I'm not in a meanie mood, but....

Ok, so let me get this straight:

You are not in a mean mood.

You complain of insinscerity on the board.

You take this thread as an open invite to bash av's.

Hmm... you sound like weeny to me.

Yes, please, flame me. I'd like to toast some marshmellows. :p
She also said it was done many years ago. Art is one of those things that what one person likes another may hate. I think that av is very nice.
Isn't art in the eye of the beholder? How else do these 'starving artist" sales held in hotels in every major city in America make money? I personally think the stuff they have for sale reeks, but somebody likes it! Those with the same taste probably purchase those velvet Elvis paintings too.

Vixens work may not appeal to you, but others may like it!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Fuck me the shite you talk pushpinder (aka 4laterer) is second to none
"I'm no art critic but the yady yah "insert wannabe posh word here" yady blady yady yah toffle toffle"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOOOLLOLOLOLOL You two really are a fucking joke.
As for fatty LOL he is laughable, He will be sniffing around your arse crack definding you like the fuckpuddle he is, and vice versa.
I'm not going to say get a life because neither of you have would know where to start in trying to find one....hands would probably start by asking his online crew of "snipers" (rofl). Oh well have fun and all that.
I look forward to anhialating you both when you reply (which you both will because I Rule when you post and what content you write. (one step ahead and all that)
4laterer said:
so many people on this board say things they don't mean - theres so much insincerity

take vixenshe's av for example. I'm no art critic, but I am able to separate objective notions of aestheticism from my own, subjective ones, and without meaning to pick on her (although this is an unavoidale consequence of this thread) the pic is shit

its not so much a reflection on her artistic capabilities, as she said she copied it

but its just a classless pic

pink and black




Personally, I don't think you're a meany, I think you're just a nasty bitch.
Hanns have you shown anyone a REAL picture of yourself?

Back on topic.....ahahahahahahahahahahah yes I have a life outside the internet and things like that happen in the real world. I experience things you and your fellow billy no mates can only talk of via second hand means (second hand like the clothes you wear). You have to date claimed to be/have the following....
1) A sniper (PML)
2) A rich and sucessfull person with 5-9 cars (this depends on weather or not you can remember your bullshit stories)
3) A person of the military (who diddnt know what a conchie was)
4) Rich
7) Israiely
8) Italian
9) something else
10) a computer expert/Hacker who thinks a CCNA and an MCSE is a home diploma.

In Reality you are a fat depressive who knows fuck all about comps, and has no life.

You spend all day on your computer fantasising about whats out there in the real world. I doubt you have seen crack (unless its Via a .jpg that your "Sniper friends" have sent you) yet you give it the big "I know my stuff" Admitidly you do know your stuff when It comes to talking bullshit on your p.c and sending people pictures of yourself that AINT you LOLOLOLOL
whos the mug?
you are nothing but a fat depressive fanny,
BTW how many hours do you work? I mean how do you fit in any work/ socialising between posting 20 odd thousand messeges on a messege board?
Gone a bit quiet fatty? whats up?
and "im too sexy for the internet???" what the fuck are you warbling on about this time?