I'm Getting A New Computer.


a boombox is not a toy.
Mar 9, 2002
i want something that has a printer, a cd burner, internet access...nothing special just something good for while i'm in school.

any suggestions?
I don't have any suggestions, as I just use my computer, I hardly know anything about it.

I just wanted to say hi.
Check the Dell or Gateway2000 sites.

They have deals for students, also might consider something refurbished from those same sites.

I'm assuming a budget is a serious consideration?
Eumenides said:
I don't have any suggestions, as I just use my computer, I hardly know anything about it.

I just wanted to say hi.

hi hunny! :kiss:
SweetCherry said:
ne thing. AMD rules. Intel sucks. :)

ok..i don't even know what that mean :D

i mean..i understand intel..and sucking....but..AMD?
My suggestion

I have two suggestions for you...

#1) If you have a computer geek friend, get him/her to build you a computer. You can usually build a computer cheaper than buying one from a store.

#2) Perhaps try shopping on a canadian website. You being from the US and all the exchange rate should be awsome in your favour. I think www.ipc.ca still has some good deals.
Well, what do you know! I'm getting a new computer, too!

oh yeah..i also want it to have a photo shop program that works :)
Sexy. Hi long time no talk. I have a lap top HP It has all you mentioned
Vinny said:
Sexy. Hi long time no talk. I have a lap top HP It has all you mentioned


i have a laptop now..i don't want another one.
Here is a link to Dell's site on the 2300 Series, Amelia.


I've been happy with my Dells and set up a 4500 for my Dad 6 months ago. I'm not familiar with G-way but they are selling a 500 series starting at $599.

From my experience, don't buy a package deal with a printer. Inexpensive base printers are now running around $70.

yeah.. what is AMD, Sweetcherry?

If you buy a Dell, do you have to buy Dell accessories.. like a printer, scanner, etc.. or can I use my old printer with the new Dell?

My dad got a brand new one in March and my sister got one in July, and I don't like them too much... they have more MgZ and ram, but I feel like they run slower than mine (different brand). But I have to admit, Dell has the best package price.. my dad spend like $800 for the most up-to-date tower system, 15" moniter, & he got a choice of a printer or scanner to come with it.. it was even a better deal compare to Gateway by about $200.
amelia said:
i want something that has a printer, a cd burner, internet access...nothing special just something good for while i'm in school.

any suggestions?

Better make it a dark-haired computer. ;)
Re: Re: I'm Getting A New Computer.

islandman said:

Better make it a dark-haired computer. ;)

so you will be attracted to it?
Re: Re: Re: I'm Getting A New Computer.

amelia said:

so you will be attracted to it?

I so love a computer with alot of Gigs and a broadband connection. *drools* "Flat-panel" gives me a woody.

But its more likely that i'll be attracted to the user.
amelia said:
i want something that has a printer, a cd burner, internet access...nothing special just something good for while i'm in school.

any suggestions?

Check out Gateways - - - - stylish, relatively inexpensive, good support. They'll have what you need.

Just my opinion, but don't get anything with XP, although that's hard to find nowadays. I think its too damn new to be good and I removed it and am now running W2K.
I could build you an awesome machine for free. Well, not really free. You'd have to put out a bit. :)
amelia said:

i have about $900 to spend.

How handy are you about adding hardware to your computer?

It's often easier to buy a basic low-end machine that's on sale and add the CD-burner yourself.

There are some fairly good off-brand or "store brand" computers available. Take an afternoon to browse through CompUSA, Office Depot, Office Max, Circuit City, Best Buy, and similar stores -- I'd save Best Buy for your last stop because you'll probbly get the best system for the price there.

The "AOL Computer" thread that Bob referenced is a very low end NON-Windows machine sold by Wal-mart form their website ONLY. They have a similar machine witha 17" monitor and Win XP for $399 (plus shipping) on their site.

If you're comfortable with ordering a computer online and then adding the CD Burner later, then The Microtel systems at Wal Mart's site are good buys.

Note: AMD is Advanced Micro Devices -- Intel's biggest competitior inthe CPU market.
I wouldn't go Gateway if I were you. They will not only rip you off royally but their stuff usually ends up sucking. Personally I usually shop from www.globalcomputer.com They have decent prices and have soem customizable laptops you should check out. Good service too.
To add on Weird Harold said....

CreativeLabs will soon begin selling "barebones" PC's with the video and sound chips integrated. As much as I am against integrated hardware, I wouldn't mind having an NV-15 and SB Audigy 2 built onto the motherboard.

Something definitely worth checking into.