I'm so happy!!!!


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
I've been so stressed for the last, oh , sixish months that my writing has been about a grand total of 12,000 words during that time. I just put out that many words this week!

I can write! I can write! It's just flowing and flowing and oh my gawd it's like sex only different.


Lovely, nice to hear it, shit when the brain stops working and you can't think straight aint it, then like a breath of fresh air when it all clicks back into gear.

Keep up the good work love.

i have this theory that we're only capable of doing so much at one time. for me, if i'm using my creative outlet in another media, then there's no way i can write. glad to hear you're back into it dear. enjoy yourself :)
Yay for KMuff

KillerMuffin said:
I can write! I can write! It's just flowing and flowing and oh my gawd it's like sex only different.:)

I was afraid you were going to say, "It's like sex only better." Then I'd be worried about you.


"I was afraid you were going to say, "It's like sex only better." Then I'd be worried about you. "

I was going to say that! But knowing KM and her stuff muffin, there's no way that could have been.

I remain,
Life is a like the tide - it goes up and down. Sometimes, you can't even write a grocery list, and other times, your hand can't write the stories bubbling out of you fast enough!

Nice to hear that you're in an up-flow, KM.:)
Hurrah for KM. Congrats and make the most of it. Write as much as you can get down so that we can all enjoy it.

The Earl
About time Muffin. I've started to exhibit Muffin-story withdrawal symptoms. Good on you Ma'am.:cool:

You're happy and I'm terrified. I've just posted the first part of my second story. One of the ones you critiqued for me actually. I'm more nervous with this one than I was with my first one.:(
I'm glad for you, friend. I'm just about finished with my latest project. I still have a couple of scenes I have to insert, but I got to the happily ever after part.

Now comes the hard part. Getting it ready to send out to the wolves.
Baying at the moon.........

I remain,

feeling rather "woolfish" at the moment.......<grin>