I'm getting my hair cut on thursday.

perky_baby said:
4-6 inches.

And I'm going to wear black to mourn your hair.

Though I do have something that measures precisely 4-6 inches ...lol
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celiaKitten said:
lol - mourning her hair?

What is it with men and long hair?

it's still gonna be all the way down to my butt, so I don't know what the problem is.

It's a trim, for chrissake.
celiaKitten said:
lol - mourning her hair?

What is it with men and long hair?

I can't speak for all men, but I have a hair fetish. Pin me down and do that hair curtain thing , bringing your face close to mine gazing deep into my eyes and you can talk me into anything!
perky_baby said:
it's still gonna be all the way down to my butt, so I don't know what the problem is.

It's a trim, for chrissake.


And we know who's the expert on trim around here. I'll shut up now.
perky_baby said:

It's a trim, for chrissake.

LOL - this sounds way too familiar ..

I'm getting a trim

How much?

A few inches.

Well, don't chop too much off ...

My hair isn't quite as long as yours ..lol. middle of my back, but 4 inches would still be below my shoulders
celiaKitten said:
LOL - this sounds way too familiar ..

I'm getting a trim

How much?

A few inches.

Well, don't chop too much off ...

My hair isn't quite as long as yours ..lol. middle of my back, but 4 inches would still be below my shoulders

Put things in perspective! I'm a guy, according to me *this much* is 12 inches!
Perk? Send me a lock of your hair.

I'm going to attempt to make a voodoo doll of you. I've got it plotted out in my head.

Basically it's a rubber duck bath toy, with a lock of your hair around it's neck and your name inscribed on it's back.

I know...it's not finished yet...but I'm working on it. Let me know, will ya?

Vilac said:
Perk? Send me a lock of your hair.

I'm going to attempt to make a voodoo doll of you. I've got it plotted out in my head.

Basically it's a rubber duck bath toy, with a lock of your hair around it's neck and your name inscribed on it's back.

I know...it's not finished yet...but I'm working on it. Let me know, will ya?


<grinning> I'll do it! but do you really trust me with your address?
perky_baby said:
<grinning> I'll do it! but do you really trust me with your address?



Well....there's always the P.O. box.

<thinking that having you stalk me may not be a bad deal> Hell....I'd give it to ya. LOL

Vilac said:


Well....there's always the P.O. box.

<thinking that having you stalk me may not be a bad deal> Hell....I'd give it to ya. LOL


will ya promise not to clone me?
perky_baby said:
will ya promise not to clone me?

Holy hell. The world couldn't deal with two perkys.

IF I did clone you, it would be strictally for personal use. I'd keep the clone tied to the bed or something. heh.

Vilac said:
Holy hell. The world couldn't deal with two perkys.

IF I did clone you, it would be strictally for personal use. I'd keep the clone tied to the bed or something. heh.


but I cook!

heh, ;)

nap time for me.
It's Thursday, my stomach has been upset all day.

Still mad at you!
I'm with Perky on this one: it's just a freaking TRIM!

(I thought guys liked a little...trim...*hee hee!*) :rolleyes:
Violette said:
I'm with Perky on this one: it's just a freaking TRIM!

(I thought guys liked a little...trim...*hee hee!*) :rolleyes:

Read the whole thread Birthday girl.