I'm Moving...

Saint Valentine

Jan 24, 2003
...into a house. My room is a finished attic. Nary a right angle in sight. I love that. I am so sick of apartment living.


Oh...it's cheeper too.:D
Rubyfruit said:
That sounds wonderful, Saint Valentine.

Do you like your house-mates?

Yes. I will be living with my bassist. He's a good guy and more importantly our schedules allow for quite a bit of apart time. I have the whole upstairs to myself, as well, so I can just go and hibernate. How did your move go Ruby?

Good house-mates are hard to come by. The best are the ones who are never home, of course. :)

My move is going well, Valentine. Thanks for asking. My moving studs come today and basically all that's left in the house is furniture. I had a smashingly successful tag sale last weekend! I just love when people give me money for things I no longer need.

Enjoy your new home, Saint Valentine. :kiss:
Rubyfruit said:
Good house-mates are hard to come by. The best are the ones who are never home, of course. :)

My move is going well, Valentine. Thanks for asking. My moving studs come today and basically all that's left in the house is furniture. I had a smashingly successful tag sale last weekend! I just love when people give me money for things I no longer need.

Enjoy your new home, Saint Valentine. :kiss:

Thank you Ruby. You as well. *wishing I was one of Ruby's moving studs*

Re: Good Luck on the Move!

tulip2lipservice said:
So have you started to pack and where to?


Same town. I actually have to give a months notice so it will be a long steady process.

Well it will be time to get

rid of unwanted stuff and unburden your life. Start fresh if you can. Again good luck with it all.

Re: Well it will be time to get

tulip2lipservice said:
rid of unwanted stuff and unburden your life. Start fresh if you can. Again good luck with it all.


Yes. I will be getting rid of a lot of stuff. Ruby, will you come to Michigan and organize a tag sale for me?

Re: LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!!

Gusty Wind said:
No, you can SCREAM you head off now ;)

heehhehe... would you ?

Please say yes .

I LOve to see man scream,,

when they *HAPPY* :)

LOL :rose:


Ok. But only if my room mates not home.

Re: Re: Well it will be time to get

Saint Valentine said:
Ruby, will you come to Michigan and organize a tag sale for me?


I'd love to. I think they're a lot of fun. It's nice meeting so many neighbors.

In the past, I've spent hours preparing for tag sales, cleaning every item until it looked new again, thinking about a price, writing the price on a little sticker, organizing by categories, etc.

This time, I just put it all out there and made up prices as I went along.

I recommend the latter.

Re: Re: Re: Well it will be time to get

Rubyfruit said:
I'd love to. I think they're a lot of fun. It's nice meeting so many neighbors.

In the past, I've spent hours preparing for tag sales, cleaning every item until it looked new again, thinking about a price, writing the price on a little sticker, organizing by categories, etc.

This time, I just put it all out there and made up prices as I went along.

I recommend the latter.


LOL...I don't think you'd appreciate my neighbors now, unless you like the smell of Ripple. The tag sale is secondary. I just want you to come to Michigan.
