In this thread I will use my extensive movie knowledge to help you.


Jul 29, 2000
You name a movie you liked.

I will tell you a movie/video/tv show that you will enjoy.
Spinaroonie said:
You name a movie you liked.

I will tell you a movie/video/tv show that you will enjoy.

Thaers tis Moavie that's palays ont hec aretoun netwark caaled Ge Aye Jo. Its' abot tisg irl naemed layde jain adn all hwer boayfikreands. I lick it...
Re: Re: In this thread I will use my extensive movie knowledge to help you.

RainbowBright said:
Thaers tis Moavie that's palays ont hec aretoun netwark caaled Ge Aye Jo. Its' abot tisg irl naemed layde jain adn all hwer boayfikreands. I lick it...

You will enjoy:

The Devil in Miss Jones.
Die Screaming With Sharp Pointy Things in Your Head

Revenge of the Blood Gore Splat Monster 4
scylis said:
Die Screaming With Sharp Pointy Things in Your Head

Revenge of the Blood Gore Splat Monster 4

You will enjoy:

"Chico, donde esta mi carro?" The mexican remake of the American hit "Dude, where is my car?"
Re: ooh...ooh

Lost Cause said:
"Hells Angels Forever" or "Shrek" :D

You will enjoy:

Tank Girl or Tank Girl

j/k. Nobody will enjoy that "movie"

Your real answer is:

Tank Girl
Re: Re: ooh...ooh

Spinaroonie said:
You will enjoy:

Tank Girl or Tank Girl

j/k. Nobody will enjoy that "movie"

Your real answer is:

Tank Girl

Hey.. I happen to have loved that movie.
Aaaahhh, I see the Spin Doctor is at it again.

Well them my twirling friend, one of my favourite films of all time is "Victor, Victoria".

Answers on a DVD (region 2), to...
Re: Re: Re: ooh...ooh

freakygurl said:
Hey.. I happen to have loved that movie.

My roommate rented it once since large parts of it were filmed at the mine he worked at. I warned him how truly stupid it was but he just would not listen. I got my revenge though since i forced him to watch the whole thing including the stupid animated ending.

My favorite part of the movie is when tank girl is gliding on the parasail and sparks are coming off the chute/lines from bullets ricocheting off. :rolleyes:
woodgie2 said:
Aaaahhh, I see the Spin Doctor is at it again.

Well them my twirling friend, one of my favourite films of all time is "Victor, Victoria".

Answers on a DVD (region 2), to...

The Waiters stars region 2s greatest actor.
Re: Re: Re: Re: ooh...ooh

Azwed said:
My roommate rented it once since large parts of it were filmed at the mine he worked at. I warned him how truly stupid it was but he just would not listen. I got my revenge though since i forced him to watch the whole thing including the stupid animated ending.

My favorite part of the movie is when tank girl is gliding on the parasail and sparks are coming off the chute/lines from bullets ricocheting off. :rolleyes:


My favorite scene is the one where the cable that made one of the kangaroo guys able to jump visible. And I don't mean, if you look for it visible, I mean, shiny, thick, "here I am!" visible.