I'm going to find it as easy to boycott Skittles™ as

I like Staburst better anyway.

Could be a reverse psychology move since California wants to ban red #3. How would it look if the most pro gender fluid state were to ban a pro gender fluid candy?
Even this dumbass gets why we've deemed AJ a hypocritical trumper moron. 🤣
You see this cracks me up. I point out something and instead of just agreeing that his post is idiotic you have to throw in a slam on me. You guys really are sad, angry, very small people.
Let me see if I have this right. You don't drink Bud Light and you don't eat Skittles. So then, how do you boycott something you never purchased in the first place and probably never would? Seems silly to even mention it.
Keep in mind AJ isn't the truthiest sumbitch in teh building. The day the Negro president was inaugurated, AJ rose from his fainting couch just long enough to announce we should liquidate our stock portfolios and invest in "precious" metals becoz the End Times were upon us.

Fast forward 8 years and the Negro president is leaving office, AJ crows about his incredible stock market returns over the past decade.

Wait, AJ, whutabout yer "precious" metals....oh that advice was meant for unsophisticated rubes who didn't have a keen eye for stocks like he did.

"Do as I say, not as I did"
Keep in mind AJ isn't the truthiest sumbitch in teh building. The day the Negro president was inaugurated, AJ rose from his fainting couch just long enough to announce we should liquidate our stock portfolios and invest in "precious" metals becoz the End Times were upon us.

Fast forward 8 years and the Negro president is leaving office, AJ crows about his incredible stock market returns over the past decade.

Wait, AJ, whutabout yer "precious" metals....oh that advice was meant for unsophisticated rubes who didn't have a keen eye for stocks like he did.

"Do as I say, not as I did"
Really? Negro?