In need of computer help PC and Mac


Literotica Guru
Mar 26, 2009
This past weekend my aunt gave me her MacBook Air. It's pretty snazzy and I am in the process of moving over from my Compaq PC laptop. I've set up email accounts, etc., etc.

However, one of the things I do on the Compaq is use Word 2003 and Firefox to create text files for my previous employer, for whom I still work on a small basis. Creating these files requires running macros. I need to know if and how I can bring these macros over to Office for Mac (Word 2011). Any help is appreciated.

Thanks. I'm happy to do this over PMs or email.
This past weekend my aunt gave me her MacBook Air. It's pretty snazzy and I am in the process of moving over from my Compaq PC laptop. I've set up email accounts, etc., etc.

However, one of the things I do on the Compaq is use Word 2003 and Firefox to create text files for my previous employer, for whom I still work on a small basis. Creating these files requires running macros. I need to know if and how I can bring these macros over to Office for Mac (Word 2011). Any help is appreciated.

Thanks. I'm happy to do this over PMs or email.
Congrads on the new Air. That's what I have and I adore my little laptop. Alas, I don't know anything about macros. But here are some answers I found to the question:
This on Microsoft Community
Check this out.

If worse comes to worse, you can use bootcamp which allows you to run Windows on your laptop and thus keep using the old programs. Hope that helps!
Congrads on the new Air. That's what I have and I adore my little laptop. Alas, I don't know anything about macros. But here are some answers I found to the question:
This on Microsoft Community
Check this out.

If worse comes to worse, you can use bootcamp which allows you to run Windows on your laptop and thus keep using the old programs. Hope that helps!

Thanks. I will check those out. There is probably a way to do this but I'm not terribly well-versed in macros, or Macs. Someone else created these macros and I've been using and updating them since.

I've found ways to just about everything else except run these macros. But I also think my boss is trying to figure out how to get around it as well, maybe so that we don't have to do it.
One thing you'll notice is that the Mac community out there is strong. When you have a question or an issue, it is usually pretty easy to find an answer with just a simple Google search.

I don't have Office for Mac. I bought iWork instead, so I'm not much help. It looks like you're on your way, though.

By the way, the entire reason I bought a Mac was to use a writing software called Scrivener. I love it. It is also available for Windows now. :cathappy:
One thing you'll notice is that the Mac community out there is strong. When you have a question or an issue, it is usually pretty easy to find an answer with just a simple Google search.

I don't have Office for Mac. I bought iWork instead, so I'm not much help. It looks like you're on your way, though.

By the way, the entire reason I bought a Mac was to use a writing software called Scrivener. I love it. It is also available for Windows now. :cathappy:

My mom got a Mac last year, an iMac, maybe. A desktop type. She has been very happy with how easy it is to get answers to things. :)

I may have found a way around all this anyway, which would be nice. I'm not sure anyone uses these macros but me, anyway. Another, unrelated problem is PDF files. But I digress.

I'm afraid that my question here is almost too specific, but I'll see what I can do. I'll have to check a forum or something. I have my macros in my normal.dotm template, but I'm getting an error when I run it, and since I didn't create the macros, I'm not sure how to fix it. I've asked my boss, who did create them, but he doesn't always remember things.
This past weekend my aunt gave me her MacBook Air. It's pretty snazzy and I am in the process of moving over from my Compaq PC laptop. I've set up email accounts, etc., etc.

However, one of the things I do on the Compaq is use Word 2003 and Firefox to create text files for my previous employer, for whom I still work on a small basis. Creating these files requires running macros. I need to know if and how I can bring these macros over to Office for Mac (Word 2011). Any help is appreciated.

Thanks. I'm happy to do this over PMs or email.

This link might help:
There is a way you can set up a partition on a Mac to run windows. My wife did that with her Mac so she could run some software for work. I've never done it, but there are links on Mac's website (I believe) for doing so.
There is a way you can set up a partition on a Mac to run windows. My wife did that with her Mac so she could run some software for work. I've never done it, but there are links on Mac's website (I believe) for doing so.

Thanks, willie, but I think that'd be overkill. I really don't do that much and don't see why it can't be done with the Mac. It's just a matter of figuring out how to work it out or work around it.

I've emailed my boss about it, and if I keep bugging him, he'll probably help me figure it out.
Thanks, willie, but I think that'd be overkill. I really don't do that much and don't see why it can't be done with the Mac. It's just a matter of figuring out how to work it out or work around it.

I've emailed my boss about it, and if I keep bugging him, he'll probably help me figure it out.

Overkill, maybe. My wife likes having the versatility. But it was kind of a pain to set it up in the first place.

I'm sure if you have the patience (I wouldn't) and keep Googling for info, you'll find the answers you need.

Or, just pester your boss. :p
A quick update -- thanks to Mr Penn, I can now do everything I need to do on my Mac without having to do any partitions or anything else. I can make my PDFs, run my macros, make my text files, etc.

Thanks to everyone for their help!
A quick update -- thanks to Mr Penn, I can now do everything I need to do on my Mac without having to do any partitions or anything else. I can make my PDFs, run my macros, make my text files, etc.
Hooray, Mr. Penn. Welcome to the Mac side! And many find that Word for Mac is a bit better than Windows. as the Mac lovers who translate the programing from the Windows platform to the Mac often give it some extra care.
Hooray, Mr. Penn. Welcome to the Mac side! And many find that Word for Mac is a bit better than Windows. as the Mac lovers who translate the programing from the Windows platform to the Mac often give it some extra care.

Thanks. :)

Although I've always been a PC person, mainly due to cost, I have never been a Mac hater or anything like that. There's a little trepidation, I think, because of the differences between the systems, but once you start using it, it's not so bad. Part of me is hoping that a nifty new computer will entice me to spend more time writing. But we'll see. It's April, which means June soon, which means summer vacation, which means both kids home from school... but we shall see.