roundup of over a thousand Arab-Americans without charges after Sept. 11, the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, Ari Fleischer's sinister comment that "people had better watch what they say," etc. There's an overwhelming mountain of evidence!

Typical example of why you aren't making many points. You don't call someone 'idotic' if you're trying to shed light. They will reject your words, whether they are a plain as day or as black as night.

Would you?
Yeah, I saw that documentary about how the CIA and FBI had more than ample evidence of impending terrorist attacks with planes. CIA agents in, I think, Minnesota and Arizona, sent all the info along to the HQ, which promptly ignored it.

They aired the doc. on 11 september here.

Clinton's administration had a clear plan of action, based on the info, but when Bush and Condolences got into the house, they killed the plan.

and now they're looking pretty stupid.

see the documentary (if you can view it PropagandaLand). The proof is out there.
Re: Reply to TB

It never ceases to amaze me how idiotic the comments made by some people here are. Not a scintilla of evidence? Top Bushies have declared publically that the "war on terror" will last for decades. Re police state, there's the "Patriot Act," the TIPS program, the roundup of over a thousand Arab-Americans without charges after Sept. 11, the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, Ari Fleischer's sinister comment that "people had better watch what they say," etc. There's an overwhelming mountain of evidence!

Hi Redwave, sadly, there are none so blind as those who close their eyes and face the other way . . . the world has a problem . . . it is an alcoholic in remission with access to the nuclear trigger . . . and a group of Oil cartel supporters wanting to corner the world's petroleum reserves . . . writing war plans before they get their puppet appointed to office, so that they can then run around behind his shadow doing all the things necessary to take over the oil reserves . . . seem to think Himmler and Goebells did the same thing 1933-1945 . . . Nazi Germany, wasn't it??
Promoting incompetents to where they can do less damage is very common in government and the military. There was a recent book about the Boston Mafia and unsavory informants which touched upon some of this. Now I disagree with the author of the book, the prosecutor in the case, on his take which mirrored the policy on intelligence during the Clinton years (actually since the Church commission...) as to the value of unsavory informants.

Another school of thought is that, not unlike Hillary Clnton, George Tenent has secured blackmail material on leading officials which is kept in lockdown mode in case something or someone should threaten their position.

As for the other posters here, my apoligies for their lack of tolerance and willingness to listen to the enemy of America. Kudos to you for at least exposing some weak thinkers here...

As for the continuing comedy of flames, it's getting old gentlemen. Get a new act. RED's not the only one lacking in originality...

If you don't like it, go read another thread. Standing there and screaming that RED is an idiot does two-fold damage. It makes you look not one wit better and it's condenscending to the new members in-as-much as you deny them the right to decide, as if THEY were the stupid ones...
Damn, SIN

Damn, SIN-- if you keep that up, people may really start thinking you and I actually are one and the same. That would totally distort my sense of reality . . .

I don't mind at all people disagreeing with me and arguing with me. What bothers me is the people who just want to toss insults without even discussing the issues involved. I too have noted the irony of people who claim to find me boring, yet keep reading and posting to my threads. There are a ton of other threads at Lit. You'd think someone who didn't like mine would just read other ones and ignore me.

But instead they're my biggest fans. I'm the commie they love to hate.
typical socialist post dodging

a solid truthful post from several major news agencies, and redpimple and donkeydick, don't reply, they just scroll down the page like it was never there.

I can see why you two didn't.... it didn't have a socialist rhetoric.
