Incest for Christmas (closed)


Sinful Salvation
Sep 24, 2010
I was sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight home. It had been a long-but good-first semester of college, but I was eager to get back to my family and enjoy some well deserved rest and relaxation.

I had done well this first semester, as expected. I've always been a straight-A student and a top-notch athlete, and I didn't disappoint. I also managed to have quite a bit of fun and nail a few cheerleaders along the way. One of them, Alyssa, was now my girlfriend, but it was hard telling how long it would last.

Not that I wasn't devoted to her, but... my extra-extra-curricular activities, should they ever come to light, wood certainly doom the relationship. Particularly my penchant for writing stories in the Sexual Role Playing forum of and the sexy messages sent back and forth between me and my favorite girl to write with, Summer_Lopez.

I suppose the fact that I'd screwed a couple of Alyssa's friends wouldn't help either, but that was just one drunk night and the two girls came on to me together, so it was kind of hard to say no...

My other dark secret, an enjoyment of certain illicit substances, certainly would slam the nail in the coffin. Regardless, I kept a tight lid on these things, and Alyssa was clueless.

My plane arrived, and I grabbed up my bags. I really was eager to get home. I hadn't seen my twin sister Jenna since we went off to different colleges, and it was the first time in our lives we'd ever been separated for so long. I missed her a lot, even though we talked frequently via text and phone calls and emails. She was just as good a student-athlete as I was, but I never told her about my extra-curricular activities.

My little secret and all. She would certainly never approve!