i'm eating an apple.


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2003
i do that a lot. i've probably made a thread or ten about it in the past. i don't care. it's the truth and that is all that matters. also, the fact that it is delicious. that matters as well.

this is what i do when i don't feel like cooking shit.
Kipples! This thread is sure to get hundreds of replies, and you know what? You deserve it. :eek:
i do that a lot. i've probably made a thread or ten about it in the past. i don't care. it's the truth and that is all that matters. also, the fact that it is delicious. that matters as well.

this is what i do when i don't feel like cooking shit.

What kind?
Apple martini:

Dry vermouth

Mix the gin and DV. Add an apple instead of an olive.
I ate more apples than you did.

and i'm okay with that.

Ohhh was huh? I wanted a bite.

tough shit.
I wish I could. My teeth are away for repairs. :(

apple sauce, yo. get a hammer and make it happen.

candy apple >

no. those things fucking suck.

I just got a bag of some outdoor.


Can't beat that.

i am also high, but not on that.
Like you never put a little apple in your mouth and pretended it was one of those gag things. What?
apple gags make me think of roasted hog. wrong kind of spit.