Im really dragging my feet here

Oh do I know how you're feeling. My son will start kindergarten this year and I've done the same thing.
Emerald_eyed said:
The school sent home a note yesterday........ I really need to send in Kindergarten registration for my youngest.

Hes been in a preschool for 3 years there already, but now hes going to kindergarten

Im not ready for him to grow up.

LOL I was there , I know that feeling well. It hit me when my boy entered puberty. My little boy was gone. It was a weird emotional transition for me. Don't be sad..Enjoy the little monster while you can...... :heart:
Re: Re: Im really dragging my feet here

loveyamon said:
LOL I was there , I know that feeling well. It hit me when my boy entered puberty. My little boy was gone. It was a weird emotional transition for me. Don't be sad..Enjoy the little monster while you can...... :heart:
:( this is so true my "little man" goes to high school next yr *wiping the tears" I am so not ready for him to meet the world head on in just a few yrs but what can I do but enjoy him while he is still all mine. Well all mine except the lil girlies that chase him or he chases *sigh* how I long for the kindergarten days and the questions of" mommy why is the sky blue" much easier to answer then the questions of teenage wonderland. :nana:
Holy jeeze, he's been in preschool for 3 years? I skipped that stage of my life...
My youngest is a Kindergartener this I know what you're feeling. I feel proud and meloncholy at the same time.

Put on a brave face and register him :)
Emerald_eyed said:
He started out a little behond and qualified for a special education program. He has really scome a long ways.

He really came a long ways. He is 5 and can recite the whole alphabet. He can sound out and spell most all simple words. He can count to 100 and knows all his colors and can rhyme with all real words.

He knows all his colors including mauve, baby blue and aqua.

He didnt learn to talk as quickly as some, so once they started him in school, he actually learned sign language before he could speak, and will still use it sometimes:)

Now he has a great vocab.

Now that's pretty damn good. Hell even I have problems with some of those every now and then. hehe :)
I do remember going to a special school for my speech though because I couldn't pronounce my S's and R's that well. But besides that, I'm spiffy and your son will be too. :)
If I had the chance to skip a few grades now, I would without a doubt. (I could have back in the day also, but didn't want to leave my friends, lol) He may be a bit socially behind, but if he's with kids that are using bigger words and learning more, that will rub off on him very quickly and he'll be speaking and doing everything normally and above. Don't rule out placing him in 1st grade if you can hun. He may not like it right now, but he'll thank you when he graduates high school a year before anyone else his age would.
Emerald_eyed said:
Well, I dunno. Older kids are meaner.....and truthfully, He only looks like hes 3-4 years old.

Hes a cute little bugger. Everyone has to comment on it.

Hell, I looked like a middle schooler until I hit puberty during the summer of my freshman and sophmore year, heh.
You know how the saying goes...Don't judge a book by it's cover.

And not all older kids are meaner. One bad apple doesn't always spoil the bunch.

I would talk to the would be 1st grade teacher of his though before you put him in and see how things will work in the class though before you do anything.
Emerald_eyed said:
Well during the first week, its all evaluation. They can look into it more. Having been in a preschool, they might really hesitate.

Having older brother and sister, he probably cant stick up for himself.

But that's what older brothers and sisters are for, to look after him and help him out or so I'm told, heh. :)
He sounds ready. Kindergarten is such a growing time.

When it comes to starting the first grade, you have to consider if he is ready, though. As he goes through school you have to remember that he is competing against his peers. Do you want him to be the youngest in his class or wait until the next year and have the advantage of being one of the oldest? Chronological age doesn't mean much unless they are 12 and still in second grade!

Good luck!