I'm offended by "The Plunger" 's Avatar


Jul 29, 2000
Jesus Christ, earn yourself some websafe colors and quality image compression!
Romial said:
You let your son come to this site or even look at it? BAD BAD!!
ROFL, nah, he happen to wander by and see a dancing pig. *Shrug*
The Plunger said:
I guess I missed the memo for Spinaroonie's list of approved avatars

I'm just saying that a field or red should be a field of red. Yours has yellow, black, and even some blue and green.

get out your photoshop like it ain't no thang.
brunhilda said:
My son likes your dancing pig.

just curious because i used to be one myself. still am, i suppose. i still have the shitty little red card from the CPUSA.

communist since april 2001
It's bringing attention to certain Communist and Marxist backed organizations behind much of the anti-war movement.

A.N.S.W.E.R. and the traitor Ramsey Clark are supported by the Worlds Workers Party, who shares ideology with North Korea. The backing of this anti-war movement is littered with private adjenda's, mistruths and a general conspiracy theories. A great deal of these clowns would like nothing better than to see the United States break down as we know it. I'm still trying to figure out who is more dangerous, Saddam Hussein or a leftist with an adjenda.
The Plunger said:
It's bringing attention to certain Communist and Marxist backed organizations behind much of the anti-war movement.

A.N.S.W.E.R. and the traitor Ramsey Clark are supported by the Worlds Workers Party, who shares ideology with North Korea. The backing of this anti-war movement is littered with private adjenda's, mistruths and a general conspiracy theories. A great deal of these clowns would like nothing better than to see the United States break down as we know it. I'm still trying to figure out who is more dangerous, Saddam Hussein or a leftist with an adjenda.

fair enough. but anyone with a hidden agenda can be dangerous, right, left or middle. life isn't black and white. it's a dark, dark grey.