I'm really rather dissapointed that I have to be the voice of reason...


Cunningly Concealed
Oct 28, 2002
..to other MEN.

I'm not a particularly good feminist. Scratch the surface and I have a lot of inane baggage from my upbringing just waiting to well up and overpower what should be sodding obvious. Thankfully I have corralled it in along with a few of my fetishes where it's not doing anyone any harm.


When I see this crap sprouting up AGAIN about rape, about the capabilities, rights, uses, or any other broad sweeping antiquated view on women it pisses me off.

I just want to enjoy my day and insert at least seventeen innuendos involving bondage, pregnancy, curves as a good thing, anal, and D/s as appropriate.


I'm not a good defender. I'm more than a match for the lot of morons here trying it on, but I resent having to work at it in a place where you might think a little liberality would flow in all directions.

But no, trot out the fact the perverts can be absolute algae sucking morons as well. Get up there and beat your chests and man-splain to us all, again, how you're so so SO very right and how god and science (sorry, have to smile there) are with you.

I may want to defend men. But I cannot and will not defend morons.

You are morons.

If you are about to protest, challenge my post count, respond with a riposte of poorly chosen invective... Yes, YOU are a moron.

My daily post count is ten times higher than yours, so your opinion is invalid. Sorry. :/
I have an urge to cave Akin's head in with a golf club. And I don't even own golf clubs.

But then I realize I have a much better brain than his, and I feel better.

It comes back though.

I do know that all men are not alike. Thank you for being awesome.
I have an urge to cave Akin's head in with a golf club. And I don't even own golf clubs.

But then I realize I have a much better brain than his, and I feel better.

It comes back though.

I do know that all men are not alike. Thank you for being awesome.

This is kind of the point.

I'm decidedly NOT awesome, in any real sense.

I just happen to LOOK awesome in the company of morons... Which is seriously depressing.
This is kind of the point.

I'm decidedly NOT awesome, in any real sense.

I just happen to LOOK awesome in the company of morons... Which is seriously depressing.

Well, then, awesome...er than if you'd gone for the lowest bar to clear possible?
Well, then, awesome...er than if you'd gone for the lowest bar to clear possible?

There is some comfort in that, I suppose.

And my apologies.

As it may have become clear already, I'm in something of a mood.
There is some comfort in that, I suppose.

And my apologies.

As it may have become clear already, I'm in something of a mood.

We could go get some golf clubs. We won't DO anything, but it'd make us feel better maybe.
We could go get some golf clubs. We won't DO anything, but it'd make us feel better maybe.

You get a golf club.

I'm loading the trebuchet with balloons filled with glue and glitter.

And for preference, an anvil.
Creams are so 1960s. I'm using a version of the medieval torture device known as "the rack".

Won't she get pissed that you're trying to enlarge your penis using her breasts?

Even with the spiky bra on...