Insomniac's Corner

Google advertisement on TV-
Hall and Oates

Mangobbler ?

No, Maneater !


Why an ad on TV ? Is Google getting heavy competition from someone ?
1978 Fitchburg MA Ten Years Later Concert - Group Junket to an old mill town.
Added to bootleg collection.

January 23, 1978


"1978 was a tragic and transitional year for the band. The year began with an acrimonious split with long-time manager Guercio.
Then, singer/guitarist/group founder Terry Kath died of an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound."

1978 Renaldo and Clara original four-hour version Harvard Square
My first little transistor radio, was replaced by radios that were larger and larger. Soon, I was lugging
around a boom box. But the sound was still mono. The same sound came out of each speaker.
No separate bass. The Hullaballo show had all the rock and pop songs. The ballads and theme songs.

"Back in the day" ? This was before "back in the day".

The youth of America were young adults. Little children listened to "Puff the Magic Dragon."

"I Fought the Law, and the Law Won"- in black and white- with electric guitars. On Hullaballo.
100 years pass- 100 feet of shoreline, lost. How many feet of shoreline were lost, in these last 20 years ?
A gold mine for insomniacs with a curious bent for trials and history.

The trial and execution of of Socrates in Athens in 399 B.C.E. puzzles historians. Why, in a society enjoying more freedom and democracy than any the world had ever seen, would a seventy-year-old philosopher be put to death for what he was teaching? The puzzle is all the greater because Socrates had taught--without molestation--all of his adult life. What could Socrates have said or done than prompted a jury of 500 Athenians to send him to his death just a few years before he would have died naturally?

Finding an answer to the mystery of the trial of Socrates is complicated by the fact that the two surviving accounts of the defense (or apology) of Socrates both come from disciples of his, Plato and Xenophon. Historians suspect that Plato and Xenophon, intent on showing their master in a favorable light, failed to present in their accounts the most damning evidence against Socrates.
"China is the top leader, in weather manipulation!" Is the premise for this show, is that it is an educational TV show for children ?

On the Spot "Science; History; the Arts"

`Everything you need to know about everything.''

With a slogan like that, you might have high expectations when watching a show like ``On the Spot.'' The show is a lightning-fast game
of trivia that provides answers to questions such as ``can a cow have an accent?'' and ``who got the world's longest standing ovation?''

It may not tell you everything about everything, but chances are you'll come away from each half-hour episode a little more
knowledgeable than you were before you watched it.

WCVB, Formerly the Boston Channel ABCTV
"Beginning at Hart-tish Park picnic area the trail crosses Upper Applegate Road and drops down to Grouse Creek.
An abandoned miners’ cabin and an inactive Sasquatch (Bigfoot) trap are encountered about 0.75 mile up the trail.
Several mine adits are found along the trail. Please do not enter the tunnels."

What is an adit, Precious ?

adit [Credit: U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau of Land Management]

A horizontal or near-horizontal passage driven from the Earth’s surface into the side of a ridge or mountain for
the purpose of working, ventilating, or removing water from a mine.

Bigfoot Trap Oregon
N.H. House votes overwhelmingly to oppose indefinite detention by U.S. government

March 13, 2013

The New Hampshire House waded into national security policy yesterday, voting overwhelmingly to oppose sections of the 2011
National Defense Authorization Act that allow the federal government to detain suspected terrorists indefinitely without trial.

On a 337-15 vote, the House gave initial approval to the “New Hampshire Liberty Act,” which bars state officials –
under penalty of prosecution “to the fullest extent of current New Hampshire law” – from helping implement
two sections of the NDAA dealing with military detention of suspected terrorists.
...(I) was viewing Antwoord videos and looking at their art work and tattoos-
seeing what those wild and crazy younglings have been up to-
( they are so very International )

and I happen upon this-
one giant WTF ????

Michelle Shocked

Mar. 18 2013

Shocked -- who is a born-again Christian (also kinda shocking!) -- told the audience that "God hates fags."
(During her performance in San Francisco )

"She started reading some tweets from the stream and having a dialogue about people's impressions, talking about
how she was feeling brave at this point and that she was doing the right thing. Then the tone of the conversation
became extremely religious and she began talking about the two things most important to her being Jesus Christ,
and freedom. Then she talked about how she had just come from a prayer meeting the night before, and the
people in her prayer meeting were really worried because these are the end times, and they’re the end times
because Prop. 8 is going to lead to ministers marrying gay people with a rifle to the head.
(gsgs comment- the underlining is mine.)

"At which people got a little riled up; then there started to be some call and response from the crowd about what she meant.
She started exhorting the crowd very specifically to go ahead and tweet or write and say that Michelle Shocked says God
hates f--s, and some other references to the Bible denouncing homosexuality as sinful and abhorrent."


"Shocked's career as a concert performer is clearly in some jeopardy, since much of her audience consists of gay people
or sympathizers—and she was even identified as lesbian herself for much of her career (falsely, she's repeatedly said).
The tale of how Michelle Shocked sprung her extremist God/god rant on unsuspecting people-

{Special thanks, to the person who made this video}

Michelle Shocked at Yoshi's San Francisco Gay Jesus / Cookie Puss [audio]

....[Michelle] Shocked- (real name Karen Michelle Johnston) took the stage March 17 and remarked there was an "invisible man"
on the stage. She said she needed an avatar. Some fans looked confused at these remarks. She encouraged the audience
to tweet her comments and song requests.

Matt Penfield, an audience member from San Francisco, joined Shocked on stage to follow her tweets as she sang.

The audience sang along with Shocked on some of her numbers.
{ Singing along, with the version of Michelle Shocked, that they knew and loved, for years ?}

At one point, [Michelle] Shocked, stopped to read tweets. In response to a request for a gospel song, she said, "I love me some Jesus."

In the middle of another song, she made a political statement about medical debt related to an Occupy issue.

{Which is an odd thing to say, considering she was arrested at Occupy L.A. in 2011 }

During a brief intermission, Shocked tweeted: "Truth is leading to painful confrontation."

But things started to fall apart for the signer during her second set, which she said was "all about reality."

She said she was tired of Christians hiding behind the cross.

"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization and Jesus will come back."

"I believe the Bible is the word of God," Shocked continued.

Michelle Shocked's [former] fans, respond to these rants-

"Gays deserve to marry." "That is a rotten and horrible thing to say." "Jesus loves people." "Don't bash people for who they are."

One woman shouted: "Don't say that shit in San Francisco."

Shocked replied, "Where do I go to say it?"

Many fans questioned the singer out loud: "What are you saying?"

With a broad smile, Shocked said-

"You are going to leave here and tell people 'Michelle Shocked said God hates faggots.'"

A Yoshi's manager announced, "Thank you for coming ladies and gentlemen. This show is over."

"It's not over," Shocked protested and she continued to sing.

Management cut off her microphone and shut off the stage lights.

Shocked continued to sing for her few remaining fans.
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Hope is the thing with feathers
- Emily Dickinson
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

against my window

the wind is pushing the tiniest sleet pellets

now, comes the flying slush

snow, pregnant with water, so tired

it slumps to the ground

as if it were an exhausted person

dropping into a comfy chair

it must be Spring

there is a battle going on, above my head
"Justice Run Free" - Music Video

"Justice was murdered as a prop in a message to animal activists, by Tim Sappington.
In Tim's message he stated right before he shot Justice: "F**k you animal activists."

Justice will never be forgotten.

This page has the uncensored version of how the horse was executed.

You can hear what Tim Sappington's attitude is, in his voice- when he has his last word to anyone watching.
Lots of Love


That was before the interwebs became popular. I am way over 50 years old.
I have not seen Lots of Love written at the bottom of a letter, since I was
a female youngling.

Thank you, NPR and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me

Who does it ?

Christians. Catholics. Orthodox. Anglicans. Lutherans. Pentecostals.
Mormons- Another day, another tithe. $$$$$$ Buddhists. Hindus.
People who follow Islam, take the practice of fasting seriously, at Ramadan.
The followers of Judaism, take their fasts seriously.
"One who eats on Lord Krishna’s birthday is lowest of mankind."
Taoists, have a way of fasting. Jainists have their way of fasting.

What puzzles me, is the way Christians have fish feasts, and are allowed to eat alligator meat, during what is a fast.

Someone takes notice-

"It all started on Ash Wednesday."

Someone over at Insta-Gator Ranch & Hatchery posted a picture of a 3 year old letter on the Insta-Gator Facebook page.

The letter just happened to be from the Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans. And in that letter,

Archbishop Aymond clarifies that it’s OK to eat alligator on Fridays in Lent.

"As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, the archbishop’s letter was in response
to an inquiry about whether or not Catholics could eat alligator on days of

The simple answer: Yes, they can.

The archbishop states, “Yes, the alligator is considered in the fish family… and it is considered seafood.

Maybe, I am missing the point of how much a sacrifice it is, to give up eating meat.

I am mostly a vegetarian. I do eat eggs, fish and seafood, on occasion.

As a child, I knew Christian children who gave up candy or chocolate for lent. As a child, I understood that is was
a hard and not- fun thing to do. Before the internet, I read about how Medieval people found ways to avoid
fasting. A duck is a fish ?

Thank you, NPR
My Ogre Husband and I somehow settled into the routine, of watching World at War.
"PBS station WGBH broadcast the series unedited and in its entirety in the late eighties."

Reilly Ace of Spies

The Sharpe series

[Lambeth MS. 306, leaf 135.]

Women, women, loue of women,
Make bare purs1 with some men,
Some be nyse as a nonne hene,2
Yit al thei be nat soo.
some be lewde,
some all be schrewde;
Go schrewes wher thei goo.

Sum be nyse, and some be fonde,3
And some be tame, y vndirstonde,
And some can take brede of a manes hande,
Yit all thei be nat soo.
some be lewde,
some all be schrewde;
Go schrewes wher thei goo.

Some cane part with-outen hire,4
And some make bate in eueri chire,5
And some cheke mate with oure Sire6,
Yet all thei be nat so.
Some be lewde,
and sume be schreuede,
go wher thei goo.

Som be browne, and some be whit,
And some be tender as a tripe,
And some of theym be chiry ripe,7
Yet all thei be not soo.
Sume be lewde,
and some be schrewede,
go wher thei goo.

Some of them be treue of love8
Beneth the gerdell, but nat above,9
And in a hode aboue can chove,10
Yet all thei do nat soo.
Some be lewde,
and some be schreude,
go where thei goo.

Some cane whister11, & some cane crie,
Some cane flater, and some can lye,
And some cane sette the moke awrie,12
Yet all thei do nat soo.
Sume be lewde,
and sume be schreuede,
go where thei goo.

He that made this songe full good,
Came of the north and of sothern blode,
And some-what kyne to Robyn Hode,13
Yit all we be nat soo.
Some be lewde,
and some be schrewede,
go where thei goo.

Some be lewde, some be schrwde,
Go where thei goo.

1 Make bare purs, i.e. clean out a man's purse.
2 nyse as a nonne hene, i.e. nice (prudish) as a nun's hen.
3 fonde, foolish, or in this case, easy.
4 Some...hire, some will part with their goods, i.e. "put out," without getting paid.
5 make bate...chire, bait men in every shire.
6 cheke...Sire, some are "checkmating", i.e., "doing" our lord.
7 chiry ripe, red as a ripe cherry; also, ripe for "plucking."
8 treue of love, faithful.
9 Beneth...above, below the skirt, but not above it.
10 hode...chove; "Hode" has a very specific definition
in the MED, and stands for rank; "chove" = "shove."
I will quote a medievalist friend of mine, who goes under
the pseudonym of "Dr. Virago", and who explained it to me thus:

"The whole stanza is punning — she's faithful
"below the girdle" means both the literal sense, at
least at first (she doesn't have sex with other men),
but then comes to mean she doesn't cheat with men of
her station or lower, but is able and willing to "in
a rank above." The whole thing relies on the metaphor
of the body politic — where lower ranks equal
the lower regions of the body."

11 whister, whistle.
12 sette... awrie, set a mock (joke, jest) awry; i.e., "the joke's on you, buddy."
13 kyne to Robyn Hode, kin, or akin, to Robin Hood. It is to be remembered
that the medieval idea of Robin Hood is little like our modern,
noble conception. In the Middle Ages, the gestes and ballads
of Robin Hood were bawdy tales in which Maid Marian was not
much short of a harlot; so, what the songster is saying is that he's
like the writer of those bawdy tales of debauchery.
"The many errors the printers introduced into the text of Shakespeare's work still provide fertile ground for theatrical
and academic debate. Hamlet, for example, wishes that his "too, too solid flesh would melt."--or is it his "sullied" flesh,
or perhaps his "sallied" flesh? Which is Shakespeare, and which is an error? We cannot blame the printers; they spent
long hours setting page after page of tiny type, working in a cramped space that smelled strongly of the stale urine
they used to soften the inking pads. It is ironic that the most revered symbol of English high culture owes its existence--
in part, at least--to the productive bladders of a handful of pressmen. This book gives these men their due, demonstrating
the extent to which Shakespeare's plays were the work not just of one man but of a whole society. "
16 August 2011

This whale's toothy smile is unlike any other in its group. A newly discovered fossil of one of the oldest baleen whales
provides the missing link in the evolution of the giant blue whale's gaping maw.

"....researchers discovered that the huge elastic jaws of blue whales developed from a more rigid form."

Baleen whales are scientifically known as mysticetes, or "mustached whales," in comparison to the odontocetes,
or "toothed whales," such as dolphins and killer whales.

Maw- That is an old fashioned word....

"Down, into your maw...."
Red sky, at dawning
Sailor, take warning

Red sky, at night
Sailors, delight

Both times
I woke, to see the red light
a sky, dark and menacing

It was not meant for me
Safe on land, at home

Sans technology, there was no high point
that would reveal the enormity

March 29, 2013

The storm surge and high waves that have been battering the province have destroyed one of the oldest fishing
structures in Petty Harbor. A resident says the structure started floating at approximately 3 a.m. this morning
and nothing was left of the building hours later. An excavator was brought in to clean up the debris from the
collapsed structure.

March 28, 2013

"....advising residents to prepare for storm surge conditions and to be cautious
around coastlines and waterways throughout the long weekend. "

Conditions may be extremely hazardous and emergency management officials advise the public to use extreme caution.
There also exists the possibility of winter storm conditions and visibility may be impacted, which officials warn could
pose significant risk for people who journey close to coastal areas.
Let us see, what happens, when Spring does not arrive. When Summer does not happen.

( I will not be alive, to see it. *makes a wish, and crosses fingers* )

A Winter, that lasts for years ?

"You were born, at the beginning of Winter. We did not know, that Winter would not end."