I'm dragging my feet


Jul 11, 2001
I'm supposed to go over to my parents house for a family dinner. Aunts, Uncles, Cousin's, blah, blah, blah...

I admit it. I'm feeling sorry for myself. I feel left out sitting around the table being the only single person there. The last time...my oh so sweet relative decided it would be great fun to go around the table and tell how everyone met. hmmm...oh, that's right, your single. Next! Uggghhh. I wanted to launch mashed potatoes across the table at her.

I should be thankful to have a family. I feel guilty for feeling the way that I do.
PacificBlue said:
I'm supposed to go over to my parents house for a family dinner. Aunts, Uncles, Cousin's, blah, blah, blah...

I admit it. I'm feeling sorry for myself. I feel left out sitting around the table being the only single person there. The last time...my oh so sweet relative decided it would be great fun to go around the table and tell how everyone met. hmmm...oh, that's right, your single. Next! Uggghhh. I wanted to launch mashed potatoes across the table at her.

I should be thankful to have a family. I feel guilty for feeling the way that I do.

I say go with your gut reaction, fling the taters.....will give you all something to talk about next time :D
I know the feeling...I'm avoiding going to my mother's. Thankfully she just called and I said how I was in the middle of something really important and did she mind if I was about an hour or so late? and loverly mum that she is...she said no problems. Gotta love family.
Never underestimate the power of the word "no".

If you don't want to go, instead of a lame excuse or going and being miserable, try saying "No thanks, not this time." and sticking to it without explanation.

Do that and after a while they'll treat you better PB, you'll see.

Put the fun back in dysfunctional.

I've said "no" the last three times. My 89 year old Grandmother would like to see me. I got the really good guilt trip over this one. It isn't that anybody else has a great time at these either...why continue to spend time with people you really don't care for, just because they are family?

Don't get me wrong...my immediate family, I don't mind spending time with. It's the extended family I could do without.

My cousin thinks wearing make-up makes women look stupid... heh, heh...I just finished putting mine on...what? you don't think the dark raisin lipstick was a good idea? :D
PacificBlue said:
I'm supposed to go over to my parents house for a family dinner. Aunts, Uncles, Cousin's, blah, blah, blah...B]

There are people on this planet who would literally kill for a glass of water, let alone a home cooked meal. You should feel guilty. Quit your bitching.
Good luck, PB.

Make all the "marrieds" insanely jealous by talking about all the decisions you make on your own, how quiet your house is and how there's noone else's dirty laundry to do. They're really secretly envious.
As one of six children and being the only one not to be married or involved with anybody for a while now, I know how you feel at familly events, sideways looks and the questions about are you seeing anybody at the moment........whats even worse is the fact that I'm the only male heir and the only one who can pass on the family name which is killing my father.

You wanna talk about pressure, you wanna have a 77 year old father who's itching to bounce a baby on his knee with the same last name as him.
Go and fling boogers at 'em!

Just go and enjoy the ability to see your family.

Who cares if your the "only single one".............tell 'em they can "bite you" if they make any snide remarks.

Go and have fun...........eat lotsa food on their tab and drink lotsa drinks too.............:)
Personally I love having my aunts squeezing my cheeks, telling me how cute I am and asking me when I'm going to find myself a nice woman :p Ooh and I just LOVE it when a certain relative just WONT let me leave when I have to go.. makes me feel guilty it.. makes me really want to go over as often as possible.. but then I feel bad for not wanting to go.. AAAH!
PacificBlue said:

My cousin thinks wearing make-up makes women look stupid... heh, heh...I just finished putting mine on...what? you don't think the dark raisin lipstick was a good idea? :D

See? You CAN have fun going to family get togethers!

Really cake it on and drive that cousin nuts. Next dinner, you can pick another cousin and do whatever drives that one crazy. :D
Cheyenne said:
See? You CAN have fun going to family get togethers!

Really cake it on and drive that cousin nuts. Next dinner, you can pick another cousin and do whatever drives that one crazy. :D

and what she said. That is fun.............sounds like something I might do this Holiday Season! (for a change of pace, just to mix things up some......)
Just tell them you thank god you don't have to put up with a nutty spouse like all the rest of them. Then they will be trying to figure out which one of each couple you think is the nutjob.

Heh. :)
I am glad that I have family. Please don't misunderstand me. I love my parents and siblings and their partners. They feel the same way I do about the extended family but they feel that it is important to do this at least once or twice a year at least while my Grandmother is still alive, after that I expect it will come to an abrupt halt. My Grandmother is under the impression that we all love to spend time together. I imagine other families are much the same way...some relatives you love, some not so much.

My family (extended) is very old school, until you are married you are still considered a "child"...this means for the most part you don't speak unless you are spoken too.

If it had just been a "family" dinner...I would still be there and I would have gone early. My family loves me for me.