Important guidline-formatting question/confirmation

Nov 22, 2002
Hi gang,

Since I am relatively new, I need some assistance concerning proper formatting and guidlines for a new story that is in process.
I have read the guidelines for submissions, but need clarification. Rather than email Laurel I thought I would ask you all.
1) I am using some italicized type in my story. (some, not all) In the guidlines it says that if you want special formatting like this to include a note at the top of the story saying so, otherwise it will be ran in a standard way.

Question: Do I need to do that at the top of the story or can I just include the request for special formatting in the notes field?

2) The story embodies an email from one person to the other. I have it written and set up in the story just as it would appear if you printed an email off. I.E To: (name) then an email address showing(ficticious)........below that a subject header.

Question: I dont think the email addresses will be shown as a hyperlink. Am I correct. And......if I wanted them shown in the posted story as a hyperlink for credability purposes, can Laurel, or would Laurel do that? I kind of doubt it. But what do you think.

My point here on question 2 is credability- believeability.

I hope I haven't confused you, and I appreciate any replies on this.

Maybe I am thinking too much here, but I am also trying to save Laurel some hassle if the story had to be rejected because I did something wrong. I also want to make sure that it is formatted the way I think it needs to be as far as the italics.

Just trying to avoid any potential roadblocks here.

Thank you......

Hi Killswitch,

For italicized text in your story, just wrap the portion to be italicized in <i> and </i> and past this in the box where you submit. See the preview. If you've got it right, the text should be italicized in the preview.

eg: <i>this is italicized</i> should be written in the box to appear as this is italicized in the preview.

I have no idea about your second question. I hope someone comes along who does. :D

Good luck.
Killswitch said:
Question: I dont think the email addresses will be shown as a hyperlink. Am I correct. And......if I wanted them shown in the posted story as a hyperlink for credability purposes, can Laurel, or would Laurel do that? I kind of doubt it. But what do you think.

My point here on question 2 is credability- believeability.

Personally I don't think making the email address hyperlinks would add credability or believeability to the story. I think they would be distracting and would detract from the story.

Just my opinion though.
<i> Damp, ...I am trying to test out the italics deal here and now. I very much appreciate your help!</i>

Big Texan, Yeah I wasnt sure if it would add any credability or not. I dont think it would be a distraction persay.
I guess what I am going to do is use a formerly real email website that was fairly well known that is now defunct, and out of business. That way no one can send mail to the names Ive chosen if, someone ever used them, but it will still seem actual.

Thanks for your help, if anyone else wants to chime in thats cool too.:nana:


Well, it doesnt look to me that I got the italics manuever correct......HELP.......:confused:
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Killswitch said:
Well, it doesnt look to me that I got the italics manuever correct......HELP.......:confused:

You got the italics correct for inclusion in a story. The BB uses a slightly different syntax in the body of your post, so HTML syntax won't work. is the link to a tutorial I wrote to help people insure that they get the HTML formatting and paragraph breaks right. It should answer most of your questions.

The one question it won't answer is the one about (phony) hyperlinks in an e-mail: the answer there is NO. Laurel does not allow hyperlinks or hotlinked pictures in the stories.

The only HTML allowed is text formatting such as italics and bold type. In very special circumstances, Laurel might allow a special font or font size for a paragraph or two, but she has to balance that kind of requests with maintaining a uniform look to the site.

In the notes filed of the submission form put "contains HTML for Italics" and specifically mention any other special formatting needs/codes you've included.
Oh my God WH! That article went completely over my head. :(

Killswitch, you do the <i> and </i> stuff when you're posting a story, in the submission box on your memberpage. It doesn't work here when you're posting in a thread.

I kind off figured that hyperlinks were a no go. Can they print a ficticious email address like that without making it appear as a link. Is that possible....It shows up in my word program as a link.....

No Hyper links is fine with me.

I feel its important to my format that it appear like it is....I can change it but this is kinda how I want it. These arent the names or addys Im using but the formatting is my example here.

To: "Jennifer"
Subject: The party

From: "Wendy"

Hi Jen, yada yada yada........

Thats how it's formatted in my story.....the email links are fake, and I dont need the hypers......Im sure Laurel will be cool with something like that. Wont she?

Thanks again.........

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Killswitch said:
I kind off figured that hyperlinks were a no go. Can they print a ficticious email address like that without making it appear as a link. Is that possible....It shows up in my word program as a link.....

Unlike MS Word and the BB software, the scripts for the site don't parse URLs or e-mail addresses into hyperlinks unless the HTML coding is explicitly added. They treat everything in a submission as plain text. Imbedded HTML coding in a story is interpreted by the browser when the story is being read, but the scripts just treat it the same as the rest of the text.
damppanties said:
Oh my God WH! That article went completely over my head. :(

That's OK, you don't need to understand it to make use of it. It's written as a step by step checklist. If you follow it one step at a time, it will work whether you understand what you're doing or not. ;)
Italics (and Bold) in submissions

Weird Harold's 'How-To' is great for checking out how a story will look, but I too have a 'How-To' on this which might help some people.

Just go to Bold or Italic?
