Insomniac's Corner

Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge, which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.

George Orwell
Maybe you are one of those hard-bark, Western cowpoke types who doesn’t exactly get misty-eyed by the vision of a herd of wild mustangs majestically galloping across the sage-dotted open ranges of Nevada. You think of the mustangs as pests or varmints, an invasive species that needs to be eliminated from public lands so there will be more than enough water and forage for the rightful end-users of the public range — cows.

You remember as a kid when you read all those history books about the vast herds of wild cows that roamed North America in prehistoric times? No? Well, maybe you learned from Western movies about how cows are native to these parts, you know, and about how saber-toothed cows terrorized early settlers and thus had to be domesticated. Clearly, in the eyes of some, millions of cows on the public ranges are not a problem and are not an invasive species, but a few thousand wild horses — which are native to this continent — are destructive, invasive pests that need to go.

No matter what your point of view might be, you have a chance this week to let the government know what you think about its wild horse program. Public meetings are being held to gauge public opinion about horse roundups that almost certainly are planned for a few places in the nearby Spring Mountains, including the idyllic mountain community of Cold Creek, home to a small, beloved herd of mustangs.

Don’t get the wrong idea, though. Just because these are public meetings at which the public will be asked for its opinion, you should not assume you will be allowed to actually say anything to the government PR folks who run the get-togethers. They have no intention of standing there and allowing the public to tee off.

Typically, the feds and their PR handlers will not allow anyone to stand up and speak. Rather, members of the public are allowed to submit written comments that are carefully and meticulously gathered up, and then — presumably — are promptly shredded for use in recycled toilet paper. They surely play zero role in government decision-making.

Even if you somehow pull off a miracle and manage to tell the BLM that you hate the idea of yet another horse roundup, as hundreds of Nevadans have done over the past several years, it will make not one bit of difference. The decision on when and where and how many horses to capture has already been made, and no amount of opposition to the roundups will matter one tiny bit to BLM or the Forest Service. Their disdain for the public, and especially for wild horse advocates, is palpable.

The other day at a BLM corral near Reno, three BLM wranglers put on a little show of defiance and contempt when they tried to capture a single painted mustang from one of the holding pens. Instead of saddling up their horses to enter the pens where the skittish, recently captured mustangs were baking in the hot sun, these three burly yokels crammed themselves into the front seat of a flatbed truck and then tore into the corral like they were imitating Bo Duke trying to get away from Boss Hogg.

Video recorded by a horse advocate shows the rootin’-tootin’ cowpokes repeatedly fishtailing their truck and spinning around to take another run at the paint, while scattering every other horse in the pen. They even made a point of coming over to the women with the camera to taunt her, knowing that the video would make not a whit of difference to their bosses, even if it went viral.

The BLM’s virtually unstoppable plan to round up the few wild horses that remain in Southern Nevada comes less than two weeks after the wild horse program was described as abysmal failure in a study conducted for the National Academy of Sciences.

The blistering report ripped the BLM a new one, and, in particular, declared the continued program of roundups and long-term storage as counterproductive — for the horses, the range and especially the taxpayers. One likely effect of the constant roundups is that the horses go into survival mode, meaning, they reproduce far in excess of what they might naturally do.

So how did BLM react to such a thorough and embarrassing rebuke of its ongoing policies? A spokesman thanked the NAS for its report, saying the bureau “welcomed it.” (Translation: Go fuck yourself.) And, said an official, the BLM will take the recommendations under advisement. (Translation: You can stick this report far up your scientific ass.) One needs look no further than the plans being evaluated at this week’s meetings — plans that call for more roundups of more horses — to understand what the BLM thinks of the NAS scientists and the taxpayers.
another chance to see Philip Seymour Hoffman, at work-

'God’s Pocket' was written by Slattery and Alex Metcalf , and produced by Sam Bisbee, Jackie Kelman Bisbee,Lance Acord, Slattery, Emily Ziff and Hoffman through his Cooper’s Town Productions. The film is a Park Pictures Film in association with Cooper’s Town Productions and Shoestring Pictures. The film is based on the novel by acclaimed author Pete Dexter.

The film stars an A-list cast led by Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Jenkins, Christina Hendricks, John Turturro and Caleb Landry Jones.
Jack Goes Boating

another chance to see Philip Seymour Hoffman, at work-

'God’s Pocket' was written by Slattery and Alex Metcalf , and produced by Sam Bisbee, Jackie Kelman Bisbee,Lance Acord, Slattery, Emily Ziff and Hoffman through his Cooper’s Town Productions. The film is a Park Pictures Film in association with Cooper’s Town Productions and Shoestring Pictures. The film is based on the novel by acclaimed author Pete Dexter.

The film stars an A-list cast led by Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Jenkins, Christina Hendricks, John Turturro and Caleb Landry Jones.

Very fond of Jack Goes Boating

Bill Evans' "Peace Piece" is used through out
Bus stops in the UK, are much more fun than USA bus stops.
(maybe, that is because the people who put up the videos, are confident that no
one will sue them.)

More pranks are pulled, in the UK ?


To promote the new ‘Unbelievable‘ campaign, a simple video with some 3D animation overlays has been added to the bus stop OOH (out-of-home) space, which showed a filmed view of the same street. To grab attention, some eye-catching 3D animations have been added to the screen, which looked too out-of-this-world not to be shocking. The busy Oxford Street in London has been chosen as a location guaranteeing a high traffic of people passing by.

( I really liked the classic UFO formation. TF, did you see it ?)

Seems like a brain fart week- I almost posted know, instead of no. harumph
*sharp intake of breath* I never would have connected him to that movie.

Meanwhile, when I fed the turkeys today (the gang of male teenage turkeys has been missing, as of late)
I noticed a small group of very young turkeys. My first guess was that they were females.
Their chests were so smooth, not even a hint of a beard. It reminds me of students, having
their first experience at boarding school. (Their turkey elders are very showy, and have that
Mr. Bossy Pants attitude.) Which is funny, because Mr. Big Deal harem owner kicked their asses,
and sent them away to live in exile.
I will not be seeing "Under the Skin" in a movie theatre. To wait so long, for one of my favorite books to become a film. Only to have it's gritty real-ness be drowned in Hollywood's vision of pretty. For goodness sake, they had "Splice," as the most gigantic hint in the right direction. Dren 's strange body was closer to Michel Faber's words, than what our eyes are being fed with.

It is not as if we did not have the technology....
I was watching a documentary on insomnia recently and the lady said: "I get two to four hours straight and that's it."

If I had that every night I would think I would be very happy.

On a bad night I can go to sleep for 10 mins and be awake.

Are you guys taking anything? As in prescription or natural?

I'd be interested to read your stories. :)
I've always been a night owl as long as I can remember Sometimes though I need to hit the sack early and when I can't this has been my goto remedies.

A Melatonin supplement will help relax me and encourage sleep . (like 1 mg).


A Magnesium supplement will do the same . But If the dosage is too high (over 250 mg) I wake up in the morning feeling really groggy almost hung over without the headache.
If you go this route I'd start with small dosages and see what works for you, everybody is different.

Personally the only things I take on a regular basis are vitamins ( I don't take a handful of vitamins everyday).

If Aspirin or Alka seltzer can't fix it I endure it. I have to be pretty sick to take prescribed meds. I hope this was helpful
I just started taking magnesium three days ago. It tastes revolting so it better work.

Dr still doesn't want to give me sleeping tablets so I'm on strong anti histamines. They don't really make me feel tired and when I do drop off it's only for an hour or so if I'm lucky,

Dr was telling me he had been to a sleep seminar recently and told me he thinks some peoples brains could possibly be similar to what Dolphins do when they sleep.

Very interesting but I would still like a good nights sleep.

A sparrow farts and I'm awake. :D Even my cat scratching at the bedroom door wakes me up.

Valerian gives me terrible nightmares. Kava Kava is really expensive and getting harder to get here.

I've tried the sleep hygiene routine for years and no success.

I have no idea how many times I have heard have a glass of warm milk. I'm not a kitty. :D

I really really hate getting irritable at people when it isn't anybodies fault but sometimes? I could explode into a big moaning mess. It doesn't change anything but it's a great way to vent.
There are some flavored magnesium powders at drugstores and the absorbtion rate is better than pills but they are pricer.

There is a product called calabsorb that comes in like 6 flavors last I looked. it's like $40 a canister but they always have buy 1 get 1 free.
*tip of the hat, to the A.H. where it was posted, first)

Female Penis, Male Vagina: First Case of Genital Reversal in Nature Reported

The researchers were astonished to discover that the females of these species had penislike genitals dubbed gynosomes, a complex organ composed of muscles, ducts, membranes and spikes. In contrast, the males possess vaginalike phallosomes.

During copulation, which lasts a whopping 40 to 70 hours, the females insert their gynosomes into the male organs. The intricate female organs collect sperm capsules from the males. [The 7 Weirdest Animal Penises]

Once inside a male, the membranous part of the female gynosome inflates, and numerous spines on the organ anchor the two insects together. Females can hold males very tightly — in one instance, when the scientists attempted to pull a pair apart, the male's abdomen was ripped from the rest of his body without breaking the genital coupling.

Evolution of sex-role reversal

Usually, a new biological structure evolves as a modification of a previously existing structure. In contrast, there is no biological structure known elsewhere among females in the animal kingdom that is analogous to the gynosome, Yoshizawa said.

The researchers suspect this strange reversal of sex roles evolved because of the generous amounts of nutritious semen that males include within their sperm capsules as nuptial gifts for their mates. The caves in which these insects live are poor in resources, making it advantageous for females to mate more often.

"It is very likely that female Neotrogla can coercively grasp and copulate with a reluctant male," Yoshizawa told Live Science. "In animals, coercive mating is generally an exclusive feature of males."

The long times spent copulating may also be due to the harsh nature of the caves.

"Longer matings can allow a higher amount of semen to be transferred," Ferreira told Live Science.

Sex roles are occasionally reversed in the animal kingdom. For instance, male seahorses typically raise offspring in brooding pouches. And for some mites, the female genitals are long tubes used to receive sperm. However, these mite genitals lack the anchors seen in gynosomes, so they cannot be used to coerce sex as Neotrogla do.

Future research could further investigate the unique sex lives of these cave insects to explore ideas regarding the conflict between the sexes in the animal kingdom. One interesting question has to do with how male Neotrogla deal with coercive sex.
*tip of the hat, to the A.H. where it was posted, first)

Female Penis, Male Vagina: First Case of Genital Reversal in Nature Reported

The researchers were astonished to discover that the females of these species had penislike genitals dubbed gynosomes, a complex organ composed of muscles, ducts, membranes and spikes. In contrast, the males possess vaginalike phallosomes.

During copulation, which lasts a whopping 40 to 70 hours, the females insert their gynosomes into the male organs. The intricate female organs collect sperm capsules from the males. [The 7 Weirdest Animal Penises]

Once inside a male, the membranous part of the female gynosome inflates, and numerous spines on the organ anchor the two insects together. Females can hold males very tightly — in one instance, when the scientists attempted to pull a pair apart, the male's abdomen was ripped from the rest of his body without breaking the genital coupling.

Evolution of sex-role reversal

Usually, a new biological structure evolves as a modification of a previously existing structure. In contrast, there is no biological structure known elsewhere among females in the animal kingdom that is analogous to the gynosome, Yoshizawa said.

The researchers suspect this strange reversal of sex roles evolved because of the generous amounts of nutritious semen that males include within their sperm capsules as nuptial gifts for their mates. The caves in which these insects live are poor in resources, making it advantageous for females to mate more often.

"It is very likely that female Neotrogla can coercively grasp and copulate with a reluctant male," Yoshizawa told Live Science. "In animals, coercive mating is generally an exclusive feature of males."

The long times spent copulating may also be due to the harsh nature of the caves.

"Longer matings can allow a higher amount of semen to be transferred," Ferreira told Live Science.

Sex roles are occasionally reversed in the animal kingdom. For instance, male seahorses typically raise offspring in brooding pouches. And for some mites, the female genitals are long tubes used to receive sperm. However, these mite genitals lack the anchors seen in gynosomes, so they cannot be used to coerce sex as Neotrogla do.

Future research could further investigate the unique sex lives of these cave insects to explore ideas regarding the conflict between the sexes in the animal kingdom. One interesting question has to do with how male Neotrogla deal with coercive sex.

So basicly male insects living in a cave are being forced to have longer sex with female bugs and some egghead wants to know how they are coping with that?

Fucking Genius, he'll get a 10 million dollar grant to study the problem.
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*eyes fly wide open, and mouth drops open.- I am stunned!*

Do you want to be exceptional, and dead ?

(This question was asked, after the questioner listed all the people of genius that have committed suicide. Valid viewpoint- Why stay alive, only long enough to produce the best/the flower/ the top- of what your genius can produce ?)

Sorry, if these statements are not very coherent. It was the best that I could remember, of what I had heard.

(Heath Ledger, was the first person I thought of, when I heard this.)
*singing the old song, Nashville Cats*

"But Deacon isn't finished! He takes Rayna's hand and puts a ring inside of it. He says, "Don't answer me now. This is yours. I never should have taken it back." And that, ladies and gentleman, is how you propose. The ring is much more humble than the seven-carat rock that Luke gave her, which is fitting. And then Deacon walks out. And it is SO Deacon to come to your door late at night, kill you with his emotional intelligence, kiss the life out of you, propose, and then just drop the mic and leave. Rayna looks absolutely tortured, and also probably like she wants to kiss Deacon some more. Being a best-selling country star is complicated but awesome, I am led to believe."

"WHO WILL RAYNA CHOOSE? If she goes the Kelly Taylor route and pulls an "I choose me," I for sure am quitting this show. We shall find out in season three!"

(all the other show's characters, have a spotlight on their stories, too)
The force on Godzilla's bones is roughly 20 times greater than the force on a T. rex's, so his bones would need to be phenomenally strong—about twice as tough as some titanium alloys. Normal bone has a tensile strength of 150 megapascals, but Godzilla's bones can handle 3000 MPa—the same pressure found at the base of earth's lithosphere, 60 miles below the surface. Godzilla's cartilage would be about 12 times stronger than a human's, preventing his knees from exploding like overripe tomatoes—and making him the envy of basketball players everywhere.

The final piece of the creature's origin story is an all-too familiar tale in the modern age. It's the story of human progress. Nature vs. Technology. What happens when man, through its incessant meddling, makes that long-awaited mistake that ultimately brings the Earth to its knees? Bringing our own species to the brink of extinction has long been a favorite subject of science fiction stories, and Godzilla is a prime example. Technology either awoke the monster from its slumbers deep beneath the ocean or outright created it. We know that, at the very least, Godzilla's exposure to radiation increased his destructive power; the blue flame he spews is known as his "atomic blast." And the creature rejuvenates his powers by sopping up the electromagnetic fields harnessed by crashing through electrical lines and power stations.
Godzilla could weigh 164,000 tons
Godzilla is now 30 stories tall (2014)

The tallest structure in Boston is the 60-story Hancock Place, better known to locals as the John Hancock Tower

The second-tallest building in Boston is the Prudential Tower, which rises 52 floors and 749 feet (228 m)

The Custom House (Clock) Tower (now Marriott's Custom House Hotel) Stands at 496 ft (151 m) tall (32 stories tall)

Formerly, the heaviest dinosaur, the 70-ton Argentinosaurus, stood 70 feet tall, was 115 feet long, and had four limbs to distribute its enormous heft.

("Originally thought to weigh in at 100 tonnes, [Argentinosaurus] was later revised down to about 70 tonnes - just under the 77 tonnes that this new sauropod is thought to have weighed," the BBC reports.)

May 18, 2014

Bigger than ever! 77 ton dinosaur

Based on the size of the largest thigh bones, the scientists calculated that the (newest) Titanosaur weighed around 170,000 pounds and measured 130 feet long and 65 feet tall.

The jumbo Titanosaurus would have been about as tall as the Great Sphinx at Giza, something like the height of a seven-story building.

A male African elephant can weigh up to 7.5 tons (6.8 metric tons)

The largest elephant on record was an adult male African elephant. He weighed about 24,000 pounds (10,886 kilograms) and was 13 feet (3.96 meters) tall at the shoulder. One story, tall.