I'm on diet one million four hundred thousand ish!


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
They lie. You don't get use to eating less. You just continue to be hungry all the time and it's making me a little cranky.:eek:
I've started cutting carbs and eating a LOT of veggies. Helps me stay full on less for longer. I had lost 4 lbs, but gained it back with a couple days of weakness. Curse you, Ice Cream!

Back on track today.
just cut back on the sugar and don't sit on your ass too much. does wonders. trust me. i'm fat. i know this shit. i just really like sitting on my ass eating cookies.
I don't diet.

Diets are made of fail, I just work out a lot.

That is the harsh truth.

The fact of the matter is that it's basically a simple matter of arithmetic and no different than inventory:

Beginning weight
+ calories in
- calories burned
= ending weight

I'd like to have half the money that's taken in by snake-oil purveyors who promote and sell "no sweat and no pain" dieting schemes.

Apples and Ice Water.

Whenever you feel hungry, drink water. When you still feel hungry, eat an apple.

It only works if you stop eating the stuff you pretend you aren't eating and stop drinking the beer and sugar drinks.

If you must snack - unbuttered popcorn is good.
Did you really think there was any way in heck that I would tell you? I am trying to make a lifestyle change but it is hard to combat 46 years of living.

Now that you have told everyone your age the weight shouldn't be a big deal. ;)
Apples and Ice Water.

Whenever you feel hungry, drink water. When you still feel hungry, eat an apple.

It only works if you stop eating the stuff you pretend you aren't eating and stop drinking the beer and sugar drinks.

If you must snack - unbuttered popcorn is good.

If I get really hungry when I know I shouldn't, I lick a lollipop.
I think it's a live-it! Cut out the junk and foods that come from a package or box and white foods. That's where most of the calories come from, and little nutrition. Make everything from scratch. And EXERCISE.

If you must get over a craving, have it, don't over indulge, and then move on. And DARK CHOCOLATE.
Diets are just not fun. I drink a lot of water and run too. I cut out all soda, even diet. That made the biggest difference.

Good luck! If anything, enjoy those lollipops. :)
Apples and Ice Water.

Whenever you feel hungry, drink water. When you still feel hungry, eat an apple.

It only works if you stop eating the stuff you pretend you aren't eating and stop drinking the beer and sugar drinks.

If you must snack - unbuttered popcorn is good.

Good tips.

And don't wait until you're famished to eat the apple because, if you do, you'll want to eat a donut and a bag of chips while cutting up the apple.

I find exercise, eating less and getting out of the house more often works wonders. Make sure you're taking enough vitamin D and if you're pissed at someone, let them know. If I'm mad and don't say it, I shove m words down w food. I used to be skinny, then enormous, now I'm thick...moving towards fat...time to start telling people to fuck off again.
Did you really think there was any way in heck that I would tell you? I am trying to make a lifestyle change but it is hard to combat 46 years of living.

We can't begin to help you until we tear you down to your bare essence and rebuild you. Now, what do you weigh? We have to know if we're buliding a garage or a skyscraper.
Whenever you're hungry- have a wank.
It's the diet, I promise.
I cut out all soda, even diet. That made the biggest difference.

Yeah, diet fizzy drinks are the worse IMO.

I think its as much about the mental challenge as the physical. For years I found no matter what diet & exercise I did/didn't do, I only ever seemed to put it on. At the moment it seems to be the reverse for me (touch wood). I'm convinced meditation has brought an all round happy/contented-ness thats been the catalyst for a healthier lifestyle.

Best of luck, but only ever do it for yourself :)
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