Im gonna fucking scream


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Why is it so hard to get through to people that all I want is proof of an act before condemning someone for an act?

Has the innocent until proven guilty clause been thrown out the window when its politicly expedient to do so?

Yes these crimes are horrid by nature, and yes they should be punished as far as they can be. but to require that a finger pointed is as good as a conviction is amazing.

There are good men and women out there, who WILL believe you who WILL investigate on your behalf, who WILL support you.

I dread the day when a finger pointed is all it takes to destroy someone. male or female.
Who pissed in your cornflakes?...

What are you talking about? Who and what has been wronged? Standing by..............:D
Admittedly, I only read most of the two threads in question.

I dont' remember seeing that there needn't be any proof of a crime.

I do remember seeing a debate concerning the skewage of statistics, which I will resubmit, are skewed by many factors.
The statistics hasnt been my main focus for quite some time... either their still arguing over statistics and im misinterpreting and arguing another point. or statistics is the only thing people see when they read.

I don't think you are the only who feels like screaming! ...It is just not that cut and dry.
Re: mr.sensitive...

aly* said:
I don't think you are the only who feels like screaming! ...It is just not that cut and dry.
Im not mister sensitive as damn near anyone can tell you. theres only one way to truly insult me and she found it.
I give up. I don't know how to relate to you on this issue... i am at a loss. I wish it was simple as you make it seem. (oops major typo's sorry).
aly* said:
I give up. I don't know how to relate to you on this issue... i am at a loss. I wish as simple it was you make it seem.
god damnit, I dont want you to just blindly agree with me or some shit. but for fucks sake all im saying is

1. proof
2. come foreward if it happens
3. dont just push everything on the male of the species.

thats all
is that too much?

I suppose it is, as it requires people to actually treat everyone as an equal.

This has gone to far that women are the automatic victims of men, even to the point where you can't say your a victim.

Rape isnt your fault. whether you where raped by a man or a woman, if your the victim its never your fault.

(yes there are cases of women rapist, however they tend to be statutory in nature ill concede)

It will never be the victims fault

but it IS the responsibility of the victim to bring it to the notice of the authorities so it can be dealt with.

yes there are problems with the system and how it deals with women who are raped, or who accuse someone of rape.

that process needs to be fixed, things need to be done to work towards a way for it not to be so emotionaly devistating for women to come out and say they where raped.

Ive advocated that throughout my post, people ignore it though. why I don't know.

Im not in any way shape or form defending rapist, nor will I ever defend rapist, the whole thought of that particular crime goes beyond just being against the law of the land, but the laws of humankind as well. it is a vile and disgusting practice that needs to be stomped on.

however I can not hold to the thought of guilty until proven innocent which is what people seem to be latching on to.