Images of War. CAUTION. Explicit.


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
My son would love, love, love that for his birthday. What is it with little boys and guns?
I used to want that very toy soldier set soooooo badly...and this sub:

Lancecastor said:
And what boy didn't want THESE?


I remember them on the back of comic books!!

How many boys actually sent for these? Lance, did you??? LOL
LadyGuinivere said:
I remember them on the back of comic books!!

How many boys actually sent for these? Lance, did you??? LOL

I wanted the ones that showed the ability to look through women's Grade 5 teacher, Miss J., was ultra hot, we all wanted to see through her clothes.

Twenty years later my best friend represented her in her divorce and got to take "Karen" out to lunch, etc...the bastard...i think he got to see through her dress.
Lancecastor said:

Wow, I haven't seen this ad in 20 years...thanks for the innocent memory of melting my soldiers with lighters and always ensuring there were a few amputee's with dad's hacksaw.
Re: Re: Images of War. CAUTION. Explicit.

Gunner Dailey said:
Wow, I haven't seen this ad in 20 years...thanks for the innocent memory of melting my soldiers with lighters and always ensuring there were a few amputee's with dad's hacksaw.

Yeah, war was hell for my plastic soldiers, too.

Some of them could never bring themselves to talk about it.