In Rememberance.......


Mark'sGirl Has My Heart!
May 4, 2002
Of December 7, 1941, I want to salute our Veterans Past and Present!

Sorry I had to edit!:eek:
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Tank if you are referring to

Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 then that is a day to remember.

We all should remember the past, present and seek for the future. No man should be bind to any of them but simply remember and learn.

Again thank you to all the veterans and those serving.

Umm, Hey Tank??? Not to burst your bubble, but aren't you a bit early????
Bushido71XS said:
Umm, Hey Tank??? Not to burst your bubble, but aren't you a bit early????
See, even at top speeds tanks really need to allow a certain amount of time to get where they're going. ;)
LukkyKnight said:
See, even at top speeds tanks really need to allow a certain amount of time to get where they're going. ;)

Thanks LK, I forgot, DATS need to to get up to speed.:D
Bushido71XS said:
Umm, Hey Tank??? Not to burst your bubble, but aren't you a bit early????

Never too early, or late, to remember the loss of life for freedom!

LukkyKnight said:
See, even at top speeds tanks really need to allow a certain amount of time to get where they're going. ;)

It's not the getting upto speed that's worrysome, it's the stoping on a dime thing that keeps one on edge!

I agree with you tank, I saw the memorial in Hawaii, and those brave individuals should always be applauded.
ridddder said:
I agree with you tank, I saw the memorial in Hawaii, and those brave individuals should always be applauded.

MG and I honeymooned there and saw the memorial.

Very intense quietness!

As a cop in Hawaii I spent many nights sipping a beer with Pearl Harbor survivors. What history lessons I learned first hand
Re: Hawaii

Vinny said:
As a cop in Hawaii I spent many nights sipping a beer with Pearl Harbor survivors. What history lessons I learned first hand

Cop to Medicine Man???????

You gatta tell me this one Vinny! PM me!
I watched a PBS special last night on the laying of a memorial on the HMS Hood and one for the Bismark. It is sad, but moving to think of the struggle and the lives lost. I give tribute daily to those who serve to keep us free.
Re: Re: In Rememberance.......

bknight2602 said:
Very nice tank! :)


Marksgirl's Grandfather was there on that day.
He was one of the divers who had the unfortunate duty to recover what they could and seal the Arizona for all eternity.

He never talked about it and never wanted to go back.

He died elderly after a good life, a true Hero.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
I watched a PBS special last night on the laying of a memorial on the HMS Hood and one for the Bismark. It is sad, but moving to think of the struggle and the lives lost. I give tribute daily to those who serve to keep us free.

I want to see the James Cameron special on the Bismark.

TY for the tribute for all soldiers.
Amen brother.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he today that sheds his blood beside me

Shall be my brother be he ne'er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition:

And gentleman in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here.

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought upon Saint Cripin's day."

Thank you, Tank...

Every day I think about the men and women...past, present, and future...that are putting their lives on the line to give us the gift of freedom and choice.

I look at my children and know they will grow up free, with the only restrictions being those that they themselves impose.

And it's thanks to those we remember with memorials...we should never forget that.

Hats off, Tank. Thanks. :)

Re: Thank you, Tank...

sheath said:
Every day I think about the men and women...past, present, and future...that are putting their lives on the line to give us the gift of freedom and choice.

I look at my children and know they will grow up free, with the only restrictions being those that they themselves impose.

And it's thanks to those we remember with memorials...we should never forget that.

Hats off, Tank. Thanks. :)


TY for the support!