I'm starting to like school...


Jan 15, 2013
I'm starting to like school... (closed for st_fornicate)

I'm looking for 1 male to do a simple roleplay with: one revolving around a young schoolgoer and his smoking hot female teacher. Send me a pm if you're interested in such a story. (If you have any personal kinks, mention them so we might add them to this story)

My character:
Name: Ms. O'Connell
Age: 32
pic 1
pic 2

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On an early Monday morning at the start of the schoolyear, in your average thirteen-in-a-dozen high school, one of the first people to enter through the personnel door is Ms. O'Connell. The halls are still empty, it'll be about half an hour before the first wave of students will arrive. As Ms. O'Connell opens the door and walks inside, she notices the janitor heavily eyeballing as he passes by. It's nothing new for her, he does that basically every day. In fact, she's used to being stared at by everyone, in and outside of school. She doesn't even blame them for it, it's not like she doesn't know gorgeous she is. From the moment she started working as a high school English teacher, she always enjoyed seeing all those teenage boys trying to hide their hard-on's while she was teaching. She couldn't help but notice how they all uncomfortably shuffled around, trying to get their wood in a better position. Little do they even know how unsubtle it looks. As if teenage boys didn't get turned on easily enough yet, she was the perfect view to make them go crazy. There's nothing that a hormonal teenage boy loves more than a blonde with a set of really big tits.
Once she reaches the classroom where her first lesson of the year will be given, she sits down at her desk. Now it's just a little wait until the class will start showing up and the lesson can begin...
"Fuck!" Tommy Harrison said as he pored over his class schedule. He gathered up his binder and notebooks and books and headed for English class.

Ms. O'Connell's English class.

This was not good. Tommy had been jacking off thinking about her since he first laid eyes on her freshman year. He shook his head and headed for class.

Tommy Harrison wasn't anybody in this school. He wasn't a jock, he wasn't a scholar, or in theatre. He was just one of the thousand students here, trying to lay low and keep under the bully radar. He had a small group of friends, but no girlfriend. He stood at five-ten, and had an unruly mop of curly brown hair atop his head.

He was running a little late, but got to class just before the bell rang. The only seat left was right in front. This was definitely not good.

Ms. O'Connell sat at her desk quietly as the chaotic stream of students flowed into the classroom. She casually had a look at all the students walking past and finding a seat to sit in. Most of the students she knew from previous years, some of them she didn't, including the boy with the wild brown curls who settled in the seat right in front of her desk.

When everyone found a seat, she got up from her chair and spoke: "I see a couple faces that i haven't seen before." She couldn't help but smile, as most guys in the classroom were either staring right at her or obviously trying not to look. "If everyone who hasn't been in my class before would just tell me their name." she continued, after which she bowed forward and clearly aimed her attention at the nervous young man right in front of her. "Let's start with you?"
"Uhh, Tommy Harrison," he replied, doing his best not to blush at the sudden attention. He didn't like being singled out, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

Another few students introduced themselves, and Tommy busied himself pulling out a notebook and pen. At least English was a class he was good at and enjoyed. He was a bit of a bookworm. He wondered if Ms OConnell did any tutoring after school... Not that he needed it, but she was smokin' hot!
After a handful of students introduced themselves, Ms. O'Connell continued: "Great, don't expect me to remember every name right away though. I have more classes than this one." While talking, she randomly walked through the class a bit, giving every student she walks past a good look at her full bottom inside of her tight pencil dress.
"Oh, one more thing, something i tell to all my classes: if you feel like you need help to pass English class this semester, come have a talk with me after class and perhaps i can give you some personal tutoring."
She sat back down at her desk, her chest gently bopping up and down with the movement. "Now if you'd all open your book at page 28 and have a look at text 1.3."
Tommy watched her as she sat moved about the class, and as she sat down, the subtle sexiness of her movements not lost on him.

It was probably all in his head though, right? He shook the lusty thoughts away and opened up his book to the page she directed them to...

He did his best to pay attention to what she was saying, but was often finding himself quite distracted purely by her physical presence. He wasn't sure, but he thought he caught a couple glimpses of a lacy black bra under her blouse, through the oh-so-slightly straining buttons up the front. He felt blood rushing to his loins... No no no, he thought, not now...
As Ms. O'Connell further explained the theory written in the textbook, she casually crossed her arms on her desk and leaned forwards. As her chest became rested on her arms, her impressive jugs were pushed upwards a little and slightly bulged out of her large cleavage.
While speaking, she looked through the class to see if everyone was paying attention and several times, her eyes crossed with the nervous looking boy in the front of the class, the one she hadn't met before. Whenever she did, she couldn't help but have a little smile form on her full juicy lips. He wasn't the first to act like this when sitting at the front, and she knew damn well what was going on below the table.
Eventually she realized how much time already went by and decided she did enough explaining for today. "Okay, time to get working, guys. Go start making exercise 4 to 11, and make sure it's done next time i see you. The class will be over in like 20 minutes."
Twenty minutes... No sweat, Tommy thought. Just focus on this assignment, and this stupid hard-on will go away. He flipped to the page Ms O'Connell had assigned, and started working on the questions.

Of course, it didn't take him more than ten minutes to finish, and he was left sitting there with a front row seat to the Ms O'Connell's Tits show.

This was going go be a very long year. This stiff cock in his pants was quite uncomfortable. The bell couldn't take any longer to ring. The minutes dragged on. He flipped through the book, trying to focus on anything in the world to take his mind off his favorite fantasy, sitting right in front of him...
Ms. O'Connell quietly sat at her desk watching over the (mostly) working students. Normally while the students were working, she'd have some tests to grade or some other task to do in the meanwhile, but since the year just started, there was no such thing.

When she noticed Tommy -"That was his name, right?" she thought to herself- was already done with his assignment, a subtle grin appeared on her lips. Let's see just how nervous i can make him, she thought.

She leaned forward a little, letting her big round jugs bulge even further from her cleavage, intentionally this time. "I see you're already done." she whispered to him.
Tommy looked up at Ms O'Connell when she whispered to him, and gulped. His eyes fell into her exposed cleavage, the oh-so-distracting jugs, for longer than they should have lingered before looking up and into Ms O'Connell's eyes. He blushed red, and his cock throbbed, painfully restricted in his jeans.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit, he thought.

"Uhh, yes ma'am," he replied quietly. He wanted to look away from her but found his eyes locked with hers.