Indulgence with the Boy Next Door (closed)


Shadow Dancer
Mar 16, 2003
Pam was a 31 year old divorcee, with no children, who had just moved to a small 2 bedroom home in a nice neighborhood. Finally she had saved the money to put down on her own house and quit paying rent. Her mortgage payment was much less than her rent payment which allowed for her living expenses. She hadn’t received anything in her two year marriage as they had never really acquired anything other than their own cars. They had parted ways as friends, before the relationship had gotten to the point of being enemies.

She was a cute 5’2” 100lb petite brunette with a slender figure brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She had a very uplifting spirit, smiling thru most things even if there were times she found it hard to get thru. She was so excited the day she moved in, even if she had very little furniture, a bedroom suite, a couch, table and television set, and a small dinette set. Luckily the house came with all the kitchen appliances including a dish washer, as well as a washing machine and dryer. It had cost her just a few more dollars on her mortgage, but it was worth buying just to save her from having to come up with the cash to buy it herself.

She had a couple of guys from her work help her move and it took no time to have her in and set up. She slept like a baby the first night she was there, just as happy as could be having a place she could now call her own. It was also only 5 miles to where she worked as a bookkeeper for the Lincoln Town Mill. So she made quite a bit of money, having had already gotten several raises in the first year. She had been there for almost five years now and loved it. Being this close, she figured she could even come home for lunch.

The first weekend she was there, she had decided to put a small flower garden in the front yard. While she was working on it, a lady from next door walked over to her and introduced herself as Maggie West who had a husband named Jason and a son graduating high school soon. Maggie had even brought her a homemade apple pie from fresh apples that they had grown in their backyard. As they all talked and got to know each other a bit better, Maggie offered to have her son do her yard work for her, it was a job he usually did during the summer months not in school. Pam was overjoyed as she was trying to figure out who she could get to do the yard work who had their own equipment. So she told Maggie to send him over when he returned home and was free to talk to her about it.

After meeting them, she met several other couples in the neighborhood, that also brought her things such as a ham and cheese casserole, some brownies, a homemade pizza ready to put in the often and a number of other pastries. She thanked them all and said as soon as she could she would have a barbeque and have them all over. She was hoping to have a pool put in the following week, another thing she had saved up for and ordered.

So her first weekend and week turned out to be great. She loved how friendly her neighbors were and loved the area she was living in. She decided once she got the pool in and the yard taken care of, she would have her barbeque and invite all the neighbors from the block. She was very excited to do this now that she had met them. The only one she really hadn’t met was Maggie’s son that was going to do her yard work.
"You volunteered me for what?"

"Yard work," his mother answered, not looking up from her laundry folding to see the put out expression her son was giving her. "The new neighbor needs some help. She's single, or single again, and she could use the help."

"Single...?" he said with a lurid tone.

She looked to him now with a raised eye brow. "And put a shirt on before you go over."

Peter laughed at his mother's demand. "Maybe she'd like to see me like this. Old lady gets to ogle the young hunk of a neighbor boy."

Maggie laughed loudly, throwing one of the shirts she'd just folded at him. "For one, she's hardly an old lady. And two, you don't need to be showing anyone your ... what'd you call'em ... gloots?"

Peter laughed as he donned the tight, muscle shirt which did little to hide the perfection of countless hours in the gym at school and second one in town. "The gluteus maximus is my butt! What you were referring to are my pecs and abs ... pectoralis and abdominal muscles."

"I don't care what they're called," she said as she passed him with a handful of linens and kissed his cheek, "you don't need to be flashing them around the neighborhood, and particularly to a woman who just went through a divorce. Understand?"

Peter let her depart without comment. Divorcee... Probably hates men now anyway. He went to his room and changed into what he called his yard shorts. Despite being so not fashionable, when he worked in the yard, Peter wore a pair of old cut off jeans that fit him tightly in the crotch and buttocks. His mother had suggested once that he find something looser that he could move in easily, but the last time he'd worn something like that, he'd spent most of the day picking out dirt and bark o'mulch and other things that got between the cloth and his skin.

Not really considering privacy or proper etiquette, Peter went out the back door, hopped the fence as he'd done when the old neighbors were still there, and walked up to Pam's back porch. The outer, storm door was open, so he entered the porch and raised a hand to knock on the inner door.

He froze!

Just a few feet beyond the door, the neighbor -- Pam, obviously -- was taking clothes out of the dryer ... in noting more than her bra and panties!

Peter knew he shouldn't be staring, but he couldn't pull his eyes away. She was so beautiful, so shapely; she was the most erotic woman he'd ever seen in her under garments because, to put it simply, he'd never seen a woman in her under garments before.

Peter was his school's BMOC, Big Man On Campus. He was a Letterman in six sports -- tennis, football, basketball, baseball, cross country, and track & field, not just a school record but a state record, too. He had been President of his Class's student body all four years of high school and was currently President of the entire Student Body. He'd been Prince or King for the various school functions five times in his four years, as well as Mister Tiger, a school talent competition that raised money for the town's elderly population via the "Volunteers for their Golden Years" foundation, which he and his classmates had created clear back when they were 5th graders.

And yet, with all that popularity and fame and the female company that it tended to attract, Peter West was still 100%, totally inexperienced, pure as the driven snow Virgin. And despite the jokes that circulated about the locker room after practices and games, Peter didn't even masturbate because he'd been teased as a pre-teen into thinking that touching yourself caused your penis to take on a grotesque shape that would embarrass you in front of the other guys, let alone the gals.

So right now, as he unknowingly leaned closer to the glass to block out the glare and get a better look at the beauty woman beyond the door, Peter's cock was growing toward full potential so quickly that if he been any bigger than his thicker than normal, 9 inches, he probably would have passed out from blood starvation to the brain.

Suddenly, he jumped, startled when his own cat -- which didn't believe in fences and boundaries, as his dog did -- leaped up onto an empty cardboard box. Peter stood quickly and half turned, reaching down to pet the cat as if that was what he'd been doing all along, as opposed to ogling his nearly naked neighbor.

Without looking through the window, Trent tapped his knuckles to the door, saying, "Hello...? It's Peter from next door. Anyone home?"
“Just a minute,” Pam called out as she went to throw on a robe, being in her underwear and not expecting company.

As soon as she put on a robe, one that came mid way down her thigh, and tied it, which only accentuated her curves even more, she went to the door.

“Come on in, Peter, I’m Pam, of course you already know that.” she laughed softly and opened the screen door for him to come in.

She couldn’t help admire his physique, he must spend hours and hours working out for a body to look that good, she thought to herself.

“I suppose you know you’re job about doing the yard work, and you can see by my lawn I’m already going to need work soon. What do you charge for something like that? And when can you fit me into your schedule?”
Pam came to the door in a short robe, her long luscious legs stretching out from it's thigh-length lower hem. Peter's eyes were set firmly upon his neighbors face as he desperately tried not to ogle her.

“Come on in, Peter, I’m Pam," she said, adding with a soft laugh, "of course you already know that.”

He felt his cat rub up against his leg and looked down. He used the opportunity of leaning down to pick the animal up to get a good look at her legs. It wasn't like he'd never seen a woman's legs: the cheer leaders and dance team at school wore the standard boy teasing skirts that showed off their asses so well; and, of course, down at the pool and river, those same girls and more wore an assortment of penis-swelling bikinis, one-pieces, and skin bearing cut off shorts below which their long, shapely legs extended.

But he'd seldom been this close to such a beautiful set of sticks, and never this close to a pair that belonged to a real woman. He tossed his cat gently atop the porch railing, turning back to Pam, hoping that his face wasn't red ... and that his rock hard erection was being sufficiently contained within his tight fitting jeans shorts.

“I suppose you know you’re job about doing the yard work," the neighbor continued, obviously having been informed of his reason for visiting her. "And you can see by my lawn I’m already going to need work soon. What do you charge for something like that? And when can you fit me into your schedule?”

Peter stared at her in silence for a moment. He'd barely even heard her questions. His heart was pounding so hard that he could hear the blood coursing through his ears. When his big head finally took over the thinking for his little head, Peter chuckled embarrassed. "Oh, the yard. Yes, I um..."

He half turned to look out upon it, then fully turned away and walked to the edge of the porch, his backside to Pam. "Yeah, it definitely needs work, doesn't it. The people who lived here before didn't do much out her in the first place, and then the house sat here empty for a while."

He casually walked to his left, putting a tall box of empty boxes between him and Pam. He reached to his groin -- trying to be inconspicuous -- and reoriented his throbbing cock to, hopefully, be less obvious. Then he turned, with the boxes still hiding him.

"I, um ... I don't know what to charge. I guess ... minimum wage?"

He couldn't help it, and his gaze fell to her breasts, then her legs. He pulled it back up as quickly as he could, then blushed. He smiled, embarrassed.
“Oh that’s not much at all and it’s a lot of work and a hard job. How about I pay you 10.00 an hour. I can afford that as long as your as good as your mom said you were. Also, next week I will be having a pool put in the backyard and if you’re looking to earn extra money, I’ll need a pool boy to take care of it. I’ll also let you swim in it whenever you want.”

She had seen where his eyes had been exploring and smiled, a bit flattered by having someone so young look at her that way. But she didn’t give it any more thought, as he was quite a bit younger than her and besides, what would he want with an older woman. The she saw his blush and had to wonder if he had ever been with a woman. Pam knew she shouldn’t be thinking like this, but she couldn’t help it. He was a very built young man and it had been a very long time since she had even been with a man. Then she swore to herself, scolding herself for even having those ideas about someone so young.

“If you could start in the next few days, I would really appreciate it.” she said with a smile, letting her eyes wander over his body a bit.
“If you could start in the next few days, I would really appreciate it--”

"I can start today."

Peter's response was quick. He didn't even recognize how eager he'd sounded, like a boy afraid that if he didn't go to the zoo today, it might not be there tomorrow.

"I mean ... if you have something that needs to be done."

He'd seen Pam's eyes drop to his own form, but he hadn't recognized it as an ogle. Why would an older woman be looking him over? He was just a boy to them. What he didn't know was that older women ogled him all the time. He simply hadn't noticed it.

He jerked a thumb toward his house and quickly descended the steps, almost losing his way and stepping into Pam's flower bed. "I just ... I just have to change into my other boots ... and grab some gloves ... maybe a hat ... you know, against the sun."

He was rambling, and he knew it. He went silent, backing away -- his eyes looking at her long legs again.

"I'll be back!"
“Today would be fine, I’m just planning on getting more unpacking and laundry done today. If you need anything else while you’re out there working, such as some ice water or anything, you just let me know.”

She said and ten smiled, not wanting to laugh, as he seemed actually sweet and a bit overwhelmed by her. She was definitely beginning to think he had never been with a woman before, just by how he acted around her.

Since she still hadn’t dressed, she went to her room and thru on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, choosing not to wear a bra. It was just going to be her around the house and she doubted she would see too much of Peter, although it really didn’t matter, she was covered up.

She got back to unpacking some boxes and doing some more laundry, occasionally looking out the window and watching him. One time she almost got caught glaring at him, but she was pretty sure she shut the curtain fast enough.

She figured in a little while if he didn’t ask for any water or anything, she would invite him in to cool off and have something cool to drink.
Peter entered the back door of his family's home and snatched another tee shirt from the top of the dryer as he passed. He wasn't planning on wearing it, though. As he passed by his mother, he let it dangle in his hands before his groin, where his cock was about as big and hard and he thought it had ever been.

"Honey, did you meet the nice neighbor lady--"

"Yes, mom," he called as he hurried up the stairs to his room. Once inside, he paced back and forth, mumbling to himself, "Oh god ... oh my god ..."

The nice neighbor lady, as his oblivious mother had put it, was the most erotic thing to happen to Peter in all of his life. She was beautiful, she was sexy, she was single -- in a way -- and she was so close, right fucking next door.

Peter turned and looked into the old bureau mirror. He stepped to his left -- out of the long diagonal crack he'd caused with a football one night -- and looked at his body, specifically his groin. He was huge!

He rolled his eyes in embarrassment. Had she seem his erection? He'd hid behind the stacked boxes, and then when he hurried away, he had turned his back to her first. No, she hadn't seen this ... this embarrassment ... had she?

Peter reached a hand down to his groin, gently laying his hand over the long, tubular shape pressing out against the zipper of his cut off jean shorts. He pulled his hand back quickly, though, as a shot of pleasure -- and guilt and fear -- surged through him.

He'd only been eleven or twelve when he'd been on a camp out with his older twin cousins, both of whom he'd admired so much but both of whom had been horrible, practical jokers. They'd dragged him through the woods to a skinny dipping pool, where they'd watched a dozen or so high school and college age girls splashing about and having fun.

It had been very exciting and very stimulating for Peter, and to this day it was his first conscious memory of having an erection. Without even having known he'd been doing it, young Peter had been gently pressing down upon his crotch, and when the older cousins caught him, they began their taunting story of how masturbating caused a man's penis to become abnormally shaped in a way that only masturbation did.

"Every time you're in the shower at school," they'd told him, "the other boys will know you whack your pud!"

"You're mom'll even know, when she does your laundry. It does things to you clothes."

"You'll be the beat the meat kid at school ... for ever."

It had affected him to this day, more than half a decade later. Even after the Teacher in the mandatory Sex Ed class said that masturbation was a normal part of a pubescent child's life, Peter had kept his hands to himself when he laid down at night or when his cock rose to size under the water of the shower. He even hid and secretly washed what he privately called his sleeping underwear -- in which he occasionally suffered his wet dreams -- so that his mother, who did the family's laundry, wouldn't mistakenly think that he was choking the chicken before sleep those nights.

It's all in your head, you naive numb skull, he tried to tell himself, looking into the mirror at the bulge in his tight fitting shorts. It was all a lie. They were fucking with you. You can do it. Ain't nothing wrong with it.

What he really meant, of course, was You can do it now while you're thinking of Pam! It had only taken that glance through the window at the underwear clad neighbor for Peter to know that he had to find a solution to the sexual tension that had been building up within him for so long.

He couldn't explain why at 18 and a few days, with all those girls around him at school and all those women around him at City Gym, he was still a fucking virgin. Real Life simply wouldn't give him a break. Either he got close with a girl at school and things with their relationship went south; or the opportunity was close but the timing got in the way; or -- as had happened just last week -- he'd been on the couch with his hand up the blouse of a girl from a rival school only to have her father walk in the door and literally chase him out the back and over an eight foot fence!

He looked down to his bulge again and thought about Pam standing their in her bra and panties. He tightened the muscles in his groin and saw his erection press out against the worn denim, reminding him of his puppy fighting to get out from under the blanket when the pair played hide and seek.

Grab it, beat it, get it done!

He stared, squeezed his muscles again, and commanded himself, Grab it, beat it, get it done! There's nothing wrong with it!

And yet ... out the door he went, still carrying the spare tee shirt before his groin as he snatched up a pair of work gloves from the Mud Room ... with his eyes glazed over in frustration at not being able to relieve his tension.

You're one fucked up individual, he told himself, as he gathered a variety of tools from the shed. You're going to go over there and the first time you get another look at Pam...

He made an explosion gesture with his gloved hands and mouthed, Boom!

Peter didn't have a plan for Pam's yard. He just wanted to get started. Working made him forget about seeing her in her unmentionables -- and about wanting to see her in less than that. He started with the one thing that had always annoyed him when the previous neighbors were there: that fucking ugly Holly.

The tree had been planted so close to the fence that its limbs had grown through the slats into Peter's yard. The neighbor had always claimed that Peter's incessant trimming of the bush from his side was the cause of the tree's ugliness. Now, finally could do something about it. He whacked back the limbs, dug the root ball up, dug a second hole closer to the bark patch leading from the house to the compost pile, and moved the tree.

It was time consuming -- about two hours -- but when he finished, he was tickled. The pruned tree would do so well this summer and fall, and the location -- far enough for the path not to poke Pam as she passed -- was far better.

He stood, stretching his arms into the air to relieve the pain building in his back. Not thinking about the fact that he was in the neighbor's yard and not his, he stripped his shirt off and tossed it aside. He bent and twisted, flexing his body for a minute or two and trying to brush away the dirt and mud that was stuck to his body.

Then, at a sound behind him, he turned to find Pam standing there with a tall glass of water.

And ... of course ... his cock again came to life!
“Just thought you could use a cold glass of water, you’ve been working so hard out here.” she said, first looking at his bare chest then back up to his eyes. He definitely stayed in shape, she thought to herself, it’s to bad he is so young. Although maybe not…..

She handed him the glass of water, pretending she hadn’t noticed the bulge in his pants. Although she did and it aroused her that he might actually be taken by her.

“When you’re ready to cool off, why don’t you come inside for a break. I’ll fix you a snack or sandwich if you like.” she said, then added, “by the way, I think that’s a terrific spot that you moved the bush to. I think it will do really good there. Thank you.”

Pam turned around and walked back in the house, and she could almost feel the heat of his stare on her swaying ass. She smiled and thought she actually did have a chance with this guy. If nothing else, she could be the one that helps him into the world of women and what they like. She giggled to herself, and scolded herself for having such thoughts.

While she was inside she fixed up some sandwiches because it was getting close to lunch time anyway. He would at least need something to help with his energy level, although he did seem to have a lot of that.
Peter watched Pam all the way to and into the house. She had such a sexy ass, and it swayed and bounced with each step, making his erection only harden more than it already had at the sudden sight of her.

He looked around quickly, concerned that his mother or the adnacent neighbors had seen him ogling Pam. But he was all alone ...again ...but not for long.

He returned to his work, but he simply couldn't keep his mind on it and off Pam: that beckoning ass, those nipples pressing through her thin shirt, and the invitation to come inside her home were simply too much.

He took another quick gander for onlookers, then -- trying to be casual but failing -- made his way up to the porch. He paused at the door, looking for Pam. She was mo where to be seen. "Pam...?"

He stepped inside, and the first thing he saw was a pile of unmentionables on the opened door of the dryer. Bras, panties, some lacy things, and ...a thong? Peter wasn't an expert in ladies undergarments, although he never missed watching the Victoria's Secrets commercials all the way through when they filled the TV screen. He stepped a bit closer, leaning over to look at one of the skimpy little panty sets and sighed, imagining his Hostess wearing it as he laid upon her bed ...naked ...waiting for her to then shed it.

Suddenly, Pam was there at the end of the hall. Peter looked to her quickly, a guilty expression on his face. He said sharp, feeling the need to explain himself, "Sandwich...?"
“Of course, come right in. I made some sandwiches and I have some ice cold ice tea.” Pam said, urging him to come in.

She had him follow her to the kitchen and have a seat. Then she took out the plate of sandwiches and poured two glasses of ice tea. She sat down with him to take a break and have a sandwich too.

“Here’s a napkin for your sandwich,” she said, giving him one and taking one for herself.

“So the work you’re doing looks pretty good. I’m glad you’re mom suggested you.” she said, trying to make small talk without ogling him without wearing his shirt. Damn how she wanted to feel those muscles on his chest.

“So, you must work out a lot, you look pretty fit. I bet the girls love you…you’re one fine specimen of a man.” she said rather boldly, letting him know she had noticed and liked what she saw.

“Do you have any girlfriends, or you just play the field and have lots of them?”