Inaugural address's


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
They're essentially lame. Obama's is the most partisan and populist I've read in modern history, but lame none-the-less.

They've become as formulaic as the script for a sit-com. Very few are memorable in any respect and even fewer render any oratorical high points. As a matter of fact most modern presidents have coughed up few, if any, oratorical points of lasting historical value, and none in the inaugural address. There was FDR's "day of infamy" quip, JFK's, "Ich bin ein Berliner", and Reagan's, "Tear down this wall."

The address's read like the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons, an entire series of "Blah, blah-blah, blah", punctuated by clever catch phrases. Long on image, short on substance. I'm continually amused by the partisan pundits on both sides of the fence that all but profess spontaneous emissions whenever a president gives an inaugural address.

Kennedy's was only memorable because his youth was such a contrast to every other President we had ever had, and because his assassination so early in his term robbed him of any chance to make good on his vision.

We like to pretend that vision had more substance than it probably had so we continue to pay homage to it.
kinda self centered I think. stealing the day from martin luther king after Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983.

I suppose its now changed to Barack Hussein Obama day, celebrated with our sister country Kenya
Kennedy's was only memorable because his youth was such a contrast to every other President we had ever had, and because his assassination so early in his term robbed him of any chance to make good on his vision.

We like to pretend that vision had more substance than it probably had so we continue to pay homage to it.

True, but we're back to imagery and what might have been. His line re. "Ask not what your country can do for you..........." has been largely forgotten by the modern leftist.

They're essentially lame. Obama's is the most partisan and populist I've read in modern history, but lame none-the-less.

They've become as formulaic as the script for a sit-com. Very few are memorable in any respect and even fewer render any oratorical high points. As a matter of fact most modern presidents have coughed up few, if any, oratorical points of lasting historical value, and none in the inaugural address. There was FDR's "day of infamy" quip, JFK's, "Ich bin ein Berliner", and Reagan's, "Tear down this wall."

The address's read like the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons, an entire series of "Blah, blah-blah, blah", punctuated by clever catch phrases. Long on image, short on substance. I'm continually amused by the partisan pundits on both sides of the fence that all but profess spontaneous emissions whenever a president gives an inaugural address.


What would you say - give us some substance.
The plural of address is addresses. FFS.

Being able to critique spelling and punctuation is an admirable trait. Being incapable of addressing the subject cancels it all out.

Perhaps if I had created and alt., claimed to be black, and posted the same thoughts in ebonics I'd be excused. Ya think?

Are you asking if people would like you better if you were different? Because duh.
What, no "with malice toward none and charity to all" comment?

I suspect that there wil be charity in some form or fashion.

And one does not critique, one criticize's, whether one is and alt or not. ;)
Jesus Millhouse Christ, will you people learn how to use apostrophes??
What would you say - give us some substance.

I've never run for high office, or sought appointment to same. Primarily because I'd never win either. I'm not a politician, I'm a biz. guy who also happens to be an engineer. I tend to see the world more in the vein of H. G. Wells as opposed to Jules Verne. Verne saw the Utopia, Wells saw the consequences.

I would say things that few would want to hear. I'm a social Darwinist with the notion of equality of opportunity for all with the intrinsic understanding that there are consequences for individual decisions and that it is not the role of government, or society, to protect the individual from those consequences.

I believe that we are on the cusp of a great human die off. Not because of climate, not because of food production. But because of the advent of technology and the fact that it is unreasonable to expect 30% of the worlds population to support the remaining 70%. It just isn't going to happen. Regardless of which side prevails, the 30% or the 70%, there is going to be a die off.

If the 70% prevail we will enter a new 'dark age' because they will be unable to harness the technology and those that don't starve will kill each other for the food to avoid starvation.

If the 30% prevail the human race will enter a new renaissance period, for a while, before the entire cycle repeats itself.

So my message would be, "It's sink or swim". You, and only you are responsible for your life and you, and only you, are responsible for the decisions you make. Don't rely on your government because when it's all said and done the government is more concerned with it's own survival, not yours.

I've never run for high office, or sought appointment to same. Primarily because I'd never win either. I'm not a politician, I'm a biz. guy who also happens to be an engineer. I tend to see the world more in the vein of H. G. Wells as opposed to Jules Verne. Verne saw the Utopia, Wells saw the consequences.

I would say things that few would want to hear. I'm a social Darwinist with the notion of equality of opportunity for all with the intrinsic understanding that there are consequences for individual decisions and that it is not the role of government, or society, to protect the individual from those consequences.

I believe that we are on the cusp of a great human die off. Not because of climate, not because of food production. But because of the advent of technology and the fact that it is unreasonable to expect 30% of the worlds population to support the remaining 70%. It just isn't going to happen. Regardless of which side prevails, the 30% or the 70%, there is going to be a die off.

If the 70% prevail we will enter a new 'dark age' because they will be unable to harness the technology and those that don't starve will kill each other for the food to avoid starvation.

If the 30% prevail the human race will enter a new renaissance period, for a while, before the entire cycle repeats itself.

So my message would be, "It's sink or swim". You, and only you are responsible for your life and you, and only you, are responsible for the decisions you make. Don't rely on your government because when it's all said and done the government is more concerned with it's own survival, not yours.


Just wanted to quote scum being scum. Thanks!
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger President.


Sorry - sometimes I need to translate this old asshole's bullshit.
I've never run for high office, or sought appointment to same. Primarily because I'd never win either. I'm not a politician, I'm a biz. guy who also happens to be an engineer. I tend to see the world more in the vein of H. G. Wells as opposed to Jules Verne. Verne saw the Utopia, Wells saw the consequences.

I would say things that few would want to hear. I'm a social Darwinist with the notion of equality of opportunity for all with the intrinsic understanding that there are consequences for individual decisions and that it is not the role of government, or society, to protect the individual from those consequences.

I believe that we are on the cusp of a great human die off. Not because of climate, not because of food production. But because of the advent of technology and the fact that it is unreasonable to expect 30% of the worlds population to support the remaining 70%. It just isn't going to happen. Regardless of which side prevails, the 30% or the 70%, there is going to be a die off.

If the 70% prevail we will enter a new 'dark age' because they will be unable to harness the technology and those that don't starve will kill each other for the food to avoid starvation.

If the 30% prevail the human race will enter a new renaissance period, for a while, before the entire cycle repeats itself.

So my message would be, "It's sink or swim". You, and only you are responsible for your life and you, and only you, are responsible for the decisions you make. Don't rely on your government because when it's all said and done the government is more concerned with it's own survival, not yours.


I recommend Rob Brezny's Pronoia Resources.
I've already stated I'm not of the Verne school.


School's still accepting new pupils, last I heard.

After all, it's just as likely, moreso actually, that a long period of accelerated prosperity is just around the corner.