I'm home!


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
I finally finally have a decent PC. Oh, I'm so happy I think I may cry.
Is it complete with a webcam?? er.. not that I have any real reason to ask or anything.. Just curious.. ;)
What kind of PC did you get?

Have you already finished moving all your old files over? I know that took me forever.
J.B. said:
A crapy digi-cam, but a digi-cam none the less.


er.. I mean.. That's cool J.B.. I'm sure family members and friends will enjoy seeing pictures of you...


Yes.. tell us what you got and what you have it tricked out with.
It's an HP pretty decent. No I haven't transferred everything over. I didn't really have anything worthwhile on the old one because, honestly I didn't trust it. It was older than Methuselah and weaker than a limp noodle. I just jumped online as soon as I finished installing my NetZero disk.

Right now I'm not exactly able to post the kind of pics I'd like to post :D
But this is what managed to load so far...
My puppy -Ursula
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J.B. said:
Right now I'm not exactly able to post the kind of pics I'd like to post :D
But this is what managed to load so far...

I'm not sure what kind of pics you have in mind.. but I'm thinking just seeing your face would be very nice.. Of coruse any more than that is a wonderful bonus.. :D

Any other addons? DVD drive? CD Burner?

I'll need to get a brand new PC sometime soon.. and not a PC that has been "slightly used" like I got the last time.
how's that?

Looks like CD burner. I'm not going to stick with this one though. I'm just going to use it wile I buy parts one by one until I can build my own.
Ahhh well.. any cam is better than no cam.. just like any PC is better than none. :)
right now it's all better than gold to me... well maybe not 'cause wit hgold I could get a really rick ass system, but hey I'll take what I can get.
I'm sensing you'll have alot of late nights now online with you having a PC? ;)
Well I do have that powerful mind of mine that can make you do certain things...