I'm so sick and tired of the word 'flapdoodle' that I'm starting a thread about it.


roosevelt dime
Feb 20, 2002
It's everywhere I look. Flapdoodle flapdoodle flapdoodle. I can't escape it!

God I hate that word.

Please, for the love of all that is decent and pure, stop using the word flapdoodle!

Flapdoodle flapdoodle flapdoodle!
*inserts tongue in cheek*

You know if you are so sick of flapdoodle why the hell would you start a thread with FLAPDOODLE in the title. Geezus. You would think you wanted everyone to talk about flapdoodle all the time.

So there!

EarthWind said:
hee hee

whats it mean??

How about a chinanigan?

It's a war cry, first employed by the Ottoman Empire's elite corps, known as the Janissaries. Loosely translated, it means "my nipples explode with delight." Upon hearing this bloodcurdling cry, opposing armies would often turn into quivering pools of jelly.
ooooooh i hate that fucking word...flapdoodle....i'm so thankful somebody started a thread about it so we can complain and talk about what a crappy word that is....

thanks baby!.....this will be fun.......:heart: ;)
You know all you flapdoodle whiners should just hush!
I mean really the more you talk about flapdoodle the more YOU have to hear about it. Geezzzz.
but Kitte.....seeing the word flapdoodle posted just irks the happiness right out of me....i can't ignore it......it took a loyal member of the community....my tortoise....to bring forth this issue......praise be.....let us vent and repent......you know....blah blah....
Jeez, can't someone please post about something other than flapdoodle on this flapdoodle thread?
Okay now I'm one to stay completely away from controversy but this entire FLAPDOODLE affair just has me all out of sorts!

calypso_21 said:
Okay now I'm one to stay completely away from controversy but this entire FLAPDOODLE affair just has me all out of sorts!


Oh dont give me that BULLSHIT..We all know what a flapdoodle shit stirrer you are dont hide behind that pink booty and pretend like you dont do your fair share of Flapdoodling!
Kitte said:
Oh dont give me that BULLSHIT..We all know what a flapdoodle shit stirrer you are dont hide behind that pink booty and pretend like you dont do your fair share of Flapdoodling!


Okay well there was that one time in band camp...but Ginny promised she'd never flap her doodle about that!
calypso_21 said:

Okay well there was that one time in band camp...but Ginny promised she'd never flap her doodle about that!

I can point out at least three threads where you have flapdoodled~! So dont try and play innocent with me.

You bring this all on yourself.
Kitte said:
I can point out at least three threads where you have flapdoodled~! So dont try and play innocent with me.

You bring this all on yourself.

You have GOT to be kidding me. I have witnesses to state that I have never FLAPDOODLED!

I don't know how reliable the candy asses really are when it comes to FLAPDOODLING!
Helen Lovejoy, after spending too much "quality time" with Ned Flanders:


"Won't someone please think of the flapdoodling children!"
You are all a bunch of hypocritical flapdoodlers, you know! It makes me so steamed I might just leave lit. Then again, I could just tell you all how much I hate that you have to complain about people using flapdoodle by using flapdoodle. Circles are always better than straight lines.
Eumenides said:
You are all a bunch of hypocritical flapdoodlers, you know! It makes me so steamed I might just leave lit. Then again, I could just tell you all how much I hate that you have to complain about people using flapdoodle by using flapdoodle. Circles are always better than straight lines.

It takes a flapdoodler to know a flapdoodler!
Eumenides said:
I couldn't have flapdoodled it better than you just did!


I'm mortified! I've can't protest enough! I have never I repeat never ever FLAPDOODLED! Bring me the evidence! I dare you!

Bunch of FLAPDOODLE Conspirators! Trying to string me up for FLAPDOODLING!

Hey wait if that is Flapdoodling...