#)$&#$ Income tax


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Great.. I just got a 500 dollar a month raise, and after taxes I see a whole 100 bucks of it.. Hurrah for the fucking welfare programs I dont use but pay for.
You get paid to post 53.66 posts a day on literotica, be grateful, I ain't seen a red cent from it.
70/30 said:
You get paid to post 53.66 posts a day on literotica, be grateful, I ain't seen a red cent from it.

Do I see you taking blood preasure medication because your job is stressfull? at the age of 24? no.
Do I see you spending days at work using the company shower and a tote bag? no
Do I see you making decisions that can either keep the company afloat or sink it? no
Do I see you having to hire people? no
Do I see you having to fire people? no
Do I see you having to constantly fly all over the place because some client got a bug up their ass about something or other and they need high level soothing? no
Do I see you carrying around a pager and cell phone that never stops? no
Do I see you ever get told you can't take a vacation because MGT level personel aren't allowed to take vaction during holiday times so that the hourly workers dont feel that management abandons them? no
Do I see get in actuall arguments with the president/vice-president of a company because YOUR THE ONLY ONE with the balls and position to do it? then go in the bathroom and vomit blood into the toilet because it stresses you out that much. THEN get chewed out the next time YOU DON"T argue with them.. cause of some nambly ass Idea that your the only one who dares? no
I deserve that money, I WORK for that money.
Taxes is one thing.. punishing me cause I make alot more than 6.50 an hour is another. because I obviously didnt work for it right? fuckers.
High taxes suck royally. You must be one of the few that has to pay them. Too bad. I pay some steep taxes too.
I paid $88,000 in taxes last year. Most of it spent buying votes for democrats too instead of doing something productive.